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Where are you thinking of moving to and WHY

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Dan B
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Missouri got a 420-friendly boost:

"Adults 21 and over will soon be able to head to their local Missouri weed dispensary and buy recreational marijuana gummies, joints and other products, as voters approved Amendment 3... It will legalize recreational marijuana for adults over the age of 21 and create a licensing system for businesses who wish to sell or grow marijuana. It also allows for people with past non-violent weed charges to have their criminal records expunged."

Recreational buying (6% tax plus local) starts as soon as Feb. 6, 2023.


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@dbittick YES SIR! I was pumped when I saw that. Super happy for yall in MO! That does make MO a lot more attractive for sure.

Our search has pretty much focused in on Colorado at this point. With the passing of prop 122 and our invest group wanting to start a psilocybin healing retreat, it's pretty much a done deal. We're just looking for the right spot right now and waiting till spring. 

But man yea super pumped for the rec states that we have now. I think there was one more state to go rec but can't remember. Does kind of suck it was only 2 out of 5 but we'll take what we can get.

Dan B
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@astronautrob I think the other state that passed it was Maryland. North and South Dakota (and Arkansas?) rejected it. At this point, the federal government needs to finally legalize cannabis and naturally-derived psychedelics. 

That's awesome that you have a state that you're comfortable with. I love driving through Western CO and the Rockies in general. Colorado would be a great location for a retreat (especially if your having a good "trip").

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@dbittick That's right...I always forget Maryland is a state lol. But hey it's great that more states are coming around. 

Yea it will be dope. Prop 122 not only decriminalized mushrooms but also mescaline, ibogaine, and DMT (and one other but I can't remember...maybe LSD?). It's going to be a place to get some real healing and I can't wait to share and help with people. It's actually a little surreal that it passed with all those different medicines on it. I thought for sure it was going to get voted down.

Dan B
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@astronautrob Yeah crazy that it passed but very exciting if TPTB don't sabotage it. Ibogaine alone seems like a huge threat to the Medical Industrial Complex.

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@dbittick what is TPTB and how do you think they would sabotage it? j/w

Dan B
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@astronautrob The Powers That Be - just a catchall for those who run the world. I've heard podcasts saying that faux-libertarian technocratic billionaires like Peter Thiel are investing into psychedelic startups. It's possible they will eventually steer the market away from natural psychedelic compounds like psilocybin and towards patented, lab-made psychedelic compounds with unknown long-term effects. There are a lot of other reasons why it would be bad for billionaires to control the industry (like lobbying to regulate competition out of the market) but it's a newer subject to me.

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@dbittick Gotcha, yea that def is a concern whenever a "drug" gets decriminalized so I understand that thinking.

My thinking is this, it's going to be a lot like how cannabis is today but maybe even more so. What prop 122 does it two-fold: It decriminalizes these substances and allows for 21+ adults to "grow for personal use, consume, and share with other 21+", it also sets up a regulatory board that is going to approve these doctors and "healing centers" to administer these substances in a medical setting. 

IMO, there is going to be a big subsect of people that are going to go the medical route. People who have not had previous experiences with psychedelics and are nervous or afraid of trying the medicine for the first time. These people will go the medical route because it initially makes them feel more comfortable.

There will also be a subsect of people that don't ever go this route and instead just grow their own mushrooms and use them personally and share with others. Mushrooms are WAAAY easier to grow than cannabis and require much less inputs. So in other words, a lot more regular Joe's and Jane's on the street will be able to grow their our medicine, which is not necessarily the case with cannabis because it takes a good bit of infrastructure to grow a good amount of cannabis if you smoke a lot and want to sell/share to others.

That is where I think the main difference comes in. And I really believe once a lot of the people who go the medical route, once the figure out the magic of this medicine will feel more comfortable doing to at home, etc. and will maybe start exploring growing their own or buying from Joe down the street. Will all people do this? No of course not, there's going to be a ton of people who buy or get their medicine from doctors or corporations or w.e. There are still tons of people who go down and buy their cannabis because either they can't grow their own or they don't want to. Will corporations/billionaires still have control over those people? Of course, but I don't think they will be able to control the industry even to the extent that they control the cannabis industry today. It will give them power over some people but I think it will be less so than the cannabis industry is today.

To the last point about corporations patented lab-made psychedelic compounds...idk man, they haven't even made a patented version of THC or cannabis in general. Pretty sure they've been trying to do that for awhile. Now of course they could make up new compounds or w.e., I get that, but again they haven't really even been able to do this with cannabis yet idk how successful they will be trying to do with psychedelics. It's one of the main reason why these substances have stayed illegal for so long, because the drug companies can't patent nature or natural substances. Idk, I may be totally wrong on this but I hope not. I think the ease of which mushrooms can be grown will allow it to be much harder to control the industry.

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