carrot top and TMFINR lady
before we forget about this meme i wanted to add a weird detail i came across that i feel is falling thru the cracks...which is that comedian carrot top claims he was on the same plane.
since i wasn't there i cant say if this is a publicity stunt or a true weird synchronicity.
anytime something paranormal is reported on the news i do look for the high strangeness factor, an utterly absurd detail that ironicly makes the case more believable.
i think carrot top being on the plan is that utterly absurd highly strange detail.
That’s who she was talking about.
I think she was under the influence of something ,whether a combination of things she used to be super successful,or something carrotop snuck in her drink I don’t know…but she was absolutely convincing that she thought the plane would go down and in additional footage off plane was pleading for them to not let the plane take off.the fact that she dismissed this later by not addressing directly anything she said that day and chalking it up to a bad public moment is super suspicious:(
there was someone on tiktok who had researched her websites and found they linked to mil. servers... i didn't follow it very closley but it seemed sus what he came up with... and did point to the whole project blue beam fake alien invasion thing...
also, she was interviewed by TMZ this week and did say she was told 'not to talk' about what she saw but would be talking about it later...
i thought it was organic at first but am now leaning towards itnot being.
also, if it isn't organic then was carrot top detail added on to give credence to the whole thing.. meaning, they added the high strangeness factor to it... or is it just synch. that he. happened to be there.
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