The Pentaverate - Netflix
Anyone watched yet? I think Netflix agreed to this show because it's on the surface level it's operating like a psy-op. Really reinforcing the mainstream narrative that if you're a truther or have a criticism about vaccines, or question things like climate change, you're just an easily manipulated pawn. I'd also say that Mike Myers kind of put everything out in the open in terms of how shit really runs. But kept it jumbled up. Any thoughts???
at first i was thinking it was a kind of subtle nod to people like us... but as it went on i abandoned that idea. as i'm afraid its just a psyop to degenerate folks like us.
the message seemed to be the internet is bad because it spreads things that arent 'facts'.
and the lame refrain that there are 'real' conspiracies but that the fake ones just take people away from the 'real' ones...(the show used the Tuskeegee experiments) never mind the audacity of thinking you know which ones are real without having researched them... meaning, most people just take the real bizarre consp. theories as a priori not true.
for example the theory that there are are reptillians is just taken a priori as 'not true'... so therefore anyone who believes in it has a dysfunction.
nevermind the fact that if indeed there are reptilian aliens then the critique of people who believe in the theory is null and void.
but people arent going to seriously research them because... well, its not true. it just couldnt be true....
There's a point to be made with self-determination and creating a path of (relative) success in life, despite biased and corrupt conditions on the ground floor for plebs. For Myers to message this (through villainous Bruce character) makes me think that he (Myers) is either incorrigibly blue-pilled and bad faith for taking such an ignorantly position (in spite of ostensibly having some awareness of the conspiratorial worldview and realities), or is otherwise highly disingenuous. Myers is married to a Jew (no confirmation yet as to whether or not she is also an axe-murderer) and is probably in that circle, or bubble, of influence where he is either engaging in cognitive dissonance or is being gaslit due to his ability to mass influence through media products.
The Pentaverate Review: Mike Myers Crashes and Burns
What does TV think about this show?
Without this hegemony of elite and, let's face it, largely Jewish control and monopolization of resources and power, the 'American Dream', or a more 'utopian' and fulfilling quality of life could clearly be better realized by the masses/average folk. Myers does this notion a great disservice for victim blaming in this final episode's messaging, however.

Posted by: @stevedThere's a point to be made with self-determination and creating a path of (relative) success in life, despite biased and corrupt conditions on the ground floor for plebs. For Myers to message this (through villainous Bruce character) makes me think that he (Myers) is either incorrigibly blue-pilled and bad faith for taking such an ignorantly position (in spite of ostensibly having some awareness of the conspiratorial worldview and realities), or is otherwise highly disingenuous. Myers is married to a Jew (no confirmation yet as to whether or not she is also an axe-murderer) and is probably in that circle, or bubble, of influence where he is either engaging in cognitive dissonance or is being gaslit due to his ability to mass influence through media products.
The Pentaverate Review: Mike Myers Crashes and Burns
What does TV think about this show?
Without this hegemony of elite and, let's face it, largely Jewish control and monopolization of resources and power, the 'American Dream', or a more 'utopian' and fulfilling quality of life could clearly be better realized by the masses/average folk. Myers does this notion a great disservice for victim blaming in this final episode's messaging, however.
(((critical race theory))), the holohoax and slavery – "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda" - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”
Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel: - "Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt" – “Jews, Muslims “Common Cause” To Oppose European Nationalists: Europe’s Top Rabbi” – “With anti-Muslim laws, Europe enters new dark age: Leading rabbi condemns discrimination in the name of security.” – “Why Jews Should Celebrate The First Muslim Congresswomen” – “British Jews lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees” – “US Jews Demand Israel to Stick to Plan to Deport Africans to White Countries”
The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:
BARBARA- SPECTRE: We make You multikulti
This doesn't have to be an argument in totality about 'the Jews fucking over (and 'replacing') the (Western) Whites', although there exists much argument and refutation to support this position, hence the links as an introduction to evidentiary proofs. The 'neofeudalism' agenda of the NWO, or the WEF serf state model, etc., will ultimately be to the detriment of all races, ethnicities and cultures. We are likely intended to be an admixture of these biological diversities, since it will be easier to control us without these racial, cultural and national and ethnic ties, affiliations, in-group preferences and allegiances we currently have or have had.
The year is 2100. The few remaining whites are employed disproportionally in the following occupations:
- Engineering
- High Finance
- Civil ServiceThe cults of egalitarianism and tolerance are victorious. The browns and mixed race people disproportionally occupy the less qualified professions. They are labourers and grunts because that is as far as nature has endowed them. Whites live in perpetual fear in high security gated or rural communities. They still exist because the racial sludge knows instinctively that they need whites to survive. We have diversity quotas and other artificial means to support the victorious globohomo ideology, but not to the point of societal collapse. Whites still work behind the scenes to keep some semblance of civilization afloat. Most people live in a degenerate cosmopolitan
nightmare, renting pods and obtaining sustenance from insect derivatives and artificial food. They are dumb, hedonistic, immoral, drugged, surveilled, and chipped. The future is grim my friends.
I want my group - and all other groups - to keep on existing. I want the world to remain a diverse place, with a multitude of clearly differentiated ethnicities and cultures. Not a global light-brown mass of rootless, heritage-less consumers.
True diversity is five colors of paint in five separate containers. What you apparently want is to pour them all into one big bucket. I am motivated by love, and you're the bad guy here.
>Globohomo seek to bring humanity to a new stage of development
You have really been brainwashed. Globohomo seeks to make global homogeneity, which is the opposite of diversity. The goal is to depopulate towards a uniform soul-less creature that neatly fits in a well defined envelope and which has no edge cases. Once they gave that, this "known quantity" individual (drone) can be shepherded by AI in smart cities. They will be happy because they will be automatons, as if you were high on SSRI's and an electric wire tickling your brain when you go out of bounds. If you think this is some kind of post-human utopia you are welcome to it...
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