THC PARENTS Interested in Collaborating on Modern Day Fairy Tales!
THC PARENTS Interested in Collaborating on Modern Day Fairy Tales to educate and prepare the next generations (knowing/experiencing what we know.)
Fellow Travelers,
I would love to connect with a group of like minded and shared spirited listeners to discuss ways of making these topics available for children.
I will add more details and the ideas I have at a later time, but have been putting this off for two years, and today I wanted to dive in an make it a reality.
I found this guys work, and his twitter is inspiring (@ClassicLearner),but it's still not quite what I had in mind, as I have a 10 year old, so I'm ready to go full on archon fairy tale.
Hope this finds the right parents or artists.
As always, thanks Greg for the platform and information.
What kind of THC topics would go into these books?
The occult?
Maybe a good idea would be putting all the paranoia here to good use and make some stories with important warnings about common methods used to trick people ( false flag , group consensus, ect )and a " hero" that stands up against the peer pressure to set a good example for children so they learn the important lessons young and dont get tricked . I think it would be a great idea
I agree and do believe that would be a great use of this gnosis, putting it in some warning modern fairy tales, discussing everything from digital IDs, digital doubles, to diamons and dreams.
I work in Hollyweird, but there's no work now or in the foreseeable future, so I'd love to collab on a collection of short stories, where everyone contributes from their specialty.
Maybe Greg would be interested in a Higherside publishing, where we could put the profits into the community, or somehow benefit kids as well as the authors. I'll let someone else figure that out, money's not my gift, getting shit made is.
So the concept I purpose is:
an anthology of modern fairy tales, like the books I read my child, would be so fun and so needed now and in the whatever future we end up in.
Next week, I'll add some more models or examples, but would love to incorporate ideas from Marie-Louise von Franz and other scholars who understand the underlining intentions of myths and fairy tales.
Into it,
With Daniel Rekshan on, talking about all the insidious way our imagination is programed out of us... I think he said something like the real gold the deep state mines from us is our imagination... Finding/ creating stories that nurture imagination and pathways that return us to imagination through out our lives
Also, honest and curious history of where we come from I feel is supper powerful for our kids. Teaching them to hold the possibility of the unknown, or the possibility of the possible.
Yes, Gordon White talked about something along the lines of "the siphoning of the imaginal" and I remember some Disney Slogan being" capture your imagination" or something like that.
Our imaginal realms being like the "loosh" (sp?) or mental gold, is a great idea, and an easy allegory to use in fiction. This is exactly the kind of stories I imagined (ha) that this community could carve into some really cool short stories for kids, that as you put "nurture imagination and pathways that return us to imagination through out our lives"
The alt history or real or whatever history would also be so important. I've been wanting to do all this for my kid, which is what gave me this idea, so would love to put together a history book, told like an indigenous cosmology but from our new "imaginal indigenous" mindset / community.
Incorporating the plasma cosmology of the electric universe peeps, the stories from Analog, Schwab, into a modern comparative cosmology of "potential" so many of the guests from this wonderful podcast.
I think each story could give credit and site source the authors and researchers, or we could find a cool way to honor to inspiration and at the same time give the individual authors unique agency to tell the tale.
I have a lot of other past guests and concepts I could offer as the scaffolding and then authors who want to participate can choose their tale to tell. We would need an editor to help curate the content, which I'd love to help with. The more the merrier, we could make them into volumes.
But I don't want to put the cart before the horse, I don't even know how to get something like this off the ground, but I like reading and writing and these stories are perfect for kids.
Maybe people interested can chime in and well find a way to collect our thoughts, as well as safeguard the content, as we don't want it mined by ding dongs with resources that have no imagination but just take other peoples shit and profit.
I'm an artist, def not a business man.
Ok, more on Higherside Fairy Tales collection from me after I am unemployed in a week.
What age group and what tone are we looking for? Original Grim's style dark? Modern Disney style happy? Shooting for early readers K-3rd, or tweens like a "nightbooks"? Also, are we creating new tales out of whole cloth, or revamping existing ones into modern narratives?
I think entirely new stories with a bright setting aimed at early readers would be fantastic. I have always wanted to write a children's book where the protagonist is a Pneumatic fitting in with the Hylic world around them.
@dingus Great question. Here are my thoughts:
Definitely going the route of "Original Grim's style dark."
Regarding age range, I'm open. I like that fairy tales could be told to kids of all ages, something fun for the little ones and the older kids would get more out of it.
As for style of the stories, I think some stories could certainly use a "Revamp" but then some original ones would be great as well. An anthology could even have sections like: remix and original or something more creative (I'm at Subaru service getting financially milked right now, so spirit and creativity I left at home.)
I like the idea of "entirely new stories with a bright setting aimed at early readers would be fantastic" and think that is what could be fun about a THC collaboration, as different stories could come out of it. Once we amass them all, we could see about how we deliver it. Maybe the anthology sections could have sections for youger readers and sections for older readers. Some of the story books I have for my kid had that and they had themed sections: dragons and monsters, love stories, adventure stories, etc.
I have a book coming out, sometime, that took 4 years to write, and a book I did with my daughter, that took us 6 years; of course the writing of each was quick, but the editing, and art, and waiting to get rejected by publishers, takes time. All that being said, I like this process as a collaboration could happen faster.
I think stories should be short, maybe a 5-15 minute read. Classic simple structure like Grims and Hans Anderson.
Next Steps:
- Interested parties figure out a way / platfrom to communicate on thats secure and protects their writing.
- We figure out the nitty-gritty rights and monies and make everyone happy. I personally would donate all profits to something we all agree on, so we feel good about it. Or split the money, as I'm a poor artist so I'll take what I can get. I think everyone should hold the rights to their original stories, in case Hollywood comes knocking, or if you want to expand the story at a later time. Defiantly need a business person to advise on this venture. As an artist I'm great at art but shit a business.
- We discuss our stories together, get help where needed, like a THC writers group, then write, edit, rewrite.
- Each writer should be resonsible for thier story and if they want art.
- We select and editor to arrange the stories and proof it.
- More boring stuff.
- Then we present it to Greg and the THC audience for thougths, and figure out where to go from there.
This may not work, but I love the idea of working with writers that are on the same bandwidth, and as listeners to this podcast we are many steps ahead of most. But honestly, I have no idea if this will work or if its a good idea, but I can write stories, and think it would be fun to put a whole bunch of stories together.
Happy to discuss this off the forum, to not blow it up with our back and forth.
Maybe we could use this site ( ) for hosting our writing.
I like google drive how it stores all our revisions, so we won't have to fight about who wrote / owns what, but google sucks right.
I'm the wrong person to spearhead this as I have ideas and can write, but not sure how to pull this off. But I have to follow the muse and she made me reach out to you all.
See you in the great story,
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