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The new normal sucks!

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Posts: 44
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dylansdad wrote:
You people are too much. Granted, I just joined because I liked a few of Greg's shows on YOUTUBE. But the entirely separate cult mentality here is too much. You disbelieve just about every medical authority on this planet, and instead believe some conspiracy fear mongers instead. Wow.

When I was a kid, polio crippled a lot of kids. My cousin was hit out of the blue. She had to wear the braces and spent her life in a wheelchair. But I just compare the people then to now. Everyone took the vaccine in sugar cubes and POLIO VANISHED FROM THE USA, whereas it was a much dreaded and feared childhood disease that could cripple you for life.

Now if you conspiracy folks had been around back then, you would have adamantly refused to take the vaccine and polio would still be with us 70 years after it was eradicated.

How can you believe this nonsense about the vaccine being full of nano tech when we have no proof such tech even exists outside science fiction? You listen to all this conspiracy lunacy and shut out reality, then proclaim that YOU are the "woke" person. It is incredible.

I know I will be bashed for this, told that I am ignorant (meaning I don't get all my information from right wing conspiracy nuts and right wing Donald Trump worshipping media). Yet you believe all this nonsense.

Today I cancelled my subscription. I will continue to listen to the shows until it runs out in late November. But you folks are really bonkers.

As my Scottish cousin said to me from Scottland, "If you Yanks had been around in World War 2 London when the Nazi bombing occurred, you would have refused to follow the Lights Out order because of your precious paranoia and "FREEDOM" crap." I agree. We once had a sense of community in the USA. Forces have worked a long time to destroy this, often working through the GOP which actually does not believe in the concept of community, just individual units of consciousness all competing with each other for resources. How lovely!

Yes, bad people do bad things. But responding to a once in 100 year pandemic with disbelief and then refusing to do anything about it out of some false sense of pride? Pathetic.

Covid could be wiped out, like polio, if everyone was immunized. But you prefer conspiracy lunatics to cold hard science. And people like Greg give these loons a platform. So be it.

Buh bye.

You probably won't even read this, but I have to say, I am a bit confused as to why you chose to put this on my post, rather than on the several more relevant threads that exist in the forum. You clearly didn't read any of the above replies, and have instead apparently copypasted a highly generalized rant filled with wrong assumptions. My only question is, why?

Posted : June 5, 2021 2:51 AM
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

tacosalad wrote:
You probably won't even read this, but I have to say, I am a bit confused as to why you chose to put this on my post, rather than on the several more relevant threads that exist in the forum. You clearly didn't read any of the above replies, and have instead apparently copypasted a highly generalized rant filled with wrong assumptions. My only question is, why?

I bet if you do a text search on other "conspiracy" forums you may find these same posts with some of the proper nouns switched out. At least they were kind of funny. Kudos to him ( or.... it?)

Otherwise, great thread for helping navigate this current clown world.

Posted : June 5, 2021 1:49 PM
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

tacosalad wrote:
You probably won't even read this, but I have to say, I am a bit confused as to why you chose to put this on my post, rather than on the several more relevant threads that exist in the forum. You clearly didn't read any of the above replies, and have instead apparently copypasted a highly generalized rant filled with wrong assumptions. My only question is, why?

He randomly attacked my post on the John Michael Greer show too.

Sadly, I think this is just an end stage reaction which many people who bought into the "pandemic" narrative will have and they'll lash out in bizzarre ways.

If you bought this narrative hook line and sinker, and really believed this was a disastrous, world altering plague, as opposed to what it was--a disease about 2-4 times as bad as the seasonal flu and 50% or so more contagious-- the fact that the world (at least most of the US) is going back to normal now without some kind of cathartic climax is psyche breaking.

Edit: Also strange how he switched from a brother-in-law dying of Covid to a cousin dying of polio, with no mention of the prior. He seemed skeptical that my neighbor who killed himself in the lockdown existed---maybe projection?

Posted : June 5, 2021 4:33 PM
Posts: 44
Eminent Member
Topic starter

jh1517 wrote:
He randomly attacked my post on the John Michael Greer show too.

