The indigo children
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The indigo children

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My wife, daughter and I frequent the habitat for humanity restores all over Michigan so we are always friendly and talkative to the volunteers.  A new girl at one nearby our home was doing an exceptional job getting the donated goods to the floor for a fast turnover. We were happy to thank her and tell her she was doing an awesome job. Minutes later, she walks out of the warehouse and into the sales floor where my daughter looks at her and says "You're purple!" (She is 5, so immediately my eyes open up and I look over ) the girl was taken aback, and asked my daughter in a 'matter of fact' way "why do you say that?!" Well shorten this story for sake of memory but she begins to tell us about her childhood. That she has always been told that she was an indigo child. This was an experience I'll never forget as I am lightweight traumatized by it haha. Does anyone here have any experience with or even better.. is anyone here an indigo child themselves? Let's do this please. My heart can't rest until I understand the connection we had with this person.. 

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I don’t know much about indigo children but I have come to understand that there are some people who are “starseeds”. I think they are the same thing, but I’m no expert. Just telling you what your story brings up for me. Maybe your daughter could see her aura? If identifying as an indigo child is something she’s been battling with then your daughter bringing it up could have made her confront it personally. Alternatively, if your daughter can see auras maybe that’s something to explore with her! It does sound like a synchronistic interaction. From what I understand, starseeds are directly connected to off planet (or inter dimensional, or whatever you prefer) entities that have our (humans) best interest in mind. This may or may not have to do with rh negative blood types. Also, I love the habitat restores lol! 

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I went to a few of those quacky health shows with my mom growing up, and almost every table reading auras or peculiar psychics would use that term indigo child. I didnt know what it meant, and the older i got the more i wondered if they were genuine or just pumping my moms desire to believe her child was special. Pretty cool considering my favorite color is purple. I think if you had that experience, and your daughter did, it's safe to presume you did observe some kind of phenomenon; what that is exactly is a mystery to me. Meeting people who feel special is very cool feeling. Glad you and your daughter got to share that, if experienced solo..well, it just doesnt hit the same. Stay blessed and thanks for sharing!

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@pi my wife was there to witness as well!! She's never thought my spiritual views on everything were crazy, but she was there to see for herself! We have been on a new journey since! Thank you for reading!!

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Great book / audiobook by Meg Blackburn Losey called the

The Children of Now: Crystalline Children Indigo Children Star Kids Angels on Earth and the Phenomenon of Transitional Children


gives a great initial rundown

and then


Parenting the Children of Now

Practicing Health, Spirit, and Awareness to Transcend Generations

is her back up book

