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Socialiaing Again

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So for the past 16 months I've only socialised/conversated regularly with a handful of people.
I think I do attract deep conversations but I'm finding a new atmosphere...
I've done 3 carboot sales, at one of them this older lady felt comfortable to say to me that she thought the west was evil, it was off the back of a convo about medical misdiagnosis. It surprised me though, quite a bold statement to make in public to a stranger

Then yesterday an old friend of mine called who is haven't spoken to in ages, very quickly we started talking about the jab and the plandemic but it was one of those conversations where were reeling off "facts" to eachother, not really a flowing conversation. We were both on the same page but almost top trumping eachother. I heard myself saying so many times "and not only that..."

Went to a hen party, same thing happened with two other people - strangers. I dno maybe we are all just drunk and high but what I'm trying to say is, we've all forgotten how to socialize properly. Talking over eachother, getting stuck in intense covid conversations...

Is anyone else experiencing similar?

Posted : August 1, 2021 11:10 AM
Posts: 240
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I think you pretty much have to leave covid off the topic list to have a decent conversation--regardless of whether you and you interlocutor agree or disagree on the subject. And maybe that will help things progress overall too--people need to start ignoring this as much as they can in their lives if we are ever going to move forward.

Posted : August 1, 2021 2:59 PM
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jh1517 wrote:
I think you pretty much have to leave covid off the topic list to have a decent conversation--regardless of whether you and you interlocutor agree or disagree on the subject. And maybe that will help things progress overall too--people need to start ignoring this as much as they can in their lives if we are ever going to move forward.

Yh I agree.
I know personally I haven't been the one bringing it up. Need to learn when to leave a conversation or move it on tho for sure

Posted : August 1, 2021 4:21 PM
Posts: 62
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smaddy wrote:
So for the past 16 months I've only socialised/conversated regularly with a handful of people.
I think I do attract deep conversations but I'm finding a new atmosphere...
I've done 3 carboot sales, at one of them this older lady felt comfortable to say to me that she thought the west was evil, it was off the back of a convo about medical misdiagnosis. It surprised me though, quite a bold statement to make in public to a stranger

Then yesterday an old friend of mine called who is haven't spoken to in ages, very quickly we started talking about the jab and the plandemic but it was one of those conversations where were reeling off "facts" to eachother, not really a flowing conversation. We were both on the same page but almost top trumping eachother. I heard myself saying so many times "and not only that..."

Went to a hen party, same thing happened with two other people - strangers. I dno maybe we are all just drunk and high but what I'm trying to say is, we've all forgotten how to socialize properly. Talking over eachother, getting stuck in intense covid conversations...

Is anyone else experiencing similar?

I've drifted off into my own little world over the past year+ and it's definitely caused my social anxiety to go through the roof. I don't know what the heck to talk to people about anymore and most of our friends are on board with the mainstream narrative so we have to do the awkward dance of avoiding pointed covid conversations which can be pretty exhausting. My boyfriend is playing a really cool show this weekend with one of our favorite artists but I'm probably going to stay home because I don't know that I can handle being around all of our new-socialist friends, it's just too hard to see and stomach.

Posted : August 3, 2021 1:16 PM
Posts: 54
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It’s really easy to forget we as humans are more alike than not. Most of our differences are superficial and or programming. That thought helps me. Everyone can teach you something. When I encounter a crowd of normies I try to remember I am an representative of the conspiracy nuts and try to carry my self in a way Greg talks about. Remember it’s ok to sit next to someone you completely disagree with. Their Ideals are not contagious. You are the ruler of your mind. Don’t give them power over you.

Posted : August 6, 2021 7:53 AM
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So I went to a wedding on the weekend. Saw a cousin who our last interaction was the family group chat and him telling me I'm causing death by discouraging people from taking the jab. Actually I was not directly doing that, I was just stating facts about vitamin d.

Anyway, I saw him and did not even think about that conversation. First chance he gets, out of nowhere:
"your gna hate me, I had the jab"
Me: ok
Him: only the first one tho
Me: but why are you acting like you're not getting the second one...

Then later on his mum quietly tells me without prompting "I must admit, I got the jabs... I'm not getting the third one tho"
I said to both, ok, its a personal choice...

I've got literally nothing to say about the jab to people who have already had it. Lets move on.

Posted : August 25, 2021 12:15 PM
Posts: 240
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smaddy wrote:
So I went to a wedding on the weekend. Saw a cousin who our last interaction was the family group chat and him telling me I'm causing death by discouraging people from taking the jab. Actually I was not directly doing that, I was just stating facts about vitamin d.

