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Soon to be father, vaccine questions

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Personal story. One 13 yr old daughter, home birth and zero vax. I live in Michigan and schools do not require it. What I can say, is wait one year, and think on it. When you get to year 2, revisit it and do your own research. If you feel the need for some wait as long as you can for your child’s immune system and neurological system to develop. Space them out, try to not to bundle them, though that’s getting harder and harder with pharm companies only offering mmr as a bundle. Dont get them when your child seems sick or rundown. Be careful with what they eat directly after the shots, it has been shown that nut allergies may appear after vaccines, because it is one of the first items a kid eats when their immune systems tank immediately after a shot. Pump their bodies with good immunity prior to shot, have them in an anti inflammatory diet in the week after. These are just ideas if you and your wife decide it is right for you.

be your own advocate, find a GP you can trust and have open honest conversations. Mine has a vax injured son, so he has been fully onboard with my decision. He asks each check up we discuss pros and cons, and well I always say no. 
she is a lovely healthy girl who has nailed all her milestones way before suggested and has zero chronic conditions. That has always been my goal.

good luck, parenting is tough, guilt and pressure is real. It’s built into a lot of parenting decisions. You will do great, and remember you are the parent, not your family or friends who pressure you with guilt. You will know what feels right. 

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Thanks a lot for the responses you guys. I'm blown away by the info I've gotten and will definitely be processing whats been suggested in here. Definitely freaking out a bit just in terms of having a kid in general but this definitely helped in the vaccine aspect 

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Went Through all this in January my daughter was a few months premature and were in the NICU for 2 months. We denied Vitamin K as it causes a whole host of problems down the line, from asthma to skin conditions. My wife stayed every day with her to make sure no problems occurred as I went back to work.  We did exactly this... No Vaccines, we had one nurse trying to up-sale us and fear monger my wife into getting more enfamil and other soy type formula. She even went so far as to worry my wife about her milk supply and then "accidently" leave out her milk to spoil. She also was constantly trying to tell the doctor my daughter had a heart condition and the doctor thankfully shot her down. Needless to say I demanded this nurse no longer be in our room again and waited the whole day to ensure no other fuckery happened. We went one time to have her weighed at the pediatrician's office. Never been back since, my wife hired a OT and lactation consultant since the nurse at the hospital asked for her weight so we just "my charted" her measurements via the lactation consultant.  daughter is doing fantastic we did have to go to formula however to supplement her feedings. We chose goat formula over others and it has suited my daughter nicely I paint 2-3 drops of lugols iodine on her thigh each morning for her brain development. As we keep going strong. Hang in there you are not alone. 

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You have to overcome the programming. They do not work. They simply do not do what they say they do. They are poison and that is their function. I have a child as well. None. Zero. Not ever happening. We had a big scare with a terrible wound. Tetanus! Lock jaw! They scream! No, we won't be scared.


I used to think homeopathics were placebos. What changed my mind was when my child was 5 months old and out of nowhere and for no apparent reason, started crying like his stomach was full of glass. In fact, that was my diagnosis, "he ate glass!".


I wasn't too far off, he had started teething and we were just ignorant of that moment. It kind of does feel like glass ripping flesh. I wasn't far off as far as interpreting the sound. Anyway, there is a homeopathic remedy for teething and it worked. It worked so well that when we forgot it, he would cry and scream and drool. Pop that homeo in and nighty nighty.


I cant explain why it works, the official explanation makes no sense to me, but it works. There is a homeopathic treatment for possible tetanus infection. Thats what we used.


And we lie. We lie to doctors and schools and everyone else. Fuck them and their shit deadly science. And I want them to find out. I want them to lock horns with me. Do it! FAFO.


This is the attitude you must have. Do not bend, do not give in, they have ZERO authority to do any of this. Push back.


Diet is what matters. Nourishing Traditions is a great start. WAPF has several good books, some on child diet. Read them. And remember this: Vaccines DO NOT work. They don't. Understanding what causes illness, understanding the great scams of polio and small pox vaccines, understanding a janitor and indoor plumbing have more to do with preventing disease than any doctor, understanding the great lies and being able to respond with these to those who insist otherwise, be on the offensive, question their knowledge and integrity and motivations, put them on the defensive, and then steamroll, it is the only way.


We are talking about your child. Never stop fighting.

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I would say listen to other people and choose what is best for you and your family. The docs and sleeple will upsell the shots for sure.  For my daughter we choose the Japanese method of no shots until 2 years and after that one every 6 months ONLY if she was in perfect health. Never a shot if sniffle or sick, and try to give extra vit c and omega 3 that day. The concept was that at 2 yrs their immune system is much stronger.

We tried to avoid the multiples if possible. Now they no longer have singles so you are forced to take MMR.

We had our daughter at private nursery school that did not require all the shots to be done like the Public school did ( by 2-3 yrs!!!!.) So we ended up with the worst one MMR3 when she was 5 and starting public kindergarten.

Because of work I was not able to Homeschool, but I would have considered that. We chose to do the shots as it was nearly impossible to go to school in NY state without them. I am very conflicted about having done them.

We did not do Covid, Papaloma or flu. Those are optional. Don't let your doc talk you into those, you don't have to do them. Be a cautious consumer. These people do not have your best interest at heart and will tell you any lie to get you to do it. They get money from Pharma Cos every time you do shots with them. I have found most pediatricians to be very uninformed about the science of what they are selling. So be skeptical and don't do anything that is not required. If you chose to do the shots and have a reaction Gary Null has alot of protocols that help greatly. If you chose not to do them or can move to Texas or Florida go for it.



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