ancient apocalypse
was really surprised to see graham hancock get a slick produced show on netflix. i thought he was banned from mainstream for misinformation. watching the show, i see why netflix gave it the greenlight.
graham's whole hypothesis:
there was a highly sophisticated civilization that was wiped away by a global climate disaster.
the subtext (though probably not graham's), look at those mysterious ancient people and their hubris. they created climate change and were killed by it! just like we're doing now!
The hypothesis is literally that a meteor field hit earth with multiple large meteor impacts. Where are you getting a human caused climate change tie in?
It was a very vanilla presentation of the theories tied up in the idea of an advanced, global, antediluvian society
@personman i'm reading between the lines in terms of a Netflix producer or NPC viewer. Graham consistently talks about catastrophic climate change bringing the demise of an advanced civilization. The flood myth can easily be re-contextualized today as "rising sea levels from man made climate change." And since any normie who web searched graham hancock is going to see all kinds of criticism of him that will prevent them from wanting to dig deeper.

Posted by: @blackoak777The flood myth can easily be re-contextualized today as "rising sea levels from man made climate change."
Thank you very much for bringing Graham’s Netflix show to my attention. Wouldn’t want to miss it. I hope you’re right in your very plausible reasoning on why he agreed to do it. I’d hate to think he’s done a total sellout.
Now, if you’re talking about the flood as described in the Bible as being a myth, I can’t dispute that. However, if you’re meaning is that a global flooding event hasn’t ever happened, there is much evidence to show otherwise. And based on cyclical events, it’s likely happened more than once.
Although the powers-that-shouldn’t-be can and do manipulate the weather, their abilities are limited. The climate change we’re now experiencing isn’t man made. It’s driven by the sun and the earth’s rapidly declining electromagnetic field. Plus, we are well into realizing the next pole shift.
A pole shift (earth flip) causes global flooding.
The conditions preceding the pole shift cause extreme weather, increased volcanic activity & earthquakes.
The pole shift with it’s processes of phenomena are cyclical happening every 10,000 - 12,000 years. The current event is right on schedule.
Solar activity, earth cycles and the polar shifts are extraordinarily momentous and far beyond the influences from any human activity. Therefore, this climate change isn’t man made.
“They took activity and called it entertainment”…who said that? More attempts from Netflix to lure us into their brainwashing fold so we sit and drool instead of investigating for ourselves. Most people are interested in psychedelics and ancient aliens, even if just for fun, these days…Netflix know this. But yeah I was as surprised at grahams involvement with them as much as I was with Stammets.
@zena i think graham took the position of any publicity is good publicity. and he probably got some decent $$$ to do his research. one thing in the series was that he was allowed to briefly talk back to his detractors and critics.
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