Sadly, I think this is just an end stage reaction which many people who bought into the "pandemic" narrative will have and they'll lash out in bizzarre ways.

If you bought this narrative hook line and sinker, and really believed this was a disastrous, world altering plague, as opposed to what it was--a disease about 2-4 times as bad as the seasonal flu and 50% or so more contagious-- the fact that the world (at least most of the US) is going back to normal now without some kind of cathartic climax is psyche breaking.

Edit: Also strange how he switched from a brother-in-law dying of Covid to a cousin dying of polio, with no mention of the prior. He seemed skeptical that my neighbor who killed himself in the lockdown existed---maybe projection?

If he's switching stories, he's obviously just copypasting from some template. Also "Scottish cousin from Scottland" ??? What real human spells Scotland as Scottland?

Posted : June 5, 2021 6:19 PM
Paul v
Posts: 13
Active Member

tacosalad wrote:
If he's switching stories, he's obviously just copypasting from some template. Also "Scottish cousin from Scottland" ??? What real human spells Scotland as Scottland?

These bots are getting more and more complex

Posted : June 6, 2021 4:42 AM
Posts: 38
Trusted Member

dylansdad wrote:
You people are too much. Granted, I just joined because I liked a few of Greg's shows on YOUTUBE. But the entirely separate cult mentality here is too much. You disbelieve just about every medical authority on this planet, and instead believe some conspiracy fear mongers instead. Wow.

When I was a kid, polio crippled a lot of kids. My cousin was hit out of the blue. She had to wear the braces and spent her life in a wheelchair. But I just compare the people then to now. Everyone took the vaccine in sugar cubes and POLIO VANISHED FROM THE USA, whereas it was a much dreaded and feared childhood disease that could cripple you for life.

Now if you conspiracy folks had been around back then, you would have adamantly refused to take the vaccine and polio would still be with us 70 years after it was eradicated.

How can you believe this nonsense about the vaccine being full of nano tech when we have no proof such tech even exists outside science fiction? You listen to all this conspiracy lunacy and shut out reality, then proclaim that YOU are the "woke" person. It is incredible.

I know I will be bashed for this, told that I am ignorant (meaning I don't get all my information from right wing conspiracy nuts and right wing Donald Trump worshipping media). Yet you believe all this nonsense.

Today I cancelled my subscription. I will continue to listen to the shows until it runs out in late November. But you folks are really bonkers.

As my Scottish cousin said to me from Scottland, "If you Yanks had been around in World War 2 London when the Nazi bombing occurred, you would have refused to follow the Lights Out order because of your precious paranoia and "FREEDOM" crap." I agree. We once had a sense of community in the USA. Forces have worked a long time to destroy this, often working through the GOP which actually does not believe in the concept of community, just individual units of consciousness all competing with each other for resources. How lovely!

Yes, bad people do bad things. But responding to a once in 100 year pandemic with disbelief and then refusing to do anything about it out of some false sense of pride? Pathetic.

Covid could be wiped out, like polio, if everyone was immunized. But you prefer conspiracy lunatics to cold hard science. And people like Greg give these loons a platform. So be it.

Buh bye.

I'm sad you're leaving. It's important to hear differing opinions. I support people's rights to choose whether they get vaccinated, and I hear your position. A lot has changed since WWII and polio. The public trust has been lost due to corruption and corporate interests. If those things can be fixed, I believe people will come together again as a community and make choices for the community, but we can't expect that of others when the system can't be trusted. I got the first dose and I wear a mask. Born of a San Francisco hippy and a Blue Mountain-banjo man, I grew up on what is practically a commune and am as far left of right as one can get - so try not to box people in to sides and just hear that different people have different reasons. Value differences.
My grandmother told me stories about covering the windows with newspaper in San Francisco and bomb drills, getting under the dining table. She lived through polio and iron lungs and closing of all the pools and friends becoming paralyzed. The difference with COVID is the real risk to individuals is hard to discern when CDC has flip flopped on the issue so many times. My neice went blind from the virus - I witnessed her tangible result from the virus, a risk I find unacceptable and am, therefore, willing to risk the vaccine. Also, people are required to receive a lot of vaccines now, and no one cares if they have a negative reaction or are maimed from the vaccine - those people are considered rare and expendable, or they tell them it would have happened to them anyway. Unacceptable. There are no acceptable casualties. These advers events are not something other people can understand until it happens to them or someone they love. We don't throw people overboard because we're low on food and it would benefit the rest of the crew. We don't start an execution lottery because there are too many people. We shouldn't force under-studied vaccines on anyone when we don't know which people respond poorly to them. After the largest clinical trial in the history of the world, the full risks of the vaccines are only now being compiled. Each person's risk may be different depending on their medical history, age, and genetics.

