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Living under occupation

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Dear fellow THCs,

It's been already more than a year since we got propelled into this global crisis situation, and feel like we're all carrying a heavy burden on our psyches and health.
The title "Living under occupation" feels like the best description to me of what we are currently living: isolated, restricted and dictated by fear and violence by an external force. A parasite that is psychic in nature though physically manifest.

And although I would consider myself an optimist in general, I, like most people, have my emotional ups-and-downs. I remember in the beginning that it was inevitable to go through a sort of grieving process, before ultimately rising back from the ashes. Yet, it seems that the grieving has not yet stopped (or even started), and in the contrary, many around are still stuck in the initial phase of denial. And perhaps as likely, I am also in denial of the reality of the depth of this situation.

I could go on with this endless rant. In the end, I feel fortunate to be in the position that I am, but felt like it's good to acknowledge our downs also.
May peace accompany us along this journey
[IMG width=440px] [/IMG]

Posted : May 8, 2021 7:44 AM
Posts: 232
Reputable Member

Yh this thing we are in is an emotional rollercoaster. Some days I wake up feeling energised and ready to face the world.

Many days I just don't want to go outside, i don't want to see people wearing masks I dont want to wear a mask, i don't want to feel like I'm compromising my own integrity whilst wearing one, I also don't want others to judge me for not wearing on but also I want to inspire others that its not the end of the world to not wear one.
I don't want to change jobs because the vaccine policy seems ok where I'm at, don't want to risk going on probation in another job

Its too much to think about just to live

But I'm energised by people in this community, by certain artists and musicians who are unafraid, by anyone who isn't demonstrating fear.
I do think this time will pass, these skeksis who are inflicting this oppression are desperate and good will prevail

Posted : May 8, 2021 10:12 AM
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

Huge fan of the masks. In a world where privacy is in short supply, using cash and having something that blocks your identity isn’t all that bad.

Posted : July 7, 2021 10:37 PM
Posts: 2
New Member

Teratiodllama wrote:
Huge fan of the masks. In a world where privacy is in short supply, using cash and having something that blocks your identity isn’t all that bad.

I have a buddy that offered that same angle. Pretty interesting thought, for sure.

I don't feel the same way necessarily, but glad it does give some people a sense of anonymity & power rather than most's fear based usage.

Posted : July 11, 2021 9:45 AM
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

A.Lo wrote:
I have a buddy that offered that same angle. Pretty interesting thought, for sure.

I don't feel the same way necessarily, but glad it does give some people a sense of anonymity & power rather than most's fear based usage.

My issues with the masks is the government mandate and the ulterior motives behind the fear (not science) based way they were pushed. They were implemented to get people used to acquiescing to government/corporate control of their health and social interactions by promoting the notion we are in a "different" state, so our normal rights and privileges aren't active and the gov can do whatever they want to us.

If they were/became a sign of resistance to our technological overlords instead of submission--I'd probably feel much more positively towards them (but I still wouldn't delude myself into thinking they stopped covid just because they symbolized something I support).

Posted : July 11, 2021 12:23 PM
Posts: 2
New Member

Yup, that's definitely more my angle on them. Feels like spiritual warfare for sure. And hey, if some people get benefit from running with the anonymity argument, power to em.

I just feel bad for babies & toddlers growing up around this madness. No facial cues, no visual affection/affirmation, etc. Can't imagine how the Homelander generation will react to this kind o upbringing.

Posted : July 11, 2021 7:53 PM
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

I get that. I’ve just decided not to give in to fear and allow their games to work for me. If we believe in Intention (notice the capital I), which I do, then it would be in all of our best interests to spin it in a positive way for us. Look at it like the speed limit. It’s government mandated, but we all go over when we need to, and we all cruise slow when we want to.
Safe travels My Friends.

Posted : July 12, 2021 3:00 PM
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

smaddy wrote:
Yh this thing we are in is an emotional rollercoaster. Some days I wake up feeling energised and ready to face the world.

Many days I just don't want to go outside, i don't want to see people wearing masks I dont want to wear a mask, i don't want to feel like I'm compromising my own integrity whilst wearing one, I also don't want others to judge me for not wearing on but also I want to inspire others that its not the end of the world to not wear one.
I don't want to change jobs because the vaccine policy seems ok where I'm at, don't want to risk going on probation in another job

Its too much to think about just to live

But I'm energised by people in this community, by certain artists and musicians who are unafraid, by anyone who isn't demonstrating fear.
I do think this time will pass, these skeksis who are inflicting this oppression are desperate and good will prevail

You’re good, everyone has these moments where it all feels like wayyyyyyyy too much to handle.
I have found that, once I decided to focus on the growth and progress of my family unit, (for me that’s the kids and the wife, for you it could be just you, or you and a hamtar, or you and your left flip flop what ever it is that you have decided is your family) most things became clearer. The only stress I feel is the stress to succeed. The only opinions I care about are the ones from people who love and support me. The world just kind of opened up for me. I hope this gives you some peace and helps calm the inner turmoil.

