Feeling Isolated

Ive been off social media for well over 7 years now. I know our community has been growing but I dont know how to find like minded people without social media. I heard Greg talk about the forum. Ive been a plus member for a while but never participated. This place looks somewhat active. Im really trying to find some friends in the Puget Sound region because the pressure around here is really building from all directions. They are really trying to make people that question second class citizens around here. Anyway, just throwing out some babble. Is there anyone else around here feeling it?

Hey man welcome 🙂

Same man, but unfortunately I'm nowhere near you. If anyone is in the chicago/milwaukee area, I'm thinking about putting together a meet up, just have to find a place that won't hassle people over masks...

Hej St Joe!!

hey man.... i'm not in your country but i think this forum and ones like it...are really important at this point in time. and that is one reason i took the plunge and bought the plus membership and started posting here.

Yes, I'm in a similar type of location, not the same state though. Definitely relate.

Hi, I’m in Ireland is there anybody else here near me? Ireland is full on into the Covid narrative with some brave groups fighting the good fight but it feels like very few. I need some hope

emmakblakehotmail-com wrote:
Hi, I’m in Ireland is there anybody else here near me? Ireland is full on into the Covid narrative with some brave groups fighting the good fight but it feels like very few. I need some hope
Not there myself, but I have a travelling buddy who just left there for that reason. It's difficult to be somewhere like that when you think like us.
Definitely in our thoughts. Trying to do the best we can as well here in the states.

cgj17 wrote:
Same man, but unfortunately I'm nowhere near you. If anyone is in the chicago/milwaukee area, I'm thinking about putting together a meet up, just have to find a place that won't hassle people over masks...
I'm in Chicago and I am definitely interested in something like that!

Hey there! I'm in the puget sound area - closer to olympia, really. Where are you? I haven't lived here for long but I definitely am feeling the pressure and am considering moving states. I don't want to be thinking about this thing all the time - I feel the less I think about it, the less it affects my life. In this area, however, it's difficult to NOT think about it. Meeting new people in normal life is stressful and I get immediately judged - it gives me a sour feeling about the area in general. I feel tense and worried often, like I need to be careful and I can't be honest. I hate that shit. Here to chat if you need it 🙂

Greetings from Port Townsend, WA up here on the Quimper peninsula (which is located on the tip of the Olympic peninisula). It's hard not to feel isolated here too...
Check the meetups page! I just announced one for next month 😉
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