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Recent fan from Vancouver

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Hi there everyone,

I am so glad to be here, after having recently discovered Higher side chat pretty much randomly (although I do am convinced nothing is ever random).
My journey into this awakening has happened quite recently, in February. For me, It all started casually when I had an insight watching the show Cosmos on Netflix with Neil DeGrasse Tyson. There was a particular episode talking about the Earth's Magnetic Field and how it was not static but dynamic. And that insight was, well if we can harness energy from waves in the ocean, why couldn't we do the same with that? The next day, I thought I'd look it up and I stumbled upon Henry T. Moray. And boy, did it open a whole can of worms. I couldn't stop reading about the subject for days, weeks, months.

Free Energy became very real for me and I soon discovered Nikola Tesla and devoured his books and others about, The Aether/Akashic Field & Remote Viewing, ETs and the whole conspiracy thing with David Icke (it took some time to sink in but here I am now). It all came very quickly for me. Even now, only 4 months and I feel my life has changed upside down.
Although it did worry me at times and I did felt depressed/hopeless to see what is really going on, I became very spiritually oriented and have been seing synchronicities ever since, which tells me that I am on my path, whatever it may be. The positive side is that what I previously thought of as impossible is not, and anything that is imaginable is possible or even already exists (consciousness manifestation). So that gives me tremendous hope for the future. Our future.

Discovering the Higherside Chat for me was such a relief and I was stuck in the countryside without internet connection, listening to saved episodes from Judy Wood, to Richard Alan Miller, to others and boy, it convinced me to subscribe to Plus because it is everything I hoped for.

I'm almost done with my undergrad and never really fancied a traditional career. This show inspires me to do something I truly believe in and like doing and my "dreams" are simple: Free Energy and Universal Basic Income. The latter can perhaps foster the former, which is why I tend to concentrate on advocating for Basic Income right now.

So anyways, that's enough for my intro, I don't usually post on forums but this one is special. Much love to everyone and cheers to you for making the world a better place.


Posted : June 18, 2016 4:18 AM
Posts: 349
Bossman Admin

Thanks man, great story. Free Energy and Universal Basic Income are some of my favorite topics, but it seems rational guests are a little scarce. Let me know if you have any recommendations.

Posted : July 2, 2016 10:14 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

I agree with you Enjoypolo, free energy and universal basic income are two huge pieces of how to get there from here. I've been on the same path, once I hit on a trigger it was like the floodwaters started to rumble.

This was my trigger a Kirlian photograph of a pyramid excited by a tesla coil:

Posted : July 3, 2016 12:55 PM
Posts: 1354
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This is really cool, thanks for mentioning this. I was always intrigued by the pyramids and energy relationships. There also seems to be a relationship with the Grebennikov machine which I was really interested in and opened my eyes on how nature has so much for us to learn right in front of our eyes. Bumblebees for example.
Hah bless.

Posted : July 8, 2016 7:56 AM
Posts: 204
Estimable Member

Bumblebees for example.

I have always wanted to know if anyone has ever attempted to measure the electrostatic charge of a bumblebee in flight. I think they are part aerodynamic and part grav-lev (gravitational levitation). Kind of like the F117 stealth fighter.

Posted : October 29, 2016 2:44 AM
Posts: 196
Estimable Member

When I was young, maybe 8 or so, I happened upon a recently life stricken bumble bee in a windowsill in my childhood home. I noticed the bee was dead still but neither body nor wings were in contact with the windowsill surface. I studied the situation very carefully. I looked for a spider's web, hair or anything that might have been holding the bee from the surface. There was none. The bee was floating. I grabbed a thin object (I can't recall what object it was) to try to slide underneath the bee but as I approached the bee slowly and carefully the bee moved with the same rate of approach, but the movement was glitchy. I went and got my sister who was 3 yrs my elder to show her this wonderment I had witnessed. She didn't get why I was amazed at first. I ad to talk her through the situation and slow down her perception. Finally she noticed the anomaly and she was amazed and bewildered. I told her of the force field around it but she didn't understand. She tried to pick it up by a wing but as she got close it moved away. She chased/pushed it about 15" along the windowsill before pushing it towards the window. When the bee neared the window it shook a bit and sprang up against the window trim. She was in awe. She went and got tweezers... the same thing happened. This failure ended her attempt at delicacy and she pounced on it from above. It sprang to one side, then again and again until she got it in a corner. Finally she got it in her fingers and placed it in her palm. It hovered still but was more energetic and tried to slide off her hand. She finally grabbed at a wing while holding the body still. The wing was fully visible about 3mm from her finger and thumb. She had a grip on whatever energy extension the bee was giving off. Soon after the energy went away and the bee's dead little body acted as it should. It was memorable and a rare learning experience.

