Greetings Everyone!

Greetings everyone! My name is James, I'm from Indiana and I'm a long time listener and a pretty big "conspiracy nut" you could say. At the moment I'm really into exploring the idea of "Nibiru", the flat earth, the hollow earth, Paul McCartney dying in 66', and about anything worth making my gears turn with interest! Hope to hear from some of you and read some of your posts and topics.

Welcome to the forums!

Welcome fellow Midwesterner!
I definitely think I need to find a good guest for a Nibiru show. It's overdue!

TheCarlwood wrote: Welcome fellow Midwesterner!
I definitely think I need to find a good guest for a Nibiru show. It's overdue!
How about the other side of the coin... Dr. Michael Heiser...?
All the Sitchin lovers are absolutely sure that Nibiru will finally arrive on 2012... I mean 2013... eeeeh no, 2014... hmm was it 2015..? nope, my bad - I ment 2016... No, sorry - this time for sure on November 2017!
Inviting an individual like Marshal Masters ... or hmm... some other super expert, and we're gonna have a Donald Marshal 2.0 empty pool dive. for many this could be a bucket of really cold water.
Besides, you can drill Michael Heiser on many other interesting topics...
By the way... is Nibiru flat, too? Cause if it is... then we're fucked.

Welcome to the forum, James!
I have looked into many of the same topics and I'm still undecided and open to new information. Hey, it keeps our gears turning so they don't rust up so no matter what, it's good for those of us who need things to think and ponder upon all the time, right? :0)
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