Re: trey hudson- I'...
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Re: trey hudson- I'm the guy in Turkey that is friends with the monkey bear lady- AMA

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If you listened to the latest episode with Trey Hudson, "The meadow project: cryptid humanoid stalkers, portal boxes, and monkey bears" you heard trey talking about the psychotherapist in turkey who is friends with the monkey bear lady.

i especially wanted to point out Trey was talking about me to clear some things up in Greg's mind...because he seemed perplexed at the end of the show that i was 'from turkey.'  I'm an expat living in istanbul for the last 4 years... before that i lived in the US (georgia and north carolina). I practice psychotherapy online. You can check my post history and see i even advertised my services here in a thread about THC plus members supporting each other's businesses. 


I'm willing to answer any questions people have regarding my thoughts on the meadow in particular and the carrollton (GA) vortex in particular.

So...ask me anything....  


Briefly i will point out that the carrollton vortex is a high strangeness window area in carrollton Georgia. I have been studying the area for almost 20 years. a good friend of mine in the area has compiled a lot of data on the area and you could say he is the carollton vortex "expert". so i got a lot of my info on the vortex from him and have had my own experiences with high strangeness in the area. 


I am actually writing a book about high strangeness as we speak. the book was recently picked up by Trine Day press (they do the esoteric hollywood books and some of peter levenda's books) and is scheduled to be  in their 2024 spring catalog. So i will be completing the book throughout 2023. 


one of the chapters will deal with carrollton vortex. 


Also, it is important to point out that the the university of west georgia is unique and important to trey's story because the psychology department there (that trey, the monkey bear lady, and myself attended) was started on orders of abraham maslow (founder of humanistic psychology) and is one of the only humanistic and transpersonal psychology departments in the country.  


raymond moody (coined term near death experiences) and william roll (parapsychologist) where professors there. noted transpersonal psychologist stanley krippner was affiliated with the department, as was the so called Canadian tim Leary- Duncan Blewett (one of the early LSD researchers).


So the psych department at west GA is a critical puzzle piece in the high strangeness of this whole thing. In some interviews Trey goes more into the history of the west ga psych department but didn't get into it in this episode. 


also, as i have told trey i believe the monkey bear lady is a "Sybil" of the meadow.  she has had a fair amount of experiences with high strangeness and has shared some kind prophetic stuff.  i think this reality is more compelling than her being a MIB, lol.








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Amazing information. Actually checked in to see if anyone had any info on this. Turns out I'm not terribly far away from the area. So now I'm even more interested. 

Another strange thing is that the Internet on my laptop would stop working when I tried to see this post. Tried several times and my connection kept going in and out. Wouldn't load at all. Just got the connection interrupted page. Other pages were working fine. So I tried on my phone, and here I am. Really strange that my computer would not allow me to see this. 

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oh wow... curiouser and curiouser....  my ancestors (thru a medium) told me my book would be 'well read' but would put me in danger....i asked from who and my ancestors (thru a medium) said from 'off worlders'...


so that is weird you report this strange occurrence with the internet and this post...some other weird stuff like this has happened around me and this project. 


i'm focusing on using magick for psychic protection to make sure we just stay at minor inconveniences 😉






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Oath of Medical Sovereignty

by Chiron Last (YouTube channel)


I make this oath to affirm that health is a sovereign right and therefore an individual responsibility, and that no man or government shall make any law to upend this sovereign right for any reason whatsoever.


I make this oath to never participate in any campaign under the banner of health that omits an individual from being a participating member in the public on the premise of not taking into themselves a product of industry. Any authoritarian mandate of health created to omit an individual from being a public member of their own species is the epitome of medical tyranny.


I make this oath to strive for balance within myself, which will be reflected outside of myself. The very definition of health is balance, and just as one must look after their inner environment, so too is it my obligation to take care of the external environment, for they are synonymous. As within, so without.


I make this oath to always look for the root of any and all individual issues and to not simply treat symptoms. Dealing with root causes brings back the natural balance of any system, while dealing with symptoms disguises the imbalances.