So in my mind I know that they have an electrical element to them that allows them to increase the surface area of their wings at the very least. It could also be a type of reverse negative pole energy that helps to create an anti-electrogravitic affect against the forces of gravity.

Posted : October 29, 2016 5:29 AM
Posts: 204
Estimable Member

Wow! Thanks for relating that experience.

We know that some materials, more than others, when in relative motion with another, are very prone to generate electric charge. I would suggest that the bee's wing and air are two of these materials. I would also be prone to assume that the exact manner of motion in the case of the bee's wing would be creating a focused vortex in the air. If materials, so charged, are generally non-conducting, they can hold a charge over a period of time, the charge bleeding off only slowly, especially say in air with low humidity.

The charge in this case would be coming from the vortex motion in the air, which in turn, is coupling its motion to the ether and spinning up the so-called particles we know of as electrons. There, I have said it, matter is being created, at a very basic level. The electrons produced are not being moved from one element to another, but are brand new electrons, condensing from the ether, via a physical induction through fluid motion, ether being a non-material fluid.

I believe that bee is a grav-lev.


Posted : October 29, 2016 12:34 PM
Posts: 196
Estimable Member

Your welcome. At the least, I know that the surface area is extended which would give enough surface area compared to body weight for flight. In my mind, that in its self has been mind blowing. I can only speculate above and beyond that.

I remember as I approached the bee it would kinda shake, like the energy was being compressed like a spring between the surface tension of the energy in relation of the windowsill and the force of my finger approaching. Then it would spring away more than the amount of distance that my finger had moved. If you pulled away and then approached it faster you would get closer but then it would spring away faster. The more I moved it the more active it was and the less glitchy it was... like it built up more energy the more it moved or the more you interacted with it.

Oh, another thing that was mind blowing. My evil sister was holding on to it by the energy off from a wing and decided to stretch it out and grabbed the other wing. When she pulled the wings apart she pulled a wing off. I was pissed. I made her give me the poor little bee body and wing. She laughed and went away. I apologized to the bee for allowing my sister to handle it. I felt it was an experience that was given to me, just me, because I was an appreciative and gentle person that had great respect for all life. I sent my love and sorrow to the bee and, for some unknown reason, I took the wing and placed it near the bee's body. THE WING PULLED FROM MY FINGER TIPS AND WENT BACK INTO PLACE!

I was so excited that I went and told my evil sister that I had fixed the bee!lol She came back thinking I was being silly. At first she thought I just switched the bee out for another unharmed one. I said a little prayer for the bee in my head and apologized for what my next action would be, then I tore the wing off again. The energy field was gone so it was mych easier to deal with the bee now. I then showed my sister as I placed the wing close to the body. The wing and body both pulled a bit towards each other and the wing went back where it was supposed to be. It self orientated to the right position. My sister flipped out with excitement!

She FINALLY talked me into placing the bee back into her evil possession. She the tore the wing off and let it connect back like it had micro magnets in it over and over. She was amazed once again. I was pissed, once again. I fought her for the bee again. Lol I was so sensitive about such things. Still am, honestly. But it was so amazing that I had to share my findings and get a witness to have proof for when I shared my experience with others and to prove to myself that I wasn't crazy.

There are many reasons why the humble bumble bee has been so highly regarded since ancient times. I have understood this since that day.

