Ole Dammegard www.lightonconspiracies.com
HI there,
Recently came across a guy called Ryan Seven on Grimerica, would like to hear you guys chat about his work. Just started working through his YouTube channel, good stuff.
Hi all,
I’d love to recommend and hear on THC real eyes radio! The duo consists of Human Vibration and Rambo and you’ll be left questioning many things after a convo with them! Love the show Greg, thanks
I would really like to hear greg interview the author of My Cosmic Trigger: high strangeness in theory and practice.
i heard him on a recent coat to coast AM episode and the author was very funny and engaging... i think an author that brings in a humor while discussing these subjects is rare and is something the THC audience would enjoy.
Here is what legendary journalist and paranormal researcher, George Knapp, said about the book on the Aug. 18, 2024 Coast to Coast episode, linked above.
“the book, My Cosmic Trigger, is in a word: dense. Dense in the sense of being packed, every page packs a punch- it diverts into surprising connections, richly documented, intriguing footnotes and sources, takes you places you didn’t expect and then- it will swirl back around to reconnect with an idea that was mentioned... a 100 pages earlier. It’s a great read but it isn’t something you can skim and understand. You need to take your time and digest it and I think I will have to read it again…”
Would love to see an interview with Tom Montalk from montalk.net
After x20 years of researching anything and everything alternative I could find, I'm still yet to find someone as interesting as Tom and he has a brilliant way of condensing super complex ideas into understandable analogies. Greg would have a ball throwing big questions at Tom and going down a path that combines the occult with ufology and a very compelling origins story
Everything is Somewhere podcast
6 days ago
George P Hansen: Useless Interview
1 year ago
Guest Suggestion: Jason Christoff
1 year ago
FORD the Music Producer and Entrepreneur
2 years ago
Guest Suggestion - Shaolin Temple Descendent - Herman Siu
2 years ago
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