Posted : June 6, 2021 4:31 PM
Posts: 0
New Member

Taco I'm right there with you concerning work and friends, not to mention being forced to give up season tickets to my football team and being barred from my formerly-favorite country north of the border.

I realize that none of that shit matters other than being able to provide for my family while not compromising my values or my health. Stressing over this last part is causing the same sinking feeling you have. I have found prayer and meditation in the morning followed by keeping active and outdoors most of the day has helped.

That prayer and time in nature is leading/tugging me in a new direction but it's hard. I'm gaining the knowledge but what I need is the wisdom.

I am diagnosed with four auto-immune diseases that have led to surgeries I can never undo, organs I can't grow back, and a restrictive diet I can never stray from. I have a documented severe allergic reaction to the flu shot on my chart and am allergic to all sorts of crap requiring me to carry an epi-pen wherever I go.

YET my doctor encouraged me to get the experimental jab, going so far as to lie to me when I objected on the grounds of "this is a new technology untested on people like me." She said "mRNA isn't new, many of your childhood vaccines were mRNA." 100% BS, I looked it up. Needless to say I'm looking for a new doctor.

How about this wordplay from the CDC's website:

"People with autoimmune conditions may receive a COVID-19 vaccine. However, they should be aware that no data are currently available on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for people with autoimmune conditions."

In other words you may take it, but good luck with that because we don't require any testing before pushing this shit on the likes of you.

That's what I'll be telling my boss when he asks and we'll see where it goes from there.

It is criminal to force someone to take an unproven medication in order to keep their job and in time that will shake out. This I know. Of course time is relative and it can be scary in the here and now.

Many auto-immune conditions only started appearing in the 20th century, right alongside the advent of modern miracles like vaccines, EMF radiation, and the proliferation of plastic and petro-everything. The cause of these conditions, according to the best and brightest scientists in the world, are an "unknown" mix of genetic and environmental triggers.

Correlation doesn't prove causation, but nothing has been proven to cause most auto-immune conditions yet.

A cursory exploration online shows an obvious negative correlation between infectious diseases (eg. measels, polio, tetanus, chicken pox) and their respective vaccines. There is also a very strong positive correlation between these vaccines and the advent of autoimmune conditions (eg. MS, Crohn's, Celiac, Type 1 Diabetes, Asthma...).

So why no proof? The entities that can afford to fund studies proving what causes autoimmune conditions are the same ones that can't afford to risk what they may find...

Posted : June 10, 2021 3:59 PM
Posts: 0
New Member

jh1517 wrote:
He randomly attacked my post on the John Michael Greer show too.

Sadly, I think this is just an end stage reaction which many people who bought into the "pandemic" narrative will have and they'll lash out in bizzarre ways.

If you bought this narrative hook line and sinker, and really believed this was a disastrous, world altering plague, as opposed to what it was--a disease about 2-4 times as bad as the seasonal flu and 50% or so more contagious-- the fact that the world (at least most of the US) is going back to normal now without some kind of cathartic climax is psyche breaking.

Edit: Also strange how he switched from a brother-in-law dying of Covid to a cousin dying of polio, with no mention of the prior. He seemed skeptical that my neighbor who killed himself in the lockdown existed---maybe projection?

