Dr DC Ammon Hillman
I loved this episode, fuck what others think. I thought this was the best podcast I’ve listened to this year. When I first heard his voice I did think fuck that I can’t listen to him, but I persevered and I’m very glad that I did.
I’ve been sending the free episode to a load of people, saying “Jesus was gay” haha 😆
THC is the only PC I support, I used to support Crrow but he has gone downhill and not worth the money anymore.
Greg, you’re keeping things alive and if people choose to be triggered and no longer support the show, then they were never worth having in the first instance - Fuck em 🙏🏻
I also loved the episode. I'm not as hung up on the gay stuff, I think the most important thing was completely lost; the Torah was originally written in Greek. That fact (yes FACT) alone needs to be digested by all Christians. It means that Judaism is not nearly as old as the adherents claim. It means that modern Judaism as we know it started AFTER Jesus. For every Christcuck that says we need to send billions to Israel because they are God's chosen people, keep in mind that the chosen people wrote their own history AFTER the life of Jesus. Really jogs the noggin.
I have to self correct here, the Septuagint was probably written first century BCE, meaning it did predate Jesus, but barely, and still throws doubt at the entire Jewish historical narrative.
I joined THC+ specifically because of Greg's monologue at the end of the last show. I'd been thinking about joining for some time now, and I finally pulled the trigger to help make up for the people who unsubscribed because of that episode.
I love episodes like this, which force me to wrap my head around something.
Loved the episode, that’s the shit I am here for. Isaac W. Was dope too .
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