How Lucrative Is Podcasting? NY Patriot Breaks It Down.
You may be shocked at just how little overhead is involved in the production of a podcast. NY Patriot of the NY Patriot & Occult Rejects Podcasts shows just how little money podcasters have to lay out & cautions against podcasters who are always asking their listeners for more money.
I think what prompted him to do this podcast was a beef he was briefly involved in w/Sam Tripoli whom NY Patriot called out for some shady things at his website & for being a money-gruber who's always trying to squeeze more money out of his audience.
It's likely that podcasters who are always asking for more money, for people to buy merch, who run tons of adds & those who constantly push paid subscriptions are doing just fine, financially...
The NY Patriot: NY Patriot- Whats it all really about? on Apple Podcasts
I, personally, had an insight into just how well podcasters do when Greg Carlwood not once but twice strongly encouraged me to cancel my subscription (which I've had for years now) because he was butthurt at a criticism I had about a dumb comment he made in a recent podcast. For someone who's always claiming he's just barely getting by on his subscription money, it's odd indeed that he would act this way towards a long-time subscriber, and kind of shows he may not be as desperate as he sometimes acts.
I didn't judge nor complain. In fact--despite GC rudely telling me I should cancel my sub--I told him I hoped his subs increased & that he & his family continue to prosper & plan on keeping my sub for the time being.
You're talking out of your Root Chakra if you get my meaning...heheheh...
@hisich over head isn't the only thing to consider, how much money is making enough money? inflation is going rampant, greg has a child and is not going through public school to raise that child, organic food is inherently more expensive, there are so many factors to consider.
maybe you were told to cancel your subscription in response to the anti social way you had made the criticism. maybe you are overly critical in general. there are many factors to consider.
its important to have a team work oriented view of the world, rather then a competitional view. you don't need to put greg or others in their place.
i will say though, as for sam tripoli, for as much shilling he does to get paid, it would be nice if there wasn't a clear drop in quality in his shows as time goes on, i think one aspect is he's simply spread him self thin, and another is clearly he's so focused on money that he's willing to overlook a poor quality in guests. it seems apparent that he doesn't even respect alot of the guests he has on these days, always making dumb jokes when they are trying to say what ever they are saying.
but i wouldn't resent the part of that that is him trying to make money, the man has several children, lives in california, and has a baby momma that doesn't respect him (not that i support him airing out his dirty laundry on air neccessarily)
this post you made could have been more about encouraging others to make podcasts, as you argue it isn't too expensive, thats what i thought it was, instead it was you "pursuing cheap and easy superiority" and "leveling" in order to feel good about your self at others expense. it would be nice if we were working together, instead of competing with eachother.
I just thought it was interesting info to pass along...NYPatriot did a great job breaking down just how very, very, very little it costs to produce a podcast--far less than I ever would've guessed. I obviously still have my sub to THC, despite Greg's rudeness, and have no problem w/people who can make a living at this. However, from now on, I'll take w/a large pinch of salt claims of poverty and need by podcasters. Definitely won't ever give Sam a dime.
BTW I criticized Greg for throwing another 'controversial' podcaster/entertainer under the bus as an acceptable target of deplatforming when Greg, himself, works w/the cloud of deplatforming hanging over his head for his 'controversial' views.
You, otherwise, level a bunch of odd accusations at me which only reveals your ability to project onto others what is actually in your.
Imagine being mad that someone might be making a decent living by self producing a series of interviews with people they think are interesting and offering them to people interested in hearing them for a fee.
What even is this thread?
You seem like the triggered one...if I was so 'mad' at Greg I wouldn't have a sub. Stop acting like an emotional female...sheesh if you didn't like my post you could've simply ignored it...
@hisich in my experience, people who are overly concerned about other people's business can't handle their own.
Good luck out there
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