Greg, can I Promote my podcast on here?
Hi everyone, a couple months back, I spoke about meeting a possible indigo kid. Well after a shitload of readings and podcast listening/watching, I have decided to start a podcast. I won't do it until I hear word from Greg Carlwood, but I would love to be able to share my new venture by inviting like minded folks to check out my new show. I understand if this isn't appropriate and won't say anything more if it is.
"I'm Kris Burns and I don't think you know me."
what topic are you talking about? looking for some quest for next month to my show.
live free or die trying.
It's brand new so I only have 3 episodes. My latest published is on dopamine and it's relation to internet addiction, how is by design, then I compare thee addiction's symptoms with that of a drug addict. My next will be on WEF and the young global leaders. I'm finishing up now and will have it out asap
"I'm Kris Burns and I don't think you know me."
@scottkb425 same here, have post about my podcast.
live free or die trying.
Jeez just tell us your podcast. If it blows up then you can run a thc ad or something. I want to listen Good luck

@lowertopmute searching for starseed. That's the name. You can search on Spotify or message me for a link and I'll give it to you. I hope this isn't crossing the line. Enjoy!
"I'm Kris Burns and I don't think you know me."
Ahh my bad. I read it wrong. I thought you were telling me to search for STARSEED. LOL. I did find it on podcast addict
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