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Many Lives

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Hey everyone! Been listening since I was pregnant 3 years ago and just now finding my way on the forums.

Just wondering how many other people out there had ‘strange’ lives as children. I put that in quotes bc to me my childhood was totally normal. I had a guide until I was in my early 20’s. In some ways I feel very Benjamin button. Losing my guide in my 20’s sent me into the abyss and I felt like I was regressing. Amongst having a guide I grew up in Sarasota Fl, which I later found out some consider it a vortex. My first memory is praying over my bed at 3 and then having this vision enter my head of what looked like the intro to Star Wars credits...except it was all the questions of life. Afterwards, my 3 yr old self, not knowing how to read the questions entering my head, was left w the ultimate question of, “if god is real, then where does god come from, who are gods parents?”. I never believed in organized religion after that night. It was one of my unconditionings...of which I’ve had several epic ones since. I also remember an OBE at 8. Nothing too epic other than being transported from my body which was sitting in my living room to someone else who was walking outside somewhere. None of these things seemed strange to me. I thought everyone experienced these things. I thought it was so natural like using the restroom, so I never even talked about it. (Kinda glad I didn’t now that I know that I could have been in trouble in some kind of talking about ‘the voices’ in my head, my guide). The guide was an adult woman’s voice, perhaps my future self or ancestor of sorts. They helped me through conflicts in my life. They would literally show me the others persons perspective in a conflict, what they were going through, their inner turmoils, and I turn I’d make peace w then w/o ever having to talk to them...I certainly don’t have this now;hence the feeling of regression. It gave me such an inner peace. Anyways...that’s my early introduction of life. I’ve since had a few other lives that could be discussed some other time. Hope all is well and look forward to hearing any others out there with similar childhood experiences.

Posted : June 16, 2019 9:03 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

Posted : June 17, 2019 12:11 AM