Magnet Challenge: w...
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Magnet Challenge: wtf is going on here?

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Does anyone know the video of the magnet challenge done in the streets? Greg mentioned it in the latest May/June Joint Sessions, said it was done by HighWire (Del BigTree) but I was not able to find the video.
What I did find was a bunch of other amateur videos (which could easily be fake) and mainstream outlets claiming to debunk the narrative. Neither sources inspire confidence, so I'd like to find out if Highwire did a segment on it. Thanks!

Posted : June 7, 2021 2:43 PM
(@Anonymous 34356064)
Posts: 5
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enjoypolo wrote:
Does anyone know the video of the magnet challenge done in the streets? Greg mentioned it in the latest May/June Joint Sessions, said it was done by HighWire (Del BigTree) but I was not able to find the video.
What I did find was a bunch of other amateur videos (which could easily be fake) and mainstream outlets claiming to debunk the narrative. Neither sources inspire confidence, so I'd like to find out if Highwire did a segment on it. Thanks!

Here’s the video:

Posted : June 7, 2021 8:47 PM
(@Anonymous 34356064)
Posts: 5
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rachelanna wrote:
Here’s the video:

The magnet segment starts at around 55 minutes

Posted : June 7, 2021 8:49 PM
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

I don't buy.

If they were going to pull anything like that, they would do it with smart dust - which would probably circulate and if it didn't, would not be strong enough of a pull to hold a magnet:

Posted : June 7, 2021 9:15 PM
Posts: 1354
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rachelanna wrote:
The magnet segment starts at around 55 minutes

Thank you!! Fascinating experiment, although far from conclusive (6 out of 15 magnets stuck), but it’s definitely something happening. Obviously there’s iron in our blood so that’s magnetic, but would’ve been nice to try on not vaccinated folks also.

all in all, this is more entertaining than science at this point, but intriguing nonetheless

Posted : June 8, 2021 6:09 AM
Posts: 68
Estimable Member

Why not try sticking the magnet to the vile the vaccine comes in?

Posted : June 8, 2021 10:32 AM
Posts: 42
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I heard a report on No Agenda where someone has gotten ahold of some vials of vacciene and confirmed that the vacciene itself was not magnetic...

I'm thinking the body's reaction to the vacciene is what causes the magnetism. The blood carries the iron and many of the vacciene complications are blood related.

I'm super interested in how this intersects with the 5G angle. People have talked about the short wave 5G being able to triangulate its environment and basically turn into a giant 3D camera recording our world. I'm thinking that an altered bodily magnetism would pop up like a light on this sort of sensor network. The vacciene could be a vector to make people biologically trackable through smart cities, with or without their phones on them.

Posted : June 8, 2021 4:21 PM
Posts: 240
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Often times metals will stick to skin if it has the right degree of moisture on it--not because of magnetism but surface tension/ vacuum effect. I used to to stick spoons to myself as party trick back in high school. Maybe inflammation around the injection site makes those conditions hold for some people?

Posted : June 8, 2021 5:28 PM
Posts: 9
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rachelanna wrote:
Here’s the video:

I've asked people who are vaccinated to do the test, some have had the magnet stick others no so much. It makes me wonder if some are getting the actual injection while others are getting a placebo. And also whether there is even consistency in the formulation of the stuff being injected.

Posted : June 11, 2021 4:28 PM
(@Anonymous 34356064)
Posts: 5
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jdaneway wrote:
I got dose 1 and a magnet does not stick to my arm where I got the shot, or anywhere on my body. Also, nobody would ever be able to get an MRI again if people had that much metal in their bodies. It would pull through the body, causing pain and damage on its way out of your body. Your phone is a tracking device, though. More people have phones than shots.
Someone else mentioned zombie-like or mind controlling effects. I am happy to report my third eye is working just fine. I saw snippets of the near-term future recently, still interacting with my mother's ghost, and am looking forward to experiencing the moment the future bits play out in reality. I'm not saying the vaccine is safe for everyone (I got an allergic reaction). I'm not saying the virus is safe either. I'm just saying I don't think they're injecting tracking devices or mind control. I think they just want money.

I do not believe the vaccines are being pushed on us to start tracking us. Like you mentioned, our phones are tracking devices. I believe the vaccines are being pushed on the whole world to prepare our human bodies for artificial intelligence. The lipids within the vaccines are genetically enginereed technology (nanoparticles). Elon Musk is all about AI and has claimed that AI will be a huge part of society in the very near future.

As for the vaccine magnetic theory, I do not believe much of the hysteria surrounding it. Vaccines have always contained metals. The food we eat and water we drink contain metals. We are surrounded by metal toxins, so maybe some folks have more metal toxins in their bodies than others due to their environmental circumstances?

Posted : June 11, 2021 4:54 PM
Posts: 9
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rachelanna wrote:
I do not believe the vaccines are being pushed on us to start tracking us. Like you mentioned, our phones are our tracking devices. I believe the vaccines are being pushed on the whole world to prepare our human bodies for artificial intelligence. The lipids within the vaccines are genetically enginereed technology (nanoparticles). Elon Musk is all about AI and has claimed that AI will be a huge part of society in the very near future.

As for the vaccine magnetic theory, I do not believe much of the hysteria surrounding it. Vaccines have always contained metals. The food we eat and water we drink contain metals. We are surrounded by metal toxins, so maybe some folks have more metal toxins in their bodies than others due to their environmental circumstances?

Thank you for sharing your experience with the injection. It's my opinion the more we can share about what happens (or not) without judgement on either side the better off we ALL will be. So glad your third eye is working better now (LOL)

Posted : June 11, 2021 7:13 PM
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

I warily sway towards yes, I think the vaccine is in part for tracking.

