G'day from AUS!

Hi guys and gals, my name is Krystle and I've just signed up for THC plus..yay! Over the past few years my understanding of the reality we live in (like all of you) has rapidly changed. For me the first alarm bell was when I watched a YouTube video explaining the people who own the oil industry are tied up with the global banks. Around the same time my step dad was telling me what he had uncovered about the food industry in America, and the way the 'food pyramid' had been manipulated. I then stumbled across the zeitgeist doco. I'd suspected for a long time that 911 was an inside job, from a few videos I'd watched and discussions with a few friends. I was only about 9 when it happened so it wasn't until I got older that my understanding of the event was formed. Watching how zeitgeist linked all the information together opened my eyes to the fact that most of what's going wrong in the world is linked, and there's a high possibility the same people are orchestrating it all.
I fell into a very cynical and somewhat depressive state when considering the world around me, so I avoided alternative ideas for a while and sunk back into my ignorant state of living. This didn't last very long, I had a few personal experiences that had shaken up my life and put me on a path of spiritual discovery. I ended up reading UFOs and the extraterrestrial message by Richard Lawrence; after reading about the ufo phenomenon with a spiritual lens the floodgates came crashing down. I watched Steve greers doco, read his disclosure book and boom, the possibility of a group of people orchestrating control of information over people was alive in my conscious again. I was starting to integrate spiritual practices and my worldview lense was being supported by this. I was no longer left feeling cynical, depressed and disenchanted by the world when exposed to the idea of the world being manipulated.
Around this time I stumbled across THC, for the first time I was exposed to people who had dedicated their life's work to uncovering the truth. people who were sharing their years of research, their perspectives were of substance, I was no longer relying on 'wacky YouTube videos' that just anyone could make. These people were coming from a place similar to academics, they were people who had research to back up what they were saying.
Being exposed to some of the guests on THC has completely changed the way I view and function in this reality, having this exposure alongside my spiritual journey has resulted in the person I am today. For me, the conspiracy world can get a bit dark and heavy, doom and gloom, having a spiritual lense has helped me to stay afloat in the sea of discovering the truths of this reality.
I'd like to thank and commend Greg on all his work that goes into THC. Greg, you have created such a wonderful platform for people to explore and be exposed to; all while keeping an open mind and not shying away from topics that are messy and difficult to decipher (you mentioned people cancelling their plus subscription due to some episodes you recorded - clearly those people need to question the lense they view the world in, if one is truly 'open minded' there is no terrain that they won't at least consider)
keep doing what you're doing man!!

i love this post ! welcome !
for some reason the thing that jumped out to me most was the food pyramid.
i remember that being one of my first conspiracies (although its never called that) , as a kid, i realized it was bullshit sponsored by corps that want to basically get free promotion under the guise of medical recommendations from health conscious groups.
everyone should listen to their own body and eat what feels good for them.

i also have a great history with the phrase "keep doing what you're doing" , it played a big role in how my life ended up these latest 7 years ! so a nice small synchronicity.

Thanks for the welcome. I didn't receive an email telling me anyone had replied so forgive my lateness in my response to your replies.
I'm glad to hear you both resonate with the food pyramid deception, it's something that is gaining momentum even in mainstream society. This deception was definitely one of the key issues that propelled me into the world of alternative thinking.
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