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everyone around me got sick, but not me

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One of my coworkers got sick and diagnosed via rapid test with the covid. We are gardeners and work outdoors with masks on mandated by our company. All four of us on the team ate lunch together in the van, without masks of course, for 15 minutes. One guy started coughing at lunch. He got a positive test the next morning so the entire team was shut down for 10 days being called high-risk exposure. Now, 5 days later, the other two are sick but not tested. 2 sound like flu and one with headache and fatigue. Me? I have been taking vitamin C, D, zinc among other minerals (Ormus) every day for the past year. I'm 50, I'm borderline vegan and don't exercise outside of moving a lot at work. I took a rapid test (so I can get back to work after 10 days quarantine) and was negative. I was more exposed to the positive guy than the others as we had driven around together without masks for a couple days.

My rant is this: when I hear people talking about their fear of the virus or just fear of illness in general, I always bring up how beneficial it is to supplement with minerals and vitamins as the population of our planet at large is deficient these days and our immune system needs them to function well. At this point most eyes glaze over and/or my comments are rejected. It's like I am talking to a wall. So fuckin' annoying!! Yes, even the three who are sick at home during our busiest part of the season shrugged off my claims and my offers to share my vitamins.

I am not afraid of the rona and am not even sure that it exists. I think that maybe every other illness and/or symptoms are being touted as the rona to pump up the numbers to feed the dark energy that is benefiting from this fiasco.

Anyways... What is it with people who live in fear but take no action to fortify their bodies and their lives? So lame.

Posted : April 20, 2021 4:43 PM
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In the fall I was in close contact with a guy who tested positive. We passed the dutchy on Sunday, he was feeling sick with fever and cough on Monday and tested positive by Wednesday. He was actually coughing a lot that Sunday too but we all just thought it was the dutch!

Of all those present for the session, he was the only one that got sick.

All of us (besides covid guy) get lots of sunshine, eat real food, and I personally take lots of vitamin D, C, and zinc and all types of herbs. We also get exercise in the form of just being outdoors - hiking, gardening, working - while he is mostly a couch potato that eats takeout every day.

That wasn't my only "close call" over the past year, but thankfully I've been just as healthy as usual.

So you are spot on! Eat nature, act naturally, and trust your immune system to do what it was built to do.

The only thing to be scared of in this situation are people -- the ones who believe that man can save us from nature. The arrogance!! Like most things today, the opposite is true.

Posted : April 20, 2021 7:40 PM
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I hear you. People are so brainwashed into thinking western medicine is the only thing that can help them, they really do think good nutrition and supplements are nonsense. It's extremely frustrating but in Jamaica there is a saying 'who can't hear must feel'

You can only tell them, and you did the right thing by trying

There was a discussion in my family group chat based off one person posting a study which demonstrated use of vitamin d reduced hospitalisation for covid by 80%. One of my cousins basically told me I was putting people's lives at risk by saying we should focus on vitamin d rather than the jab. He came with a load of 'facts' which I debunked with legitimate sources but still I was the one putting people in danger...

Posted : April 20, 2021 9:26 PM
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@jakeyd doesn’t it feel great to know that taking good care of yourself pays off?
Glad to hear that you’ve stayed healthy throughout your close calls.

Posted : April 20, 2021 10:16 PM
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@smaddy sorry bout your brainwashed family member. Can you imagine being so afraid of the truth that you side with the enemy?
Glad you’re not.

Posted : April 20, 2021 10:18 PM
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socalbeachbunny wrote:
@smaddy sorry bout your brainwashed family member. Can you imagine being so afraid of the truth that you side with the enemy?
Glad you’re not.

More like afraid of being wrong. Its willful ignorance. And I struggle to feel sorry for people like him.

Posted : April 20, 2021 10:53 PM
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smaddy wrote:
More like afraid of being wrong. Its willful ignorance. And I struggle to feel sorry for people like him.

I also struggle with my sympathies towards that crowd. It’s as if they are running headlong into the abyss.

Posted : April 20, 2021 11:06 PM
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I just had another family member who was on the fence get the shot. The hardest thing is not to start hating them, but it certainly makes me question what they actually think of me. Not that I base my life around what others think of me, but I certainly trust them less because they don't seem to have good judgement, that they trust corporate interest for their well-being over their own blood. It makes me wonder, where did my family go? Did they ever really exist, as in being awake, thinking, and not just reacting and appearing alive? Was I like them once and now I'm not, or were we always different? This dystopian experiment has really opened my eyes to the truth of the modern family. Propaganda and comfort are thicker than blood. Maybe these are just the seeds of dysfunction coming to fruition after generations of sowing, so I hope others are having a better go of it. It's made me realize how important it is to have strong leaders at the head of the family, to have ever-present stability, because without any guidance from their elders, their children run around like lunatics.

I think people stopped really raising their kids a long time ago and left it to religion. In the absence of that stability, for better or for worse, they've found something that appears solid in the void that's been left by religion's absence. Maybe I've answered my own question.