I feel bad for dylan

Posted : June 10, 2021 4:01 PM
Posts: 422
Honorable Member

jdaneway wrote:
I'm sad you're leaving. It's important to hear differing opinions. I support people's rights to choose whether they get vaccinated, and I hear your position. A lot has changed since WWII and polio. The public trust has been lost due to corruption and corporate interests. If those things can be fixed, I believe people will come together again as a community and make choices for the community, but we can't expect that of others when the system can't be trusted. I got the first dose and I wear a mask. Born of a San Francisco hippy and a Blue Mountain-banjo man, I grew up on what is practically a commune and am as far left of right as one can get - so try not to box people in to sides and just hear that different people have different reasons. Value differences.
My grandmother told me stories about covering the windows with newspaper in San Francisco and bomb drills, getting under the dining table. She lived through polio and iron lungs and closing of all the pools and friends becoming paralyzed. The difference with COVID is the real risk to individuals is hard to discern when CDC has flip flopped on the issue so many times. My neice went blind from the virus - I witnessed her tangible result from the virus, a risk I find unacceptable and am, therefore, willing to risk the vaccine. Also, people are required to receive a lot of vaccines now, and no one cares if they have a negative reaction or are maimed from the vaccine - those people are considered rare and expendable, or they tell them it would have happened to them anyway. Unacceptable. There are no acceptable casualties. These advers events are not something other people can understand until it happens to them or someone they love. We don't throw people overboard because we're low on food and it would benefit the rest of the crew. We don't start an execution lottery because there are too many people. We shouldn't force under-studied vaccines on anyone when we don't know which people respond poorly to them. After the largest clinical trial in the history of the world, the full risks of the vaccines are only now being compiled. Each person's risk may be different depending on their medical history, age, and genetics.

JDANEWAY, WE LOVE YOU!!! We are so happy that you're here! You make us all look smarter because we can hang out with really smart people who don't quite agree with us. You hafta forgive us! Many of us have had many encounters with people who are pushing agendas without arguing facts. I don't know if I would have been so charitable to the dad PREDEV PERSONA.

What you witnessed right here was an act of incredibly restrained power. Honestly, from this end, it was kinda gorgeous to watch.

I hope you don't think less of us. Some of us have been kicked around a loooong time.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : June 13, 2021 12:49 AM
Posts: 422
Honorable Member

Wow, man. Every word in this thread is POETRY.

You remember that part when that poor kid's dad came in and taco ended him? That shit was SURGICAL. Sounded like this, dude- "Why? Why did you make me do that to you?"

And then, this meatwall of angels drops in and escort's the poor kid's dad to the ground. Then back up and out to his car. That was the COOLEST thing to watch. I'm so pissed that I missed it! Although, i'da probly dumbed down the whole operation. I need to up my game if I wanna hang out with you classy bastards.

I once had my ass handed to me, repeatedly, in a Counterstrike server by a dude callin himself TACO OF DOOM.

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : June 13, 2021 12:50 AM
Posts: 44
Eminent Member
Topic starter

jakeyd wrote:
Taco I'm right there with you concerning work and friends, not to mention being forced to give up season tickets to my football team and being barred from my formerly-favorite country north of the border.

I realize that none of that shit matters other than being able to provide for my family while not compromising my values or my health. Stressing over this last part is causing the same sinking feeling you have. I have found prayer and meditation in the morning followed by keeping active and outdoors most of the day has helped.

That prayer and time in nature is leading/tugging me in a new direction but it's hard. I'm gaining the knowledge but what I need is the wisdom.

I am diagnosed with four auto-immune diseases that have led to surgeries I can never undo, organs I can't grow back, and a restrictive diet I can never stray from. I have a documented severe allergic reaction to the flu shot on my chart and am allergic to all sorts of crap requiring me to carry an epi-pen wherever I go.

YET my doctor encouraged me to get the experimental jab, going so far as to lie to me when I objected on the grounds of "this is a new technology untested on people like me." She said "mRNA isn't new, many of your childhood vaccines were mRNA." 100% BS, I looked it up. Needless to say I'm looking for a new doctor.

How about this wordplay from the CDC's website:

"People with autoimmune conditions may receive a COVID-19 vaccine. However, they should be aware that no data are currently available on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for people with autoimmune conditions."

In other words you may take it, but good luck with that because we don't require any testing before pushing this shit on the likes of you.

