Youtube psy war on the right
Recently my yt feed has been suggesting really messed up videos that I never want to see.
I think its because I am not a leftist. I like anti woke videos and dislike femenazis.
I keep getting asian videos with cows getting throat slashed and a goat beheading. How are these videos even on yt never mind being recommended?
I have cancelled yt premium and its getting worse.
Do you have any similar experiences?
I haven't seen anything like that on YT. That is very disturbing though. Curious to know if anyone else has this happening.
@crazycoyote I just saw a video of someone cooking a dog on a fire. I chose do not recommend that channel so its not on my shorts feed anymore. It was called something like dog saviour global.
It's very disturbing seems like it was in Africa so I am not gonna judge as people don't eat dog if they have another option. I love dogs so it was disturbing. How can this be on yt and be recommended.
I don't watch anything gross so why on earth do yt think I want to see it. It has to be malicious on youtubes part.
@lowertopmute Thats why you watch a gore porn vid so the logarithm assumes thats what you like and will keep recommending it until you flood the search and watch history with reasonable stuff.
you can delete all watch history on youtube and it resets the recommended vids until the algorythm picks up new habits
Why not just get off Youtube? Seems like a simple fix to me. It's not necessary to use a certain product or platform. If you disagree with what's going on with ethics of the business or the morals, then stop giving that thing your attention. Funny how much outcry I hear about certain platforms or services, and these people never talk about quitting the platform or using an alternative, they just want the platform or business to be what they want it to be. Does Youtube have right to censor "the right", or any other form of speech or groupthink? I don't know. Private companies have been able to censor in the past, what is different now? Granted this is exactly how echo chambers are created, and is part of the reason why we have the problems we do today with general discourse, etc., but I don't know if the answer is to force a company broadcast a certain idea or ideas ("the right", w.e. you want to call it). Can't we just vote with our dollar and our attention? If everyone stopped using Youtube it wouldn't matter if they did or didn't include "the right" on their platform. The fact that you, and other people, still use Youtube gives the platform it's validity. Just some thoughts my friend.
@astronautrob I understand what you mean that's why I cancelled subscription. I have to use use it to watch videos from a person I sub on patreon and there are plenty of other videos only available on yt. It's a problem where everyone would have to stop watching to make creators move to another platform. It won't happen happen as the smaller platforms can't pay the creators the same. Yt has the monopoly. Maybe a web3 platform could change things but then yt would probably just buy them and we have the same problem.
I was more so talking about the recommending of disturbing videos
@lowertopmute it only recommends than because of your watch and search history - delete the history see what happens -
or set up a blank gmail account just for youtube etc
@lowertopmute Bitchute is pretty popular these days. You could try to encourage this one person you sub on patreon or w.e. to cross-post their stuff on bitchute. But yea, I get what you're saying, it's going to take a good bit a people to change their ways and use a different platform before anything changes. Try to be the change in the world you want to see though my man, not to be cliche but it's true. Someone has to start and you can't just wait for everyone else to do something before trying to make a change. Be a wolf not a sheep. Youtube has the monopoly because people like you argue that there is no other way to do things or other platforms to use. And really are you looking for quality information from Youtube...really? Idk man, idt that's the best place to get information from.
Should we expect Youtube to give us alternative viewpoints or allow ideas like that in the feeds they promote us? Honestly, Youtube can do whatever they want, promote whatever they want, censor whatever they want, right? They're a private company and should be allowed to promote or censor anything they want on their platform, even disturbing videos if they want to. The idea that they are sending you those videos because you're "not a leftist"...idk man...really? What would be the point? Are they trying to make you watch the videos to make you go crazy, or are they recommending them to you to try and...what get you to stop using Youtube? Just wondering what the point of Youtube sending "right" leaning people disturbing videos would be in your opinion? What about center leaning people, or is it just people who subscribe to the "right" leaning ideas? Idk man, seems fishy to me. Maybe to get you to click on something illegal then come arrest you...? Not trying to be rude here just wondering what your thinking is on this because it does seem weird but also doesn't make a lot of sense when you think on it. Idk judging from the responses seems like no one else is having the issue either.
My best advice bro is to get off of Youtube, and if you can't do that for whatever reason you come up with, use Youtube for only SPECIFIC things. Stop looking at "the feed", or w.e., and just watch your videos or patreon person or w.e., and get TF off the platform. There's an easy solution for ya, problems with "the feed"? Just don't look at it my friend. You don't have to look at the videos they recommend, you can get on the platform, do what you need to do, and get off, easy peasy. To act like you have to use Youtube or look at the feed because of "X" reason is just silly.
There's a great podcast on Bitchute called Eyesiswatchin, all one word and I'm pretty sure there's no G at the end of watching.
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