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Hello from Alaska

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Hi guys, checking in from Alaska! I only found out about this show a few weeks ago, and it is rocking my world. Gives me so much to think about. The "conspiracy" part of my personal story is I grew up a few miles from the HAARP facility in Alaska, I used to ride my bike by the driveway to it. Kind of weird given the notoriety of the place.

Posted : February 18, 2019 8:23 PM
Posts: 1354
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greatshakes wrote: Hi guys, checking in from Alaska! I only found out about this show a few weeks ago, and it is rocking my world. Gives me so much to think about. The "conspiracy" part of my personal story is I grew up a few miles from the HAARP facility in Alaska, I used to ride my bike by the driveway to it. Kind of weird given the notoriety of the place.

That's kinda neat, ever noticed something weird about it? Cheers man.

Posted : February 18, 2019 9:29 PM
Posts: 12
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Hi Polo. Thanks for the welcome. I am really loving Greg's show and I hope maybe I can add to the weirdness in an interesting way.

I would say the weirdest thing about growing up near HAARP was that I didn't, at the time, think very much about it or even think there was anything strange about it. I think this was for a few reasons. One is I was a kid, and I just sort of took the elements of my "reality" for granted, including this. Two is that the wilderness around HAARP seemed far stranger and more interesting to me than anything built by human hands, so I sort of lumped HAARP in with that -- just another foolish human project. Three is that our local community, such as it was, was kind of divided on HAARP. Some people thought it was sinister, others thought it was a "pork-barrel" bullshit research project to funnel money someplace or other. My parents were in the second camp, and I guess I just went along with that interpretation. Four is that I didn't have a car, and the project was about 20 miles away, which was a pretty good distance even on a bicycle. So it was a kind of a big deal to actually go out there, and since I didn't think anything weird was going on, I just didn't go out there a lot, and when I did, it was just because I was trying to take a really long bike ride, not because I wanted to check up on things. Five is that it really was quite secret. I mean, if you didn't know it was there, you wouldn't have known it was there, at least from the road. From the highway it was just a dirt road going into the woods. So that's my HAARP story.

But... I do think that what I later learned about HAARP is what got me interested in conspiracies, so there's that. Also, I had some seriously weird things happen to me later in life, after I had moved away (I no longer live in interior Alaska), primarily involving lucid dreaming -- which is a whole other story. And I wondered at the time whether that could be related to my early exposure to HAARP.

One final thought on HAARP, people might not know that the guy mainly responsible for advancing the HAARP conspiracy theory, Nick Begich, comes from a very significant Alaskan political family. Think governors and senators and things like that. Maybe he's the black sheep of the family, but I wonder why he's the guy who really took this story and ran with it.

In short -- I think that wherever you live, take a look around. There might be mysterious things going on right in your backyard. Like Ras Ben in Philly, you know, I loved that show in particular because that's what he was doing. Look around, see what's up!

Posted : February 18, 2019 10:21 PM
Posts: 1354
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That's awesome, thanks for sharing the interesting anecdotes.
My current personal conviction is that, there are no "accidents" (coincidences) in life.
Often times, events that happen during childhood are like archetypes, or fore-shadows that are bound to click at a later time.

Posted : February 18, 2019 11:51 PM