Feeling non vaxx isolated

G'day All,
I'm sticking fat to not getting the vaccine in regional NSW / Australia
Tell you what I'm feeling very bloody lonely about it too.. All my close friends have taken the knee, close family members and worst of all my wife folded and got her first needle this week.
I'm feeling isolated and fucking cranky. These pricks will be coming for our kids next. Worse days to come I reckon.
How is everyone else battling?

Man what a shitstorm it is down there. It is difficult to stay strong against all of the criminal coercion.
The burners are slowly being turned up here in Portland. Other than myself, my roomate, his brother and sister in law, and a couple of his FB friends all swear not to get the jab, but we see more and more checks for jab status to get into places. They just found out they can't redeem their tickets for Rose City Comic Con now. My roomate fought to get his money back and complained on social media but they will only allow transfers. What a joke.
Ironically his brother and sis in law are recovering from covid now. It is incredibly weakening and much worse than the flu, they said, but they were able to get better while megadosing on zinc and vitamin c. But natural immunity is not the point, is it?
One question for you: I read that western Australia (which I guess you can't travel to??) is like the "red" states over here and the illegal mandates are much more relaxed. Is that true?

orchid20 wrote:
Man what a shitstorm it is down there. It is difficult to stay strong against all of the criminal coercion.The burners are slowly being turned up here in Portland. Other than myself, my roomate, his brother and sister in law, and a couple of his FB friends all swear not to get the jab, but we see more and more checks for jab status to get into places. They just found out they can't redeem their tickets for Rose City Comic Con now. My roomate fought to get his money back and complained on social media but they will only allow transfers. What a joke.
Ironically his brother and sis in law are recovering from covid now. It is incredibly weakening and much worse than the flu, they said, but they were able to get better while megadosing on zinc and vitamin c. But natural immunity is not the point, is it?
One question for you: I read that western Australia (which I guess you can't travel to??) is like the "red" states over here and the illegal mandates are much more relaxed. Is that true?
It is a massive cluster fuck mate
Western Aust, Queensland and Victoria are all labour governments = red states.
Victoria is pushing hard for the vaccine passport
The government is coercing the corporate sector is to enforce the vaccine passport

harpoonharry wrote:
G'day All,
I'm sticking fat to not getting the vaccine in regional NSW / Australia
Tell you what I'm feeling very bloody lonely about it too.. All my close friends have taken the knee, close family members and worst of all my wife folded and got her first needle this week.
I'm feeling isolated and fucking cranky. These pricks will be coming for our kids next. Worse days to come I reckon.
How is everyone else battling?
I'm still holding out on principle. Some of us have to see what happens! I get that not everyone can do that, but I live in the country and am an Artist. It's basically my job to stay on the frontier and report back. Not conforming to dictatorial government bullshit USED TO BE the work of counter cultural movements and art communities. It's hard to find proper subcultures anymore even. THAT is how sick the Over Culture is.

beatrixb wrote:
I'm still holding out on principle. Some of us have to see what happens! I get that not everyone can do that, but I live in the country and am an Artist. It's basically my job to stay on the frontier and report back. Not conforming to dictatorial government bullshit USED TO BE the work of counter cultural movements and art communities. It's hard to find proper subcultures anymore even. THAT is how sick the Over Culture is.
Good stuff. Great to hear that there are still some people around who have principles.
Not my quote but there are so many people that are turncoats ie they used to rage against the machine and now raging on behalf on the machine!

harpoonharry wrote:
Good stuff. Great to hear that there are still some people around who have principles.
Not my quote but there are so many people that are turncoats ie they used to rage against the machine and now raging on behalf on the machine!
Exactly!!! That's what I see too. I'm really mad at a lot of my peers who basically got to 40 and believed a bunch of bullshit about getting "old" so they gave up on their dreams, are paralyzed, out of shape and and living vicariously through their kids. I'm like....uh....can you get back to the front lines, please? You weren't finished yet! And I could use some support out here!!