Anyway, I saw him and did not even think about that conversation. First chance he gets, out of nowhere:
"your gna hate me, I had the jab"
Me: ok
Him: only the first one tho
Me: but why are you acting like you're not getting the second one...

Then later on his mum quietly tells me without prompting "I must admit, I got the jabs... I'm not getting the third one tho"
I said to both, ok, its a personal choice...

I've got literally nothing to say about the jab to people who have already had it. Lets move on.

I think the booster push has been very good for our side, I'm seeing lots of quiet buyers remorse as people realize they may have been duped. Just like double and triple masking was a jump-the-shark moment back in January.

Posted : August 25, 2021 12:26 PM
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jh1517 wrote:
I think the booster push has been very good for our side, I'm seeing lots of quiet buyers remorse as people realize they may have been duped. Just like double and triple masking was a jump-the-shark moment back in January.

I think you are right but those people are not solid on their new stance, all it takes is for the propaganda to be reinforced. My aunt said she got the two because she just couldn't be bothered with everything and wanted to get back to normal. Very wishy washy conviction. All they need to tell her is the number 3 will make life normal again...

Posted : August 25, 2021 12:55 PM
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Most people I know got it just to be able to travel. Can’t blame them. If I had a family emergency tomorrow and had to travel, I’d have to make choices too

Posted : August 25, 2021 6:43 PM
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Today I made a hasty decision out of rage
Not that deep really, there are no real consequences but I'm really upset that I reacted.

I'm in a group chat with old work colleagues who I now consider friends. In the group out of 6 active participants of the chat including me, 2 have not had the vax, me being one of the two.

When the vax first came out i had a couple slightly heated discussions with one of the guys but once i understood he made his decision, i respected it and now i don't bring up the topic around him nor do I respond when he says certain things.

Another one many months ago posted an agressive video to the group chat - one of those with a guy dressed in doctors costume calling people names for not getting the vax. I ignored that and everyone else did. This week following a conversation we all had on video call, which was not a debate, the same guy posts yet another agressive video on the same lines in the chat (he also atted the other non vax woman in the group - so a targeted message).
So i respond and said we're all supposed to be friends lets not do this. Couple others chimed in and agreed with me, one guy who is vaxxed messaged me privately saying he didn't think guy 1 was right to post the video blablabla and some other issues he has with the guy that he has never said.


Then today the same guy 1 posts a screenshot of a headline about how romania has the lowest uptake for the vax and that they have very high case numbers now. He did not participate in the conversation before which he sparked with his agressive video.

So I wrote a short message about the value of friendship and left the group...

I'm just not here for the 'banter'. Its not a joke. I can send agressive videos too but I don't

Sorry for boring anyone who read this.

Posted : November 24, 2021 4:46 PM
Posts: 54
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When people ask me why I’m not vaxxed I say because I don’t own a Television. It seems to be effective at shutting up smart people. Idiots are idiots, many folks are having buyers remorse after learning the shot is only good for 6 months, 50% effective after 3, it’s a joke. The new phizer whistle blower is great to have in our pocket too.

Buckle up it’s going to get much worse before it gets better.

Posted : November 24, 2021 5:26 PM
Posts: 181
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Ooo I love the television comeback! So sensible and true. I also don’t have a tv. I feel so lucky to have dodged the mass hypnosis.

Posted : November 25, 2021 1:31 PM
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This one isn't really social but work
Had a team huddle with 3 people and our manager asks how we're feeling. Stupidly of me I guess i said well I'm not really liking the atmosphere in the world atm.
He then goes "have you two booked your booster"

I've got no idea what the other guys stance is but we both paused on the Team's call, awkwardly. I said "ah nah I haven't had a message about it", then the other guy was like "ah yh neither have I... I mean I know I could have found out myself"

Then I had another team meeting with more people, supposed to double up as a online Christmas social. Out of nowhere (in my opinion) this colleague goes "I've got my booster booked for such an such date and I must admit, I'm feeling really apprehensive" pause.

I was thinking wtf is this going?

He started talking about the illness people get immediately after taking the jab and how he didn't wanna be sick for a week or whatever. Then he goes "so how have you guys felt after your booster"

Maybe 7 or 8 out of 14 responded about how it made them feel.

Fuckin sly tho isn't it?
I'm wondering if they have been asked to gauge numbers or if this is a personal curiousity.

Posted : December 17, 2021 8:59 AM
Posts: 4
New Member

jh1517 wrote:
I think the booster push has been very good for our side, I'm seeing lots of quiet buyers remorse as people realize they may have been duped. Just like double and triple masking was a jump-the-shark moment back in January.


Posted : December 19, 2021 12:18 AM