Indoor house plants - starting with the basics

I live in a flat in a pretty mild climate so my options for becoming self sustainable are limited.
But lets share our gardens/ indoor plants and progress???
These are my lemon trees grown from seed (don't think they were organic lol).
Larry, Barry and Ronnie. I also have an avocado plant that I've over watered. Given the climate I'm not expecting any fruit and apparently I'd have to wait 5 years anyway but its a good process of learning and caring. I think I might get into lentils and chickpeas next (as suggested by clive de carle in the last show)

Hi Smaddy, where are you? Your lemon guy looks great! I had a crack at lemons from seeds but they weren't too keen, not a sprout. I'm in northwest england so maybe just too cold. Good luck with em, and the lentils and chickpeas.

samtran72 wrote:
Hi Smaddy, where are you? Your lemon guy looks great! I had a crack at lemons from seeds but they weren't too keen, not a sprout. I'm in northwest england so maybe just too cold. Good luck with em, and the lentils and chickpeas.
Hey! Thanks, I've repotted them all now.
I'm in London with a south facing window. I wake up every morning and move them along the window sill turning them around gradually so they get maximum sun light exposure.
Try again, you may have just had dud seeds. How did you propogate? I put mine in a pot and covered with clingfilm, then put them on top of the fridge. I checked them every day and one sprouted kind of disabled (the seed came out above the soil along with the sprout!) and ended up dying but the rest came through as you can see.
The top of your fridge cant be much colder than the top of mine!
Do you grow anything else?
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