Something you can do!

In the next couple of days Congress will be voting on legislation that if passed will require ALL banks to report ALL incoming and ALL outgoing flows of cash on ALL consumer and ALL business accounts. I’m attaching a link I received from my bank asking that we voice our opposition to this proposal. Yes- banks are even speaking out. This link will ask you for your name and address and then it will auto generate a letter to your representatives based on your location. I totally get it, what is a letter going to do, right? I’m not sure it does much but at least by completing it we can know we did something to try and stop this and it literally only takes a couple of seconds to send. This legislation plus the new vaccine mandates is next level draconian. You can learn more by searching “American Bankers Association opposes new IRS legislation”. Below is the link.

I posted this on another site that I frequent and someone commented that they feel the link is a data trap. So I just wanted to share in case anyone thinks that here. I totally get that suspicion, I am the first not to trust clicking on a link. If you don’t want to use this link I get it, search it and find another. The point is, get word out, and speak up. I get asking what is a letter going to do? But what does it hurt? A lot of people are sending these right now. My bank sent the link to me and I am copying that link right here.
if you don’t want to use this link, go to the American banker association. Here is a print screen of the link from the bank.

Or write your legislators directly from their contact pages.
Find your legislator house:
type your state in the search field for faster.
In my experience calling helps. Sometimes you have to get just the right person (usually an aide with the reps ear), and you need to make monetary justifications. How will it impact working people in your state (aka voters), how much will it cost to implement or not implement the changes, and how will it affect the state's economy? They don't listen to arguments based on emotion. Also, getting someone in an election year is helpful. You can call people from states other than your own. I lobbied for the passage of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. No one responded to letters. It took about 10 calls and Harry Reid's aide was the one who helped (Reid's retired now, but you get the point).

Thank you jdane!
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