Oh, the bee received a very heartfelt burial. I haven't had the heart to rip off another's bee's wings in an attempt to reproduce the results since. Lol

Posted : October 29, 2016 4:40 PM
Posts: 1354
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Great anecdote, thank you for sharing this! I've been watching some episodes of Wisdom Teachings on Pyramid technology and I am convinced this vortex energy and what they call the cavity resonance effect (shapes affecting the fluid vortex) is a big part here.
Recently, while harvesting my garden sunflowers I was mesmerized by the flower of life pattern on them, a recurrent universal pattern as you know. I then dropped one of the seeds (with its shell) into my glass of water. As I gently poked the water with a steel spoon and and move it near the sunflower seed, the seed steadily propulsed against the spoon in a forward motion. I immediately got intrigued by that and repeated it, thinking this is a somehow electrical in nature. The coating on insects, or chitin, is often mentioned in grebennikov's works as a dielectric material.

There is so much to learn from insects and plants, it's a fascinating subject.

PS: I've also been growing a cannabis clone at my place and noticed increased speed in her growth upon placing a quartz crystal in the dirt next to the stem. Pyramids allegedly have a similar affect whereby it affects everything around it, including biology and time-space itself, making things like plants grow faster and stronger; filter out water. but I digress. Take care all.

Posted : October 29, 2016 5:12 PM
Posts: 204
Estimable Member

Welcome back to your thread, Enjoypolo.

I looked to see you are in Vancouver,BC. I was hoping it was Vancouver, WA, as that would have had us much closer together. Chromerhino's story made me think of a story I heard from a long deceased best friend who died around 1980, in his 80s. He was born in 1892 and as a boy, he and a friend had this experience:

You know the old homemade toy where you pass a thread or string through two holes in a button, also known as a button whirligig? The story Will, my friend, told me was about one such toy that he and his friend made from a very large button they had found. He would have been eight years old in 1900, so I assume it was in the nineteen oh something years. A large button at that time could have been made from many things, but celluloid was a popular material for commercially manufactured buttons in that age.

So, as his story went, this very large button inspired them to make a big whirligig. They got a piece of good sized string for that button and rigged it up. They were many feet apart in a large room where they started spinning up their toy, they were getting worked up and enthusiastic as the button got sped up. They were having a great time when both legs of the string broke simultaneously, at the button, freeing it completely from the string. Will said at that point the button flew up several feet higher, had turned its axis to the vertical, and then suddenly stopped, spinning and hovering in mid air for and extended moment. Then, he said, it quickly zoomed a bit downward, and laterally several feet at a slight angle, reaching another point a foot or so lower and stopped in the air again, hovering there for another bit of time. He said this action repeated several times, until the button finally hit something and began bouncing off various objects around the room.

He said that they got more of that string and tried repeatedly to duplicate what had happened, But, he told me, they never could get the string to break both strands at the button again.

Posted : October 29, 2016 8:03 PM
Posts: 196
Estimable Member

Very interesting stories! I love reading things like this. Its these one time rarities of anecdotal experiences that gleams a precious light on the magical under-workings of our miraculous reality. We need a thread dedicated to such experiences. Whatchya think?

Posted : November 8, 2016 2:45 AM
Posts: 1354
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Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to extend my heartfelt appreciation to everyone who has participated and contributed to this forum over the years. This thread takes me back a couple years, when my third-eye was slowly blooming, and it's a bit surreal to think of all the things that have happened since, with THC and this community alongside in the journey.
Those who have come, and gone. Those who have stayed, and those who will join in the future.

I’m especially grateful to the ones that have supported me along the way with personal contributions, as well as sowing seeds of inspiration.
However messed up the world can seem when we narrow it down and focus on the bad (shadow), this forum and THC is always a reminder that Light supersedes the darkness.
Despite all our differences, we’re all on the same boat we call Earth, and are Inter-connected thru the field.

So, thank you all for keeping faith in your heart and being part of this wild ride.
Much love and peace.

The Great Wave Off Kanagawa, by Hokusai, 1833

Posted : July 23, 2019 8:16 PM