The Jesus experienc...
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The Jesus experience

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This is related To the recent episode’s wrap up

When I was about 6 years old, I was terrified of the house we’d lived I and would sleep in various sibling rooms. One night I was sleeping in my sisters room, on her floor next to her bed.  I woke up in the night and Jesus was standing at the foot of her bed. He was the picture of Jesus. Robe, long hair and beard. He was luminescent.  I leaned up on one elbow to to look and he looked down at me with a kind look and smiled.  I remember feeling very comforted.  After that moment, I guess I just laid back down and fell asleep.  I didn’t tell anyone for years because the experience never settled right with me.  And still doesn’t.

I mean I saw Jesus, I should be enlightened or at least be a practicing christian at this point?

What weirds me out the most about this recent episode connection is that my dad woke up to a very similar experience when he was a kid near my age, in his sisters room.  But his experience was with the iconic small aliens from the 50’s. But he observed a figure that was different from the rest he’d refer to as The Doctor.

I don’t recall any other figures in the room in my experience.

Anyway, I’ve never had any context for my experience and how it just doesn’t sit right.  If anyone else has had similar, here’s a good place to toss it up. 

Cheers -Lee

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I think it probably didn't make you a Christian or enlightened because it's just an image. That's not what jesus looked like, if he ever existed, those common pictures everywhere are modelled off michael angelos family members 


But maybe it was something appearing like that for comfort because it knows what you believed that image to be and knew you were scared.

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interesting story... my college roommate claimed that in high school... his friends were tripping in the same house he was in (but he wasn't on the substance)... and several of his friends came into the room and claimed jesus had appeared to them. litteraly in the flesh, just jesus walked into the room. 

that story always stuck with me...ive done a fair amount of Entheogens and i never remotely came close to seeing full bodied manifestations... so when people say they have seen stuff like this on substances it stands out to me and def. doesn't make me just think 'oh yeah, just a hallucination'... that is a hard core hallucination, lol

also, the high strangeness journalist, mary joyce, claims jesus appeared to her... like, just popped up in her home, full manifested in robes. not symbolic or something like that. 


so i say all of that to say you are the third person i have heard of seeing full bodied jesus pop up in their home, lol


also, maybe it was not jesus but another ascended master of some sort... there are several out there that have similar descriptions of the common myth/ meme of what jesus looked like.


have you ever heard of the urantia material? it is essentially the bible from outer space... might be worth a read considering you saw jesus, lol...


very cool story.  
