A little venting to introduce myself,lol.

Hello all
Long time listener here. Love the show, Greg you do a great job.
I guess I'll just jump right in...so I've also been on FB for a several years (of course, still haven't unplugged due to my work using the platform) anyway I rarely get into it with people on FB but of course there always seem to be a couple people who post almost incessantly about political and social topics. This particular person is of the leftist variety (I happen to be pretty much philosophically anarchist-libertarian) and again for the most part I just observe the posting habits of most people but this one person in particular has finally garnered the emotional reaction in me to post a counter opinion. The topic this time was about vaccines. They always post the most recent "outbreak" of measles or whatever and condescendingly chastise those "people" who don't vaccinate their children. Of course they always have a coterie of "friends" to back her up. Now, I'm not sure why this particular time I decided to chime in but I did and felt I pretty much stayed grounded but with a slight edge in tone. I posted Ben Swan's exposes on the CDC whistle blower Dr. Thompson as well as video describing the "vaccine court" and it works etc. Now one comment I made that I'm curious to get feedback on here is as follows:
--"It's amazing to me how the same people who scream about corporate greed and malfeasance are the first to trip all over themselves to convince everyone how trustworthy those same institutions are when anyone dares questions vaccines. Because those pharma-corps would never put profits above human life. They would never cover up any information that would cause doubt as to the safety of vaccines. Oh, wait there is the rather recent case of CDC whiste-blower William Thompson who had his testimony read into congressional record about how the CDC knew for over ten years about statistical data that showed African-American children had a higher risk for injury and autism. (Oh I can hear the gasps and wails already AUTISM!) I guess Obama must have had a bit of a soft spot for this incident given that he gave Thompson immunity even though his administration prosecuted more whistle-blowers than any administration before it. I guess I'll also just remind everyone here that this is only ONE vaccine. The current CDC vaccine schedule recommends at least 30 (some of those with multiple doses) vaccines to be administered by the age of 18.
So continue to dismiss the indisputable fact, proven even in the slanted vaccine court, that vaccines cause irreparable harm, autism and death. Not everybody who voices concerns or doubt over this is a fucking granola crunching hippie or irrational "conspiracy theorist" but a loving parent who considers ALL factors both popular and unpopular when it comes to the well-being of their children.
There's a shit-load more information I could post but I've said my piece. Anyone out there reading this please weigh the information for yourself."--
Now of course they no one address any of those points direct but they proceeded to deride my comments and tell me I'm "full of shit". One guy who evidently has PhD in developmental cognitive neuroscience didn't offer any rebuttal other than stating his status and replied with simply saying vaccines don't cause autism.
Anyway, I guess I'm a little bit more passionate about this topic due to the fact that I have a two year old son now and have opted not to vaccinate him.
But again....what are these people defending when it comes to not putting the dots together when it comes to bigpharma and big gov? Especially when all they do is bitch about how corrupt they are!!
Now I've been going back to the archives and started listening the older shows on vaccines that I hadn't gotten around to which of course just validates my viewpoints on this matter. Again thanks Greg.
So am I missing something here? I pride myself on being a rather ardent researcher I mean I've been at this since I was in high school listen to podcasts on my Dell MP3 player (lol) listening to Rense, Dreamland, early Red Ice, Skeptico, Tsarion, reading everything I could get my hands on etc etc etc. Anyway thanks for letting a guy vent some frustration. Anyone relate to this?

i told my sister not to get her kids vaccinated but at that time everyone who thought that was crazy. now more people know its bad, she didnt listen to me or anyone and i think they are autistic, i havent seen them much but on her facebook she made a post about autism. i guess i sorta have it, my sister doesnt. im not sure how that happened but shes older and maybe she didnt have a shot and i did? i think what i have is different and it has to do with brain damage and i probably have cave man in me because the way the family has alway been living in the forest and pretty much everything cave man like.
there was a old episodes talking about how vaccines were for damaging people with dolphin dna because they would be way too smart because dolphins are related to aliens. maybe everyone has that dna and some people have a lot of it. if thats true then whatever happened with making dolphins or humans smart maybe something els will be very smart thats human. like theres the planned hybreds and the more naturally made hybred. thats what ive noticed in mainstream and it could be that just a fun thing to put in a show or video game or it could be they know all about it.

I like the cut of your jib.

Ive had a abusive life, ill tell you about it later, it sorta invoves you, reptilians. If there are those that listen. they listen probably. if they dont then my whole plane of the brain has been for nothiing but shame

not you but the future of me, it lasts a few years. 10,20 years. not long, i hate this lis life but i understand it more. ive gon through the prosthetic limbs for 200 years. Limbs that sit quiet in the dark. Its fun but nut for so many years

The other side of the family im scared of. well i have a third side i dont want to talk about it. too much killing. jk but very close

they gave me three bottles of wine. neandrathols love wine. if i stole it, ya could be. Ive never stole three bottles. very weird. its like somoething took over me

Ok the second side of the family i loved, they were nothing like my neandrathol side. I was very broken and the things that happened was like a dream. best friends, that was fun for a few years till i made him a killer. i was a broken boy, so ya. Ive always have been broken. i hate it. i get people into weed wen young. I fuck up every fucking thing. or they do, cause and effect is strong. its wat i am after all. i like free will too, the free will to die, that is what i want. end this dream of fear and fear of nothing. nothing. that is me nothing, the thing that everything should be.

i want to be happy, if i fuck up shit then too late i have been too much of a burden. i have been too much of a... great person. im not even close to a person. im a monster, a very kind but weird one
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