This seems exactly like leaving a cult. I'm preaching to the choir. It's just, it's unnerving to see the tavistock-ing of humanity show up in your family history and see it now coming to fruition.

Posted : May 1, 2021 4:13 PM
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Welllllll, omfg guys, I got sick!
This type of shit always happens to me when I start bragging, I swear! It’s like instant karma, lol. Anyway.... 8 days after my exposure to the sick guy, I went down. It was weakness and a headache for the first two days, in bed with severe weakness and headache for two more days then about 5 days of headache every other day. Fever of 100 for just three hours on day 3 then 103 all night on day 9.
It was the weirdest fucking sickness I’ve ever had. It felt like my immune system never turned on til that 103 fever. No swollen glands, barely any fever and a weird hot, dry spot in my throat for days. Kept my smell and taste the whole time.
I’m embarrassed to say that I was so tired that I stopped taking my vitamins and minerals for the first half of it. I was so upset that I got so sick that I even felt a little betrayed by my C, D, zinc (and beyond)protocol.

I’m still upset that I got sick but I’m better and back to work. I’m coughing and my upper lungs feel weird (allergies are like whoa rn, too—so much pollen in NY this week) and now I have a wonky spot in my vision of my left eye. Its a crescent of blurry light that is always there now.
Who knows wtf that was but it sure didn’t feel natural to me!! I felt like my brain stem was swollen!!
Btw work made me get a test—it was positive.

Posted : May 6, 2021 12:15 AM
Posts: 102
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Just last week i was talking shit about how I’m glad that we don’t get squirrels in our new house. And since yesterday we have been hearing them scampering around inside the walls.

Obviously not the same level of seriousness, but when you tempt the Fates...they are sometimes listening.

Hope you make a full recovery soon.

Posted : May 6, 2021 12:45 AM
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socalbeachbunny wrote:
Welllllll, omfg guys, I got sick!
This type of shit always happens to me when I start bragging, I swear! It’s like instant karma, lol. Anyway.... 8 days after my exposure to the sick guy, I went down. It was weakness and a headache for the first two days, in bed with severe weakness and headache for two more days then about 5 days of headache every other day. Fever of 100 for just three hours on day 3 then 103 all night on day 9.
It was the weirdest fucking sickness I’ve ever had. It felt like my immune system never turned on til that 103 fever. No swollen glands, barely any fever and a weird hot, dry spot in my throat for days. Kept my smell and taste the whole time.
I’m embarrassed to say that I was so tired that I stopped taking my vitamins and minerals for the first half of it. I was so upset that I got so sick that I even felt a little betrayed by my C, D, zinc (and beyond)protocol.

I’m still upset that I got sick but I’m better and back to work. I’m coughing and my upper lungs feel weird (allergies are like whoa rn, too—so much pollen in NY this week) and now I have a wonky spot in my vision of my left eye. Its a crescent of blurry light that is always there now.
Who knows wtf that was but it sure didn’t feel natural to me!! I felt like my brain stem was swollen!!
Btw work made me get a test—it was positive.

I am very sorry to hear that you got sick. I do think it is natural to abandon your vitamin/health regimen when you feel like shit. It's almost like, why bother now...

Did the fever kick in once you dosed back up on the vitamins? I'm pretty sure that fever was your body finally righting itself and just wondering if it could have been triggered by a high dose of zinc after not having it for a while.

Have you tried drinking teas made from local perennial herbs growing close to where you work to counteract the pollen allergies? I try to go for things the bees are hanging around most, which this time of year would be purple dead nettle, at least here in WNY. Seems to work for me over the past few years of trying

Posted : May 7, 2021 9:24 PM
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jakeyd wrote:
I am very sorry to hear that you got sick. I do think it is natural to abandon your vitamin/health regimen when you feel like shit. It's almost like, why bother now...

Did the fever kick in once you dosed back up on the vitamins? I'm pretty sure that fever was your body finally righting itself and just wondering if it could have been triggered by a high dose of zinc after not having it for a while.

Have you tried drinking teas made from local perennial herbs growing close to where you work to counteract the pollen allergies? I try to go for things the bees are hanging around most, which this time of year would be purple dead nettle, at least here in WNY. Seems to work for me over the past few years of trying

Yes, that 103 fever was the day of or the day after I got back on my supplement protocol. Wow! Nice catch! Thanks for pointing that out, I will remember that if/when I get sick again.
I sometimes take local honey starting late winter into Spring to help with allergies but I wasn’t doing it this season, don’t know why. Thank goodness the trees stopped having sex and that yellow coating of pollen was washed away with a couple nice rains.
I have not yet tried dead nettle tea, it sounds fabulous! I love that plant but haven’t ever used it. It’s all over my garden and yard, can’t wait to give her a taste. I hear chickens love to eat it.

Posted : May 8, 2021 5:12 PM