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Growing your own mushrooms for health and fun

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Mushrooms have a strange way of making things work better, whether physically or mentally Mushrooms get jobs done. So growing your own should be a priority for any prepper, because it is pretty easy. The number 1 thing u need is already a preppers go to, the pressure canner. Once u have this tool u can grow any mushroom u want for almost nothing. I don't know the rules about posting other people recipes and techniques but if anyone is interested message me and we can talk shop. I'm on reddit and under link725 if u wanna check out some of my grows.

The information will last a life time and it's actually fun for kids as long as u stick with edible and medicinal.

Posted : May 25, 2021 4:11 AM
Posts: 2
New Member

Totally! Also if your climate is moist enough, you can innoculate some outdoor logs for your medicinals.

Posted : June 5, 2021 3:01 AM
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Beautiful logs

Posted : June 5, 2021 3:20 AM
Posts: 1354
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I’ve been growing oysters for the past year, mostly one bag at a time for fun. I’ve since spread mycelium to all my pot plants.

I’d like to get a little serious. The one thing that overwhelms me is the pressure cooking part for pasteurization. I’d be more keen to use a passive way, low-energy method like soaking the substrate for a few hours/days.
Do you have any experience with this?

also, I know someone who has 50Kg of “expired” coffee grounds who doesn’t know what to do with it. I told him we might be able to use some for growing oysters. I would perhaps mix it with hemp stalks or straw, 50:50. Then all I’d need to buy are filter bags & dowels.
Though it’d be some work & need to find what to do with all that!!
Anyhow, end of my long ramble. Always love to see fellow mycelium fans 🙂 cheers

Posted : June 5, 2021 9:29 AM
Posts: 2
New Member

I've grown indoor oysters & cubes and they are very fun, but indeed labor intensive & power hungry with the pressure cooker. Which can work really well for people with less outdoor space and more determination than myself. I align with Masanobu's do-nothing gardener mindset...partially because I'm "lazy" and dislike tedious maintenance tasks & more so because I believe nature has better ways of dealing with itself than humans do. Anyway!

Grocycle has a lot of great permaculture info and they talk about their outdoor raised bed mushroom colonies in this video. Very fun & low input way to grow certain mushers outside. You could definitely utilize those coffee grounds in an outdoor bed or indoors to innocculate bags for the next bed or to sell off to hobbyists for some residual income!

And yes, it is very nice to see fellow wo/men of the mycelium here in the forums!

Posted : June 5, 2021 3:28 PM