Travis Scott concert Ritual Occult Sacrifice?

/pol/'s been having threads on this since last night. Seems like a no-brainer for the conspiratorial-minded:
Citation/video source needed on this one, perhaps, but 'big if true':

Great post - Thank you!

Absolutely insane that anyone even attended given all the promo artwork
Extremely sad and strangely obvious.
Did you see drakes post just after the news broke? He performed at the festival and the his Instagram post just seems packed with symbolism, dominance over Travis Scott, and he limits his comments so the only comments present are praising him. Its a series of pics, first one is gun fingers to the camera, second one is the devil hand sign thing, little finger and index finger up, one he has his arm around travis' neck
Drake has extremely dark energy from my perspective, I find all of his music and lyrics completely jarring...even when I don't know its him, and someone is just singing his lyrics, I can identify its him based on how I start to feel. I never listened to travis scotts music before in my life
Today it turns out both of them are being sued for negligence I think. You should see the amount of people in the comments section of that post getting emotional about how its not the artists fault and the event management should be sued and not their beloved drake and travis. People are arguing as tho they will personally lose money if these men are sued... distinct lack of outrage/compassion from those defenders regarding the well being of fans who I assume are just like them and attended the concert, only to end up dead!
Oh and I read some posts on another forum detailing that there were certain things happening astrologically while this was going on. Like they tried to align this ritual with the happenings of the stars

Travis Scott fans getting crushed
I wonder if YouTube will start shoah'ing video uploads like these. Might be worth archiving, but I'm not gonna' do it.
"This is the scariest video I saw from Astroworld 2021..."

I suggest the ritual is for the vaccine deaths.
they do a big needle stick blame ritual and all that devouring symbolic stuff you posted is connected to the upcoming high death toll from the other needle stick

nickzeptepi wrote:
I suggest the ritual is for the vaccine deaths.
they do a big needle stick blame ritual and all that devouring symbolic stuff you posted is connected to the upcoming high death toll from the other needle stick
The reports, even from police, of someone going around and injecting people with some unknown substance send the synchromystic monitor off the charts.
Supposedly the venue is outdoors and holds up to 200k people, but only 50k were there. Concerts happen, with "mashing" far more violent than anything anyone has posted that I have seen from this one, yet it's unheard of to have 300 people seriously injured and 11 "cardiac arrests" among a crowd which might average age at 20.
As usual, the media narrative (was just a stampede/crush event) doesn't add up.

jh1517 wrote:
The reports, even from police, of someone going around and injecting people with some unknown substance send the synchromystic monitor off the charts.Supposedly the venue is outdoors and holds up to 200k people, but only 50k were there. Concerts happen, with "mashing" far more violent than anything anyone has posted that I have seen from this one, yet it's unheard of to have 300 people seriously injured and 11 "cardiac arrests" among a crowd which might average age at 20.
As usual, the media narrative (was just a stampede/crush event) doesn't add up.
Nobody tell Clif High that. He'll try take the credit for his web bots.

Yooo I saw the injection narrative as well. Fits right in, in the corona narrative. Crazy shit.
I also pull on occult anime strings and that falls right in line with the last season of Fire Force. Bug bites are used by the antagonists to start chaos & cover up their footprints.
Also saw a very hellish video of T watching an unconscious gal be pulled out of his crowd. Definitely demonic shit.
Great Jaws of Death reference!

Ok lets take it it was a ritual - how does that impact the news
was it to cover for actual heart problems form vaxxed people
was it an huge organic portal for archons
was it to mitigate the vax deaths going on in usa
was it to distract the narrative and place a false story to cover the truth (think of thermite used in the towers instead of exotic energy weapons)
was it to offer the newly dead unto the underworld gods that demand tribute
was it to scare people into staying indoors
What else is there - I'm running out of ideas.

SGT Report is kinda MAGA-esque cringe (he was a Q proponent, too, but so were many people), but he seems to be sticking with the Travis concert in recent shows:

Oh, shoot - Snopes debunked, gang. Time to pack it in, I guess...
No, the Astroworld Tragedy Wasn’t the Result of ‘Satanic Rituals’

A.Lo wrote:
Also saw a very hellish video of T watching an unconscious gal be pulled out of his crowd. Definitely demonic shit.
I've seen that one going around alot. Looks like there's one from another angle and a bit earlier and he had just requested that security help out, so that may explain that specific video better.
My current hypothesis is that Travis Scott definitely plays around with occult shit, but a bit like lots of kids do with e.g. Ouiji boards. This may have been a case of forces he uses but doesn't understand nor necessarily "believe in" getting out of hand and cashing the checks he wrote them, taking their end of bargains he's made. Doesn't make him innocent in it all, but maybe ignorant and redeemable.

Super "innocent" explanation for the continued singing--it was a lip synch track and he cared more about not having a record skip Milli Vanilli/Ashley Simpson incident than making sure the person was safe.

jh1517 wrote:
My current hypothesis is that Travis Scott definitely plays around with occult shit, but a bit like lots of kids do with e.g. Ouiji boards. This may have been a case of forces he uses but doesn't understand nor necessarily "believe in" getting out of hand and cashing the checks he wrote them, taking their end of bargains he's made. Doesn't make him innocent in it all, but maybe ignorant and redeemable.
I feel that. Definitely not saying he is some high priest for the dark occult. For sure a kid given violent art & a microphone. And ya, I'm open to that video not being of him speaking tongues at an unconscious body that just fed energy to his show...and I'm also open to it being just that. Maybe without his awareness even. Because 9/10 times with these young "artists" it is the producers and money behind the production that have the true knowledge of this shit.
And they know some angry, inflated ego is the perfect tool for their plays. Look at that shit...regardless of fault in this incident, he has a record of inciting fans and turning shows violent. Culture crafters love that shit.

jh1517 wrote:
I've seen that one going around alot. Looks like there's one from another angle and a bit earlier and he had just requested that security help out, so that may explain that specific video better.[MEDIA=twitter]1457473331649662988
My current hypothesis is that Travis Scott definitely plays around with occult shit, but a bit like lots of kids do with e.g. Ouiji boards. This may have been a case of forces he uses but doesn't understand nor necessarily "believe in" getting out of hand and cashing the checks he wrote them, taking their end of bargains he's made. Doesn't make him innocent in it all, but maybe ignorant and redeemable.
Fair but he wouldn't have been the only one involved in the set up of the whole thing. All the art work, the stage.
His mother in law is Kris Jenner ...
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