Hi from Edinburgh, Scotland!

Hey Higherside chatters!
I've been listening for couple of months now and joining plus was a needed move to access all the extra content.
I've got to admit I thought I was aware of most pop culture conspiracies but listening to these podcasts has not only confirmed what I thought was going on but opened my eyes and ears to a whole lot more topics.
I think I'm a flat earther. I never knew this was a thing until I checked out the Eric Dubay video after hearing the podcast. But there are some very interesting points, especially the all the fake space stuff!
Anyway, I'm here now and thought I'd share this with you as I think it sums up what I think might be going on.
I call it ISS Flat Eartherprise.

I find the earth and sun rotation abit of a funny one. If we are on an constant, daily, 360 degree, spin over 24 hours. Whilst circumnavigating the sun for a year. At noon, 6 months or half way round the orbit we would be on the other side of the light from the sun.
Our daily light, dark cycle should be different. ?? I don't think the summer/winter, short/long days answer this.
Any one got an takes on this? Surely this is even more true at the equator!? I drew a sketch to try and illustrate.

Well, it's not precisely 360 degrees in 24 hours, is it? The clocks are synchronized to the angle toward the sun, not some sidereal point in space. The clocks work for us in our relationship to day and night. They were invented for that purpose. One star in particular has more to do with most of what it means for our living here than any of the rest, though some might be more interested in the risings of Orion or Zeta Reticuli. These folks might want a clock for tracking 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds.
"The Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the sun and once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds with respect to the stars."*
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eart h's_rotation

I've read this through and I now understand what's going on.
The solar day is 24 hours which is a 361 degree earth rotation to line up the meridian line again.
I'll sleep better now.
Maybe the earth is spinning after all!

vikinghorn wrote: Maybe the earth is spinning after all!
Goddamned dizzying, if you ask me!
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