Be careful what you ask for.
What I am writing is exactly as it happened.
I cannot prove this to you, and you can believe and interpret this as you want.
I have very strong opinions on the nature of the things behind the mask, plasma, aliens/gods/ghosts ect. Here is where things took a turn for me personally.
In the summer of 2014 a fire spread from a neighbour's condo into ours. There was heavy damage and we stayed in a nearby apartment while we waited for the repairs.
In the room that my wife and I shared there were two beds, as we could not sleep together. My wife took larger bed next to a small bathroom, the other smaller bed by the door was mine.
We were both very exhausted from the process of dealing with everything and turned in.
I had long given up my occult practices at the insistence of my wife as a condition of out continued marriage. While doing some very basic work, I encountered something that though I got rid of, came back and began talking
to one of my children. My wife also had seen whatever this thing was and neither knew of what I saw. So after thoroughly banishing the entire home, I put it down for several years.
My wife is RH negative. For years she had been troubled by "night terrors, strange panic attacks at night and waking visions that although she could barely remember. horrified her. Having been in the bed at one point when she woke me up with her
panicked voice, pleading that there was an opening in the ceiling. I saw nothing and calmed her down. I believed it to be a neurological misfire, and having tried to convince myself that the years of phenomena I myself had in my practices must have been a kind of self hypnosis
combined with weird coincidences. I gave her what support I could, and we decided to keep the matter between ourselves, and years passed.
The night in question, I awoke in the dark room hearing a whimpering from her. Assuming it a nightmare, and half asleep myself at first, I considered waking her. I began to see something that lit the room in an odd way over her bed.
This startled me, and I pretended to be asleep, but as I saw the luminous funnel like cloud descend, I was quite awake. As it lowered itself to her, and her moans increased, I jumped up and pointed to it with a shout.
"I see you! I know your real now! You cant hide from me. There you are!" I yelled as I leaned up from my bed. She shot up with a start and the thing retracted quickly. Leaving me to explain my actions to my confused wife. Ad I told her what I saw, and told her I believed her,
something fell over in the bathroom. I had no view of the bathroom as my bed was on the opposite side of the room. She quickly shot a glance into it and began to babble like a child, "No!" . I jumped out of bed and she began begging me to get back in bed. She looked so
frightened I thought she would have a heart attack, and she was stern. To calm her down, and hoping that whatever was happening would pass, I sat on the bed and began berating whatever she was staring at as her eyes grew wide with horror. "It's ok, they wont hurt me. They always bring me back," she told me
panicking and broken. I realized that whatever was in there would probably finish me off easily, so I decided the best course of action was to yell at it until it went away. "Coward! You like frightening my wife? Come to me, let me see your face!" . "No! stop," she begged, but I was now enraged.
"You don't have the guts to show your face. You hide from me! I know now it's all been real, all of it. Your nothing, you coward, face me!" I challenged as she stared into the room going into shock.
A face, unlike anything I had ever seen, kind of like a mantis head, appeared from the top of the door as if stooping down and peered at me. It's eyes were dark and as I looked into them my mind began to unravel. I began to hear myself as if from far away, babbling in the same way she had. "I remember feeling that
I would go mad and declaring I could not take it, as I felt it pushing me, in my mind with an incredible pressure. I stared at the insect like face as things went black. And then I heard my alarm go off for work.
I sat up, and the sun was out. My wife was sleeping peacefully. I awoke her immediately. "What happened? There's no way I went back to sleep. That was real wasn't it?" I asked shaken to the core.
With a sad look of resignation, she explained that this was her life. When I asked her what she meant about them bringing her back, she had no memory of it. I struggled to remember the face. The very act of trying to remember it brought pain, a feeling of pressure in my head as if I would die or go mad if I continued.
That feeling still comes, but I held onto what I saw, what I could hold on to, the face and those large dark mantis eyes, and the small tapered insect mouth, it's cold indifferent stare.
I had seen many things before I gave up my practices, but never a alien. Nothing in the Golden Dawn books, so easily obtained, or Crowley's books had talked about them, with the exception of Crowley's Lam sketch which I never took seriously.
Things went back to normal, for a while, and we moved back into our home and did the only thing there was to do. We kept living. My wife did not trust people and did not want to deal with it. She was afraid that she would be taken away, "They will put me in a cage in a lab," she told me.
She forbid me to speak of it. Her experiences continued although less frequent and extreme ,varying in intensity and she got used to her "night terrors" for a while, waiting until dawn to sleep.
I began to think of them as demons. Believing deeply in God, and the power of the divine names, I wondered what would happen if I had been practicing, how would they react to an attack? Could I have defended us from it if I treated it like a demon? I wasn't ready to go back into the practices. My wife had begun to blame me,
and that would surely end the marriage if I resumed. So I kept my promise and had no real experiences myself for several years.
At one point, my wife begged whoever it was to stop, or make it so she could not remember. She told "them" they were killing her and her heart could not take anymore. Then it abated for her. And all was well for a while.
Until I saw the the thing that convinced me to resume my practices, in a desperate attempt to protect my family from them.
Blessings of the ONE to all beings.
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