How's it goin?

I'm from Geelong Australia, I only came across THC about a year ago on Ewetube. I noticed many of my favourite guests that I like to follow from great channels such as Project Camelot, The Freeman Perspective & Vertitas Radio who I've followed for about 8 years now ... wow. I still can't believe that I've only just come across THC and The CarlWood you Sir have quickly became my new bestie!! 🙂
I just love the mellow laid back chat and the cool intro songs. It really is the next best thing to sitting around and having a convo with like minded people.
I think it's really messed up how Ewetube is forcing the channels with great content off their platform as I worry about the newbies just waking up in this time, because eventually all they will find on Ewetube will be rip offs just re-uploading videos as their own and profiting from others, deliberate distractions and disinformation aka psy-ops.
Keep up the good work as the world needs you to keep on chatting with higher minded guests. 🙂
Thank you

*waves hal-low
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