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Seeker of the Sacred Questions

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Howdy THC folks. I don't normally have regular internet access so it has taken me a while for this intro. First I want to thank Greg for creating The Higherside Chat. You've made a beautiful thing here and I am grateful for that you had the guts to follow your heart and open this portal into different ideas that open our minds to the questions that some do not even want us to think about let alone ask. Ultimately I don't think answers we hear are nearly as important as the questions we ask.
I like the interviews you have had with Dr. Judy Wood, David Noakes, Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson (whom I have been studying with for 12years now.(Wow, I'm getting old))
I really appreciate all your guests even if I my not be able to relate to what they are presenting, like Donnie Marshall. (Bless his heart) The rude ones like Jan Irvin are the most annoying to me, manners count in my book and you do a great job Greg. Even when your guests don't reciprocate.
One topic that I notice that gets overlooked a bit, but is referenced occasionally is Nature Connection. It is fun to acquire knowledge but frankly it is useless unless it can be used, tested and verified in nature. All true inspiration and innovation generally comes from a deep connection with nature in my opinion. Someone like Victor Schauberger is a good example. (A show on him would be very interesting. (nudge, nudge, wink,wink))
Thanks again,
Metaphors be with you!

Posted : March 2, 2016 1:55 PM
Posts: 326
Bossman Admin

For sure, definitely important and I'll check out Victor's work. Randall is the man.

Thanks for signing up!

Posted : March 4, 2016 7:52 PM