What's up with Freeman Fly/FreemanTV?

I just re-upped my annual member subscription, but he, or his site, has been bumping old content for two months or so, I would say. To my knowledge, the most recent podcast he put out is listed as having been put out 3 months ago (Traverse The Metaverse – Masaki Miyagawa).
I think he is in his 50's, so maybe he got ill with the coof symptoms, or maybe he went down the rabbit hole on NFT's too deep.
Anybody heard or know anything (I know he's friendly with Carlwood, and has been a guest on THC)? I recently listened to both Freeman's and THC's interviews with Tracy Twyman. Very interesting perspectives and imagination she had. I will have to look more into the details surrounding her premature passing...
I'm on (Corbett Report ally) Media Monarchy's Discord chat server, and folks are interested in Twyman over there, too, fwiw.

I get the podcast and yes NFT is now boring because he doesn't shut up about it.
and I'm no longer an avid listener.
he's done similar before, afterwards he reported site down and other strange shenanigans on the interweb

@nickzeptepi Cheers. I will probably e-mail the show to see what's up if the next content is an archive bump. I like Freeman. I had to warm to him some, though. He kept talking about himself a lot, but I guess I've gotten used to that.

Whats nft? Assuming its not crypto.

Posted by: @lowertopmuteWhats nft? Assuming its not crypto.
I still don't think Freeman's posted any new content. He's got Sofia Smallstorm on his latest content drop. I listened to some of his previous drop (Paul Levy) and he didn't mention anything topical like the Canadian truckers or Ukraine, etc. I did e-mail the show address asking what the deal was with the lack of new content, but I never heard back.

I just noticed today that FreemanTV's site is down. No new content for several months and now your website is down... I wonder if there isn't something wrong with Freeman, either health or financially, at this point.
He had a lot of content available on his site, so I guess $120 for 2 years didn't break the bank and was still worth it. I heard Jordan Maxwell has passed on, and I understand he and Freeman were friendly (Freeman even stated he invited Maxwell to stay with him when Maxwell was unwell and not doing well financially).

Freeman's site is back up ( https://freemantv.com/). Still no new content, though.

This interview with Hans Utter sounds recent (they mention Ukraine): https://freemantv.com/we-are-a-team-dr-hans-utter/
Freeman never states the time or date he's recording an interview, or posts that information (or if it's an older show/repeat) on his site, so it's usually unclear as to when these conversations take place (unless you take topical clues from the convos). It sounds like Freeman has had a rough year or go of things lately (mom passing, financial insecurity) and he's been 'ghosting' folks who aren't encouraging to him, so I guess that's a reason as to why he hasn't responded to my e-mail to his site re: his no-shows. Still, it's not a great business model or customer-relations...

In the intro to that second hour (of the Hans Utter show), Freeman expands on some references he made in the first hour regarding anxiety. I guess he's had some somewhat debilitating anxiety, which is why he has not been able to produce shows like he used to. I'm sure many folks are in a similar boat.
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