Chameleo question from old member, new poster

I'm from the northeast U.S. and have been listening avidly since becoming a member years ago. I'm so computer illiterate I've just found the forums. I wanted to get in touch with Greg Carlwood to ask how to get in touch with Robert Guffey, his guest who wrote Chameleo. I've been writing on conspiracies and the New Chronology and started a blog called TRUE NORTH, link below (if I did it right). One of the articles "Who's That Whispering in the Trees" links the zoot suit "riots" to an early form of gang stalking. Thanks to the Higher Side, Ari Asulin has been kind enough to post some of my articles on his Paradigm Threat site and I also wanted to thank Greg for having such guests.

Oh, and I want to ask Greg to read my article on "Comfort Blanket of Conspiracy" which is about cannabis and he might find interesting.

Link doesn't work for me. It took me to Google login then a missing page redirect.
Can you post direct article links.

geri wrote:
I'll try again. Seems to work.
Not for me - takes me back to a blogger sign in and create a new blog - I've even signed in to a old account and gone through the blog setup procedure and still me back to my setting page and NOT your writings.
ever wonder why you might have low umber of views - because google fucked you. hihi.
does this loop on chrome and firefox - fuck you google for being a asshole.
go to wordpress dude

I don't know what else to do. You could be right, considering what is in the articles Google might make sure nobody sees them. But most of them, including the one on the zoot suit "riots" are posted on Paradigm Threat under "suppressed". Here's a link but I can't guarantee that anything will work:
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