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more controlled opp from the new mainstream media- “They Ended My Career To Hide The Truth About 9/11!” - Fmr Congressman Curt Weldon
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January 30, 2025 10:23 AM
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Joined: 3 years ago
as w. webb pointed out the new mainstream media is joe rogan, tucker carlson ... and i would add the jimmy dore show. he pretends he isn't a trumper and is objective with the evil one... pointing out where he agrees and disagrees. but he is 100% Mr. Maga! (as i once was).
in the controlled opp show, jimmy dore, they had a fmr congressman on the show blowing the whistle on 9/11 . typical limited hangout stuff. just a psyop.
dont buy the hype people, WE WILL NEVER get the truth about 9/11 just as WE WILL NEVER get the truth about jfk. its all a psyop.
the cryptocracy has taken over completely. again, i fear the only choice we have now is to literally retreat to the wilderness, live off the land, forge for food.
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