Posted : July 12, 2021 3:07 PM
Posts: 232
Reputable Member

Didn't want to make a new thread and I think this fits. Has anyone noticed how violent the language is coming from people who are pro mask against others who are not wearing a mask or not wearing one properly?
It just makes me think these are the very people who will be willing to do unthinkable things to others when push comes to shove
Today i saw a woman say she wanted to poke two people in the eyes with sharp objects because one pulled their mask down to eat and the other to speak.
The moment these people feel emboldened, green lit to enact their mad frustration on non masked/non vaccinated, its gna be a friggin war.
And energy wise, imagine if we could see the energy eminating from people on a train carriage...its like we are in a soup of negativity, moments away from violence. Even yesterday i was on the bus, half had masks, half didn't. I stood next to this man...and tbh before I got on the bus my heart started racing so I was in the process of calming myself down...this man then points at his mask, basically non verbally admonishing me for not wearing one. For a few minutes i was then psyching myself up for a confrontation.

Also i was out selling bits and bobs at a carboot sale on Sunday, a fellow seller asked me and another twice if we had the jab. The first time i walked away from the convo, legitimately, wasn't rude just happy coincidence. But she got me a second time, i said no, she started extoling the virtues of pfizer and asking my age and why I hadn't got it. I was a bit flustered, I don't have a prepared response. Other than that she was perfectly nice. The other lady said she had taken it but because her work had forced her.... I didn't hear the rest because thats when i left the convo the first time round.

So called freedom day in the uk is being dubbed as freedumb day...the moral superiority of the ignorant is spinning my head

Posted : July 19, 2021 12:34 PM
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

smaddy wrote:
Didn't want to make a new thread and I think this fits. Has anyone noticed how violent the language is coming from people who are pro mask against others who are not wearing a mask or not wearing one properly?
It just makes me think these are the very people who will be willing to do unthinkable things to others when push comes to shove
Today i saw a woman say she wanted to poke two people in the eyes with sharp objects because one pulled their mask down to eat and the other to speak.
The moment these people feel emboldened, green lit to enact their mad frustration on non masked/non vaccinated, its gna be a friggin war.
And energy wise, imagine if we could see the energy eminating from people on a train carriage...its like we are in a soup of negativity, moments away from violence. Even yesterday i was on the bus, half had masks, half didn't. I stood next to this man...and tbh before I got on the bus my heart started racing so I was in the process of calming myself down...this man then points at his mask, basically non verbally admonishing me for not wearing one. For a few minutes i was then psyching myself up for a confrontation.

Also i was out selling bits and bobs at a carboot sale on Sunday, a fellow seller asked me and another twice if we had the jab. The first time i walked away from the convo, legitimately, wasn't rude just happy coincidence. But she got me a second time, i said no, she started extoling the virtues of pfizer and asking my age and why I hadn't got it. I was a bit flustered, I don't have a prepared response. Other than that she was perfectly nice. The other lady said she had taken it but because her work had forced her.... I didn't hear the rest because thats when i left the convo the first time round.

So called freedom day in the uk is being dubbed as freedumb day...the moral superiority of the ignorant is spinning my head

Banal evil and petty tyranny. The devil doesn't come like Atilla the Hun, he comes as Nurse Ratched (ugh, I found out there's a netflix series or something which I'm sure tries to turn that character into a "girl boss" and eliminate everything insightful about her. That's the way they co-opt cultural touchstones that can be used against them these days).

When I need to be polite and people ask me if/why I haven't got the jab, I just tell them I'm waiting for the clinical trials to end in 2023 🙂

Posted : July 19, 2021 12:58 PM
Posts: 232
Reputable Member

jh1517 wrote:
Banal evil and petty tyranny. The devil doesn't come like Atilla the Hun, he comes as Nurse Ratched (ugh, I found out there's a netflix series or something which I'm sure tries to turn that character into a "girl boss" and eliminate everything insightful about her. That's the way they co-opt cultural touchstones that can be used against them these days).

When I need to be polite and people ask me if/why I haven't got the jab, I just tell them I'm waiting for the clinical trials to end in 2023 🙂

That's a good response and even though it's factual, it has the potential to spark hostility...

Posted : July 19, 2021 6:54 PM
Posts: 3
New Member

jh1517 wrote:
Banal evil and petty tyranny. The devil doesn't come like Atilla the Hun, he comes as Nurse Ratched (ugh, I found out there's a netflix series or something which I'm sure tries to turn that character into a "girl boss" and eliminate everything insightful about her. That's the way they co-opt cultural touchstones that can be used against them these days).

When I need to be polite and people ask me if/why I haven't got the jab, I just tell them I'm waiting for the clinical trials to end in 2023 🙂

Two mice go into a bar. One asks the other, "Have you had the jab?" The other replies, "No I'm waiting for the results of the human trial"....

Posted : July 19, 2021 7:49 PM
Posts: 2
New Member

smaddy wrote:
I was a bit flustered, I don't have a prepared response. Other than that she was perfectly nice. The other lady s

A big part of this is placement and timing. And at the end of the day, your medical background is your own damn business. So that's a big part of what I tell zealots. Big, fat ol Nunya. Because I have full confidence in my decision and no confidence of protecting or saving face with opposition. They've villainized their opposition very well, and I have no desire to untangle that mess

Posted : July 19, 2021 11:32 PM