Hoarding Silver, Pe...
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How easy would it be for the Banking Gnomes to collect all of your physical silver?

You have been hording it haven’t you?


It was the anti-message that the tin-foil-hat controlled opposition has been broadcasting for years. Currently the CIA has over 6 million people around the world feeding ideas into our heads.


They told us to be afraid and prepare for the coming game change.

They suggested HOW we should prepare.

They whispered, “You would be wise to buy silver and gold.”


Why is that wise?

Have you ever thought it through?

They have.



Children play games by the rules.

They only see the game.

They keep a narrow focus, too narrow.

People in the child ego state see the world in the same way.


Adults may play hide and go seek with children.

They get the children to go hide and then they never go to look for them.

It’s a dirty trick.

But soon the kids forget why they were hiding and move on to the next distraction.

When you have engineered a planet of children you can do stuff like that all day and they will never become any wiser to your antics. Their disappointment fades quickly.


An adult can win any argument with a child with the simple phrase, “I know you are but what am I?” just keep repeating it and you win.


The Deep State overlords do this to us ALL THE TIME, yet most of us don’t realize it.

Manipulating children via games is easy for adults.


But what if children don’t want to play the game any more?

All modern financial games are based on the board game MONOPOLY.

The underlying glue that holds the whole game together is that the money is real.


full faith and credit of the United States.” Is our real-life version of that rule.

What happens when the people lose full faith?

What happens if the children stop playing the politics game and don’t feel a desire to be in the UNITED STATES CLUB?

There is no rule that says just because you live in the USA that you have to be a member.

It seems that non-members enjoy all the same benefits if not more and they don't have to pay the membership fees.


We don't want to be in your stupid ol' club anymore!


It looks like we are witnessing the birth of the PetroRuble.

No nation can withstand the loss of full faith.

Full credit, yes.

Partial faith, yes.

We have been living on partial faith for 60+ years now ever since Nixon took the world Gold Standard currency, USD$, off the Gold Standard.


We are no longer one people.

We are several (at least 2 groups).

The church has split. The faith is lost.

The clubhouse will have to be either renamed or abandoned.


So what happens to all the debt that the Mickey Mouse Club accrued all these years?

Since the whole system ran on faith and now the faith has all dried up and the kids have moved on to the next game.

There goes your pension.

Your retirement.

All financial promises are broken.

This is the Great Reset moving according to plan.

You will own nothing.

They got that part right.

So why pay taxes?

Have you heard anyone talk of tax increases in the last 5 years?

No just the USA but anywhere in the world…

The feet are made of iron and miry clay.



When you want to maneuver children to do your bidding you simply change the game.

They love a game change especially when they are losing.


The next game may be called MANHUNT, the hunting of domestic terrorists via the Pokemon augmented reality app.


As long as they make it fun you will obey!

The solution?

Step one: Stop being children.

Escape the hypnosis of the Child Ego State.


