An Exit Plan

There is an increasing push toward a totally digital life. we all see it or we wouldn’t be here. With things like decentraland, Roblox IPO happening today,NFTs and children growing up digitally native like never before, it seems inevitable that soon everything will be online. Even the real world becomes more cookie cutter architecture and art becomes just a celebrity NFT, so i’ve begun to really work out what it would take to remove myself completely.
Sovereignty is still an achievable task, and the people on this forum seem to be the right people to ask questions about it to.
Besides finding my own land and people to begin this task with, is there a group of people i could join already in the process of leaving behind societies push toward online life?

Have you checked out Freedom Cells yet?
THC episode with Derrick Broze has more info.

Thought I'd bump this thread. I need to check the freedom cell site.
What are people who live in big cities without personal green space planning on doing ? If anything
I've an urge to prepare but not sure what to do

I'm not in a city but this is what I've done and would do in town as well:
5 gallon food safe buckets with emergency shelf-stable foods. Stock up the larder. Kinda just a good things to have around regardless. I make sure to have rolled oats, rice, and a natural high mineral salt on hand always. That's how culture made it through winter historically.
Start pickling, canning, preserving. Whatever works best for you. But having stable foods around (especially pickled probiotics) will be a life saver in the case of DDoS power outages, supply chain disruptions, and grocery store denial.
Perhaps invest in a solar generator if you have discreet access to sun. They're quiet and can be very helpful to keep in touch with communications or keep a freezer online if you have funds for a big enough genny.
Fuck em, collect and filter rainwater. Look into some roofwater catchments and you can easily divert plenty of rain into storage for watering plants, cleaning, and drinking (although not the most mineraly sound I've heard).
Also some tough love, get into some healthy habits and get in shape. I think it was Greer who said "crash now and forget the wait". Imagine living in a world where you have no easy access to food and water/power has become so outrageously expensive or tied to health passports that they've become unviable and you now have to procure your own. It may not sound like much, but I've started collecting my own rainwater and foragables and it is serious work. Having a fit body will help the mind square up as well. Along with that could be learning some self-defense or body awareness. Whatever it might be. If you've always been interested in Judo, go buy a dvd or start an online course. Tai Chi? Whatever. Once we start moving again, our minds and bodies wake up out of this haze we've been in and we start to feel powerful again.
And/or invest in a firearm. I'm not a weapons guy, but I recently acquired a hunting rifle and am in the market for a sidearm. If anything it might a well traded asset down the line.
Might seem basic, but I hope some of that helped!

@A.Lo Great strategy!
Food, water, shelter. That’s the main thing.
I’m into natural medicine and food preservation. I’m imagining finding the others and “tribe”ing up but I’m not there yet. I live with my brother who is of a similar mindset but the rest of my family is still on the “that could never happen” bus.
I got an email this week about The Greater Reset/Derrick Broze doing a “tour“ to gather our people together and plan for the future. They will be close to me in Brooklyn NY so I will join them. I haven’t found any local freedom cells but NYC is just a couple hours drive. I can’t find that email right now or I would be sharing the link.
It will be interesting to see what they say about urban strategy because I can only recommend getting out of town! My sisters live in the city and I often wonder what it would be like to be stuck in the city if resources become scarce. My imagination doesn’t show me any sort of kumbaya type of thing. But ya never know! You sound like a resourceful, bright and fun person so if anyone can pull it off. it’s you!

Thank you both, will definitely be doing everything I can that you've listed. And thanks for the pep talk!!!
I know for sure I need to get back into fitness, I always feel like I need to be prepared to run for my life anyway. My worst nightmare to be caught just because I'm out of breath
I'm not sure about moving out of the city. Unless I move country, England is a funny place. And all the like minded people i know live relatively near me, I think we'll need eachother. I'm gna meditate on that one tho. In any case I'm currently in the outer zones which are greener and calmer and more resistant to conforming

smaddy wrote:
@socalbeachbunnyThank you both, will definitely be doing everything I can that you've listed. And thanks for the pep talk!!!
I know for sure I need to get back into fitness, I always feel like I need to be prepared to run for my life anyway. My worst nightmare to be caught just because I'm out of breath
I'm not sure about moving out of the city. Unless I move country, England is a funny place. And all the like minded people i know live relatively near me, I think we'll need eachother. I'm gna meditate on that one tho. In any case I'm currently in the outer zones which are greener and calmer and more resistant to conforming
Ahhh England! Much different city life than NYC, I’m sure. I’m super happy to hear your people are nearby! That is most excellent.
My sisters live in fairly rough areas without much neighborly interaction outside of the folks in their buildings.
Lol we allll need to get back into fitness. My job is sucking all of my time and my health from me. I’m an older gal and really need to take care of myself. I’m quitting my job in a couple months after I sock away a few more bucks. Probably just around the time of the next lockdown! I have food for winter and plenty to keep me busy around the house. I’m looking forward to it.