I make this oath to uphold the principles of health and medicine to be an individual and sovereign right. Just as there are no two people that are exactly alike, the health and balance of every individual will also never be exactly alike which means that there can never be any "one-size-fits-all" medicines or methods of treatment that can be repeated upon every individual. Complete health is about patience, care, and attention to detail, which cannot be traded for the efficiency, destructiveness, and ruthlessness of industry.


I make this oath to treat myself and others with dignity and care, from my first breath until my last.


I make this oath to treat my individual health for what it is, a natural and sovereign right that cannot be bought or sold.


I make this oath in the obligation to my own health I shall lead by example instead of by rote, and that I will honor the pillars of health which are balance and stability through the union of all of my faculties. These pillars are the foundation of the communion between the body and mind, the heart and soul, and the spirit and the creator.


I make this oath to create alleviation instead of pressure, moderation over excess, and empathy over apathy.


I make this oath to recognize the law of rhythm in health. Just as I must breathe in, so must I breathe out. Everything within must be compensated without and the same holds true inversely.


I make this oath to treat my body as sacred just as I honor the Earth and all living beings as sacred. For my body is the Earth and the Earth is my body.


I make this oath to never inflict any force of will upon any other individual in the name of health or otherwise, just as I honor the same respect which is bestowed upon my own individual sovereignty.


I make this oath to affirm that there are universal laws, save those that come from God and God alone. It is furthermore recognized that all truth, which includes the foundational principles of health, can only be derived from the Creator of all things both manifest and unmanifest.


I make these oaths to align my body and my spirit with the principles of truth and freedom, for it is seen that without truth and without freedom, there cannot be health. If I do not have freedom of health, I do not have freedom, and if I do not have freedom, I have nothing.


I make these oaths as an unbreakable bond between my body and my mind, my heart and my soul, my spirit and my creator. Nothing and no one that is foreign to this bond may break or disrupt it for any reason whatsoever.

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Definitely need to take steps to stay safe. It's strange that this topic is so well "protected". Makes me wonder if there's more to it than what initially meets the eye. Perhaps that's why Trey was so careful not to reveal the location. I mean his explanation does make sense, but it felt like there was more to it. Part of what got my curiosity going. 

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Do you have any sources about the vortex for me to learn more? Cursory google searches haven't given me anything of real use. 

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there have been no published material about the carrollton vortex. my book will probably be the first to mention it publicly. i did write a brief essay about an experience of high strangeness i had in the carrollton vortex, called 'channeled messages from the carrollton vortex'.  you can find it here. i self published this collection of essays in 2006


there is some stuff out there on the troop-heard county corridor, which i tie into the overall carrollton vortex stuff (b/c it is the the same geographic area)... and btw, i think the area is more of a high strangeness 'window area' as opposed to a  'vortex'.  i do think there is a technical difference between 'vortex' and 'window area', although some use the terms interchangeably.


a prof. at the u. west ga psych dept. who studies parapsychology is conducting a research project right now about paranormal folk lore in the area. that will prob published in 2023.  he was aware of the increased reporting of high strangeness in the area is why i think he started the research study. 


also, i forgot to add that the west ga library has ingo swann's personal documents in the special collections section. an old parapychology professor, dr. william roll, was friends with ingo swan. i was dr. roll's assistant one semester. which meant i cleaned his gutters and transcribed interviews, lol.  most interviews were pretty boring ghost stories but one in particular was a hair raising tale of high strangeness...


i do also wonder if there is more to meet the eye.... especially since the DOD spent millions to study skinwalker. so i think it is fair to wonder if meadow is being studied by another gov. alphabet group... like, is trey a real life mulder??


maybe the 'good guys' control the meadow and the 'bad guys' control skinwalker....i'm just waxing highly strange as it were.... but the fact remains a lot of my research is pointing me in the direction that alphabet agencies and military  around the world are trying to secure,who knows....


but putting that aside and on a surface level i think trey just wants to keep it pristine as possible. pretty sure the location will leak sooner rather than later as more eyes get on the case....but i really encourage folks to not post the location publicly when they learn of it... i mean, skinwalker became this huge public thing...maybe its best this one stays on the down low as much as possible. 


also, i think one of the hosts (or it was a guest on the show??) of 'my family thinks i'm crazy' is going with trey on a trip to the meadow, as part of his public work. 








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