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Hello from Sunny Watford UK

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Been a plus member for a few years now and enjoy Greg's take on things. Stoner conspiricy podcast is great to listen to when I'm working. I have to admit though over the past year I've started to become less convinced by a lot of it. This year I chose not to renew my unkowncountry subs which I never thought would happen. I think this coincided with my life getting busier and I've now taken a slightly more pragmatic view to conspiricies. I just can't believe in the very grand ones and tend to follow the outlook of people like Patrick Harpur (guest on the show and great writer) who hold a mystical viewpoint, but one that is still largely rooted in the real world. I just don't think governments are that smart.

That said WTC 7?!?!?

I still want to believe 🙂

The Anus that made Britain Great!
Captain Mango Ltd. -

Posted : August 17, 2019 10:49 AM
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

First off glad to have you here. Don't be a stranger make yourself at home and dig into some of the threads here or make some of your own. You say that your view point has been changing towards some of the conspiracies out there. I actually respect the fact you are honest about that. I will go as far as to say having a skeptic on here is good because it adds a debate on the topics. In my opinion no one view is more correct over the other. Although I believe in some conspiracies out there. There are some I either just flat out can't get into or just feel ehh about if that makes sense. Hope you enjoy your stay here.

Posted : August 24, 2019 11:36 PM
Posts: 6
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Hi B.M.
Thanks for the reply. I'm the same as you, there are deffinately conspiricies out there but a lot of it is nonsense. That said I've just noticed the message boards have been 'edited' on the highersidechats. I know because my comments are no longer there under a couple of shows. Nothing is what is says it is anymore, even shows like this ha ha

I got a response from Greg saying the boards haven't been edited, however there are a load of earlier missing posts. I think the web guys in charge of the upgrade are having a nightmare and stuff is just going wrong.

The Anus that made Britain Great!
Captain Mango Ltd. -

Posted : August 27, 2019 8:53 AM