So right now most of the industrialized world has their location tracked if they use their phone, car, credit card, transit pass, passport and/or Real ID driver's license, Fitbit, Nike sneakers - even some clothes and household appliances, including their TV and sometimes even their bed.

What we still CAN do is walk out the door with none of these things and be free and discreet - but it seems as though that is bucking some sort of growing and increasingly intrusive trend.

Why the drive for it? It enables the "perfection of collateral" of "human capitol" that folks like Allison McDowell and Catherine Austin Fitts are talking about. It makes the gambling easier when the movements of us, the consumers/collateral, can be tracked at all times.

Smart dust (I linked info on it above) plus IOT-enabling 5G means the technology is there to finally close this loop. In fact it is already being used with livestock and warehouse inventory.

And what's going on with mandatory Real ID driver's licenses being pushed back to 2023, even in the bluest of blue states? That location-pinging RFID chip would be real handy in a driver's license. Maybe there is some other option floating around. In people's bloodstreams.

I heartily invite dissenting opinions, I WANT to be wrong about this.

Posted : June 11, 2021 9:34 PM
(@Anonymous 34356064)
Posts: 5
Active Member Guest

orchid20 wrote:
I warily sway towards yes, I think the vaccine is in part for tracking.

So right now most of the industrialized world has their location tracked if they use their phone, car, credit card, transit pass, passport and/or Real ID driver's license, Fitbit, Nike sneakers - even some clothes and household appliances, including their TV and sometimes even their bed.

What we still CAN do is walk out the door with none of these things and be free and discreet - but it seems as though that is bucking some sort of growing and increasingly intrusive trend.

Why the drive for it? It enables the "perfection of collateral" of "human capitol" that folks like Allison McDowell and Catherine Austin Fitts are talking about. It makes the gambling easier when the movements of us, the consumers/collateral, can be tracked at all times.

Smart dust (I linked info on it above) plus IOT-enabling 5G means the technology is there to finally close this loop. In fact it is already being used with livestock and warehouse inventory.

And what's going on with mandatory Real ID driver's licenses being pushed back to 2023, even in the bluest of blue states? That location-pinging RFID chip would be real handy in a driver's license. Maybe there is some other option floating around. In people's bloodstreams.

I heartily invite dissenting opinions, I WANT to be wrong about this.

You made some really good points!

Posted : June 11, 2021 9:36 PM
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

orchid20 wrote:
I warily sway towards yes, I think the vaccine is in part for tracking.

So right now most of the industrialized world has their location tracked if they use their phone, car, credit card, transit pass, passport and/or Real ID driver's license, Fitbit, Nike sneakers - even some clothes and household appliances, including their TV and sometimes even their bed.

What we still CAN do is walk out the door with none of these things and be free and discreet - but it seems as though that is bucking some sort of growing and increasingly intrusive trend.

Why the drive for it? It enables the "perfection of collateral" of "human capitol" that folks like Allison McDowell and Catherine Austin Fitts are talking about. It makes the gambling easier when the movements of us, the consumers/collateral, can be tracked at all times.

Smart dust (I linked info on it above) plus IOT-enabling 5G means the technology is there to finally close this loop. In fact it is already being used with livestock and warehouse inventory.

And what's going on with mandatory Real ID driver's licenses being pushed back to 2023, even in the bluest of blue states? That location-pinging RFID chip would be real handy in a driver's license. Maybe there is some other option floating around. In people's bloodstreams.

I heartily invite dissenting opinions, I WANT to be wrong about this.

I think there needs to be an understanding that there is a difference between "this plan is what they would accomplish if they could, and that they see this thing as good at least in part because that's where they like to go and this leans in that direction" and "this thing itself takes this specific incremental step to the goal".

I think they vaccine agenda aligns with the broader surveillance/bio-fascist corporate police state agenda, and they are pushing them as hard as they are at least in part because it helps move that along--if only because it rhymes thematically with their goals and it conditions people in that direction.

I don't think these mRNA vaccines have any kind of tracking nano-particles in them. The tech just is nowhere near there yet.

Posted : June 11, 2021 11:40 PM
Posts: 44
Eminent Member

jh1517 wrote:
I think there needs to be an understanding that there is a difference between "this plan is what they would accomplish if they could, and that they see this thing as good at least in part because that's where they like to go and this leans in that direction" and "this thing itself takes this specific incremental step to the goal".

I think they vaccine agenda aligns with the broader surveillance/bio-fascist corporate police state agenda, and they are pushing them as hard as they are at least in part because it helps move that along--if only because it rhymes thematically with their goals and it conditions people in that direction.

I don't think these mRNA vaccines have any kind of tracking nano-particles in them. The tech just is nowhere near there yet.

I agree wholeheartedly with this take. The needlecraft (yeah, I have a supersitious thing against saying or typing that word. It triggers something primal and deeply unpleasant in me, so I have borrowed a useful substitute), itself is untested on a large scale, long term, and in populations who have rare conditions and faulty immune systems. We don't know long term what the safety is, and how widespread the adverse reactions and injuries will be, because they don't always happen immediately.

What is not in dispute, is the needlecraft passport, the tracking and tracing they wish to do on everyone in the world through the documentation of who got it, when, where, and what can they now do or not do. Not necessarily the ingredients themselves. That is what fulfills the agenda of worldwide monitoring. The pharma product itself just brings in a shitload of money, leads to development of more products like it, and a shitload more money (why didn't I invest in these asshole companies months ago, when I knew I should have??) But it's the tracking and controlling of access to every aspect of life that is the true goal.

Posted : June 14, 2021 5:38 AM
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