I think you and I would get on well. The people living vicariously through their children do my head in (I often find that the ones that never achieved anything push their kids way too hard into sports etc to fill their on void).
Agree whole heartedly re friends giving up at 40. I've got mates that look 60 (are mid 40s) from being slobs and not investing anytime into training / being active and nutrition yet want to tell everyone to get the jab. WTF?
Keep up the good fight!

harpoonharry wrote:
I think you and I would get on well. The people living vicariously through their children do my head in (I often find that the ones that never achieved anything push their kids way too hard into sports etc to fill their on void).
Agree whole heartedly re friends giving up at 40. I've got mates that look 60 (are mid 40s) from being slobs and not investing anytime into training / being active and nutrition yet want to tell everyone to get the jab. WTF?
Keep up the good fight!
LOL!!! You too!

I guess Im the lucky one, I have 1 friend that is flat out refusing like myself. Literally everyone else has it already. My friends wife ended up getting it cause she's a teacher and they were mandating it this summer in his state, and she ended up quitting when they added the mask mandate back. He told me a bunch of the teachers had negative side effects and 2 of them passed within a couple weeks of getting it. I can report similar things happening here at the casino(I'm a poker player). Right after there was a push for the dealers to get vaccinated some quit, one person passed unexpectedly and there was a c19 outbreak amongst them. Hang in there guys.

Don’t give up hope dude. I am standing there with you, we are a part of the conscious resistance. It’s time to stand for what you know is right. I don’t know what they will do with me but i will never get the shot. I had covid February 2020, it was really bad for about 3 days. I almost went to the emergency room in the middle of the night but i just stayed home and treated it like i do any other time i had a flu. I was 100% within a week.
Never forget you come from a long line of truth seekers, you are carrying the torch.. Go bravely on my friend.

weirdopro wrote:
I don’t know what they will do with me but i will never get the shot.
Same here, same with my roomate, and a couple of our friends and family members. We also know a few more who got the jab under some pretty intense coercion and vow to be involved in any subsequent class action lawsuits. Stay the course!

Thanks everyone. Things are heating up here in Aussie.
I'm more determined than ever to stay the course and stick to my principles. There's no way I'm getting those needles

Looks like the construction workers down in Melbourne took a page from the Portland playbook: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/fk-jab-long-live-australia-20000-shut-down-melbourne-highway-massive-lockdown-protest

I resonate with you, I feel the same. I have a similar situation...
I feel such strong aversion to getting the shot and I just DO NOT want it in my body at all. I'm in Canada and they're implementing vaccine passports in all the provinces and really dividing society to try to coerce everyone to get the shot. At this point, all the political pressure and coercion makes me want the shot even less. Part of me wishes I could just live in ignorance with the rest of society because my life would be so much easier if I could, but I just know in my heart that I don't want the shot.

harpoonharry wrote:
G'day All,
I'm sticking fat to not getting the vaccine in regional NSW / Australia
Tell you what I'm feeling very bloody lonely about it too.. All my close friends have taken the knee, close family members and worst of all my wife folded and got her first needle this week.
I'm feeling isolated and fucking cranky. These pricks will be coming for our kids next. Worse days to come I reckon.
How is everyone else battling?
Man I feel for yall down under.... i've been following the news coming out of Australia. So terrible what is happening. heart breaking.
more power to you for standing strong.
im in turkey (american expat) where the majority hasnt taken the jab. so i am fortunate in that regard. that being said, increased mandates have started this month (ie- can't go to concerts, intercity travel, plane travel, unless you have a jab and/or negative test)... so playing the tape forward doesn't look good and as a result me and my wife have found a solar powered cabin in a small village, anticipating the big cities won't be the best place to be for people trying to remain un-marked as it were.
i'm also really embracing my spiritual practice as a way of dealing with it.... this looks like the 'big one' to me.... of course i hope i'm wrong and the whole thing blows over. but, it really doesn't look like that.
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