Jerry Marzinsky
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Jerry Marzinsky

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I wonder if anyone would be interested to hear Jerry Marzinsky's story, which blew my mind when I heard it. He's a (now retired) psychotherapist who worked for many years with schizophrenics. Against his formal training, he listened to his clients' voices and decided that they had a kind of mind virus, or demon possession. He seems like a genuine and very human guy, who was disturbed by the usual drugs given to his clients and genuinely wanted to help. The rest of his story would be best told by him, as you can find him easily on the web. It really resonates with all the stuff about archons, plus he has some words of wisdom for people in general, as it's not just schizophrenics that have voices. There is a fair bit of christian religious stuff in there, but I urge people not to be put off by that as in the battle of good against evil, who cares what colours someone is wearing if they are on your side.

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safia khan - You are right - I've heard numerous interviews with JM and they are all worthy and excellent. Marzinsky has influenced my life and work in important ways.

The person I am dying to hear a GOOD interview with is Dr. Robert Temple regarding his new book, "A New Science of Heaven". It's about Plasma. He's written many other fascinating books, is well-spoken, and well-prepared for his interviews - and unfortunately his interviewers are most often less so. 