The Conscious Resistance Network Presents:
The Activation Tour
I guess you’ll need to check out TCRN website for the details

This isn’t a SHTF solution, but my latest idea is to get all, or as many as possible, of the ppl living on one city block to organize and turn their green space into a mini farm. The block I live on is about half the size of a normal block and might be more doable. Perhaps the concept would spread to the the surrounding blocks.

sofahkingfoxy wrote:
This isn’t a SHTF solution, but my latest idea is to get all, or as many as possible, of the ppl living on one city block to organize and turn their green space into a mini farm. The block I live on is about half the size of a normal block and might be more doable. Perhaps the concept would spread to the the surrounding blocks.
I like this idea a lot

sofahkingfoxy wrote:
This isn’t a SHTF solution, but my latest idea is to get all, or as many as possible, of the ppl living on one city block to organize and turn their green space into a mini farm. The block I live on is about half the size of a normal block and might be more doable. Perhaps the concept would spread to the the surrounding blocks.
I often think about the same for waste. About a year ago, I was thinking about a composting subscription where a user pays $20 per month and would receive a bucket with a lid and some basic instructions to collect food waste at home. A delivery agent would come pick-up once or twice a week and give a clean bucket in exchange.
Meanwhile, you can use all that waste and make compost in all kinds of ways: vermicomposting (fertilizer), black soldier flying (waste-2-protein), bokashi (fertilizer). The users can also get compost for their plants a few times a year as a perk (depending on how much finished product you have).
Just an idea which already exists in a few places, like these guys. Of course, composting if technically the low hanging-fruit of waste conversion. Turning that waste into a mushroom substrate to grow gourmet mushrooms could significantly increase profit to support the loop.
The hard part is making it of course. You'd need a small facility to process the waste to make into compost while making sure it doesn't attract rodents.
This is where I hit a wall that made me stop pursuing the idea. But in a situation where a small community is working together, it might work. Composting sounds easy but does in fact require a steep learning curve with many trials-and-errors. There's no one-best-method in my experience, it all depends on what resources you have available/ the local environment.
Rainwater collecting could also be implanted in similar ways and used for the garden 🙂
PS: Composting in my area has been quite controversial due to rodent attraction. Here is one solution I have great interest in: the Subpod. It's basically a vermicomposting system, with a crate that you can bury in a raised garden or in the soil up. The lid can be securely closed to prevent any rodents visitors coming in.
It's a straightforward and functional design. You can even use it as a bench in the garden! 🙂
[IMG width=630px] ?v=1553760433[/IMG]

enjoypolo wrote:
I often think about the same for waste. About a year ago, I was thinking about a composting subscription where a user pays $20 per month and would receive a bucket with a lid and some basic instructions to collect food waste at home. A delivery agent would come pick-up once or twice a week and give a clean bucket in exchange.
Meanwhile, you can use all that waste and make compost in all kinds of ways: vermicomposting (fertilizer), black soldier flying (waste-2-protein), bokashi (fertilizer). The users can also get compost for their plants a few times a year as a perk (depending on how much finished product you have).PS: Composting in my area has been quite controversial due to rodent attraction. Here is one solution I have great interest in: the Subpod. It's basically a vermicomposting system, with a crate that you can bury in a raised garden or in the soil up. The lid can be securely closed to prevent any rodents visitors coming in.
It's a straightforward and functional design. You can even use it as a bench in the garden! 🙂
I’ve been gardening for decades but oddly enough, have never learned much about composting. And I’ve never heard of the different methods you named. Over the years I’ve done tons of reading about gardening and don’t recall learning about anything beyond the usual compost piles that layer "wet" and "dry" materials that need to be occasionally turned and red worm composting. Maybe I haven’t known because of my past lack of interest, but my suspicious side wonders if it’s been repressed. Anyway, I’ll be looking into the others now.
I’m so glad you added the raised bed with a compost bench! I moved into my place about 2 years ago and other than 2 hostas, my tiny back yard is a blank slate. I decided against giving up space to an unsightly compost pile. But you’ve put put the option back on the table for me. Thanks!

I live on the south side of Dallas and it was pretty scary going through the ice storm in an area where there's already a lot of tension between the classes and people have very little to lose. Overall it was not something I'd like to go through again and I would love to get out of the city, however, I don't know if that's going to happen anytime soon so I've been trying to find ways to make it work. Our apartment doesn't get enough sun to grow food and I feel like it would be silly to build a system inside dependent on grow lights and electricity so I started growing mushrooms indoors and so far it's been really successful. I don't know how long we can survive on lions mane mushrooms lol but its something. I'm also stocking up on seeds for sprouting (to eat) and other little nutrient dense foods like that. Any hot tips are greatly appreciated!

@kjahsdkfha Microgreens are pretty easy to grow indoors and they do not require a ton of light. I take plastic insulation for my window and put it up with the double sided tape, then I set my trays with my seeds and soil between the plastic sheet and my window. It creates a mini greenhouse effect and I just sprout my seeds in there. The window I use only gets light a couple hours in the day but they sprout just fine there. It is a super basic setup but has been working great for me.
Beyond that, I do not know too many ideas for indoor growing, I do most of mine in my backyard (currently on a quarter acre lot). I am getting chickens this coming year (I am allowed to have 3 hens and no roosters in my town). Mainly focusing on planting my fruit trees and berry bushes, but have been doing a lot of annual vegetables to (carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and some others).
Currently exploring canning/jarring/pickling/dehydrating foods. My brother and I have been getting into smoking and salting/curing meats too. Trying to develop some basic skills to extend the shelf life of food I already know how to get my hands on.
I also went out and acquired a rifle, a shotgun, a handgun as well as all sorts of basic tools. My dream is to eventually get off grid and have a self-sustainable food source and water source on my property.
Currently I am in the stage of looking for property and trying to determine where I want to set all of this up. Initially I was looking in Florida but I was not thrilled with the deals I was finding on property. Definitely trying to stay further south than where I am now to extend my grow season though!
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