That's what I'll be telling my boss when he asks and we'll see where it goes from there.

It is criminal to force someone to take an unproven medication in order to keep their job and in time that will shake out. This I know. Of course time is relative and it can be scary in the here and now.

Many auto-immune conditions only started appearing in the 20th century, right alongside the advent of modern miracles like vaccines, EMF radiation, and the proliferation of plastic and petro-everything. The cause of these conditions, according to the best and brightest scientists in the world, are an "unknown" mix of genetic and environmental triggers.

Correlation doesn't prove causation, but nothing has been proven to cause most auto-immune conditions yet.

A cursory exploration online shows an obvious negative correlation between infectious diseases (eg. measels, polio, tetanus, chicken pox) and their respective vaccines. There is also a very strong positive correlation between these vaccines and the advent of autoimmune conditions (eg. MS, Crohn's, Celiac, Type 1 Diabetes, Asthma...).

So why no proof? The entities that can afford to fund studies proving what causes autoimmune conditions are the same ones that can't afford to risk what they may find...

jakeyd! Thank you for sharing all this. Sorry it took so long to respond, I like to have a clear mind and some time to sit down and not be harried, and sometimes that only happens on the weekend.

That really surprises me that your doctor suggested that you get it. I would think that documented allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases would two of the most clear cut reasons to hold off. It only makes me think that many medical providers are telling their staff to always encourage it, no matter what. They have their orders and they cannot deviate. Scary.

I completely agree that the profileration of autoimmune diseases must be related to the general toxicity we are bathed in as humans in the last century. No doubt plastic and petroleum based everything is not how nature intended our bodies to thrive. And since these industries own the world, who can go against it?

Yeah, I've mostly come to terms with not going to concerts or baseball games or things like that again. I can live without those things. I have no stake in it, even if it is fun. There are other ways to have fun. But yeah, being able to provide for myself is kind of a big deal! I already have issues with a lot of workplaces because of fragrance and mold and have been wary of job hunting for a long time because of that, but now the prospect that they may bar me from a job because of this?

I hear you on prayer and meditation and quiet. I'm glad it's leading you somewhere, and hopefully you come to a definite understanding of what you need to do. I hope this for myself, too :/ It's not easy. I don't necessarily know what the right way to pray or meditate even is, I have been trying out what feels right from listening to what a variety of other people do. What resonates with my soul.

I wish that I could get a definite diagnosis of my medical issue, and then perhaps going on disability would be possible, perhaps, but it's not even recognized by the American medical system. It is in Canada, Australia and New Zealand, but not here, LOL. A massive mold exposure at work due to a flooded roof, and literally overnight I became severely reactive to fragrance, perfume, mold, scented fabric softener, paint, air freshener, smoke, etc. It was wild. I had no idea what was happening until I started finding other people online who experienced the same thing. It's been a wild couple of years, and I only survive by avoiding those things. So social distancing and wearing a mask in certain places like Walmart (fuck that place, it is a toxic hell hole!) were already things I was familiar with before this pandemic.

Anyway, thank you again for sharing. I do find some comfort in knowing other people are struggling, even if I wish none of us were, if that makes any sense.

Posted : June 13, 2021 1:22 AM
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

jakeyd wrote:
YET my doctor encouraged me to get the experimental jab, going so far as to lie to me when I objected on the grounds of "this is a new technology untested on people like me." She said "mRNA isn't new, many of your childhood vaccines were mRNA." 100% BS, I looked it up. Needless to say I'm looking for a new doctor.

Jesus, this frustrates me to no end. Listen, I've taught pre-meds and doctors, and worked with doctors in the research setting for 5 years--they are extremely ambitious but not particularly bright people, in fact I would go so far to say that they are generally of lower intellectual capability than most other professionals (lawyers, architects, engineers, etc.).

Considering the amount of sway they have over peoples' opinions and out institutions, the fact that they are as unremarkable and unintelligent and often careless as they are is damn near a crisis. I've had to double check everything my fathers' doctors say and a good 25% of the time what they say is just flatly wrong or even nonsensical. I don't know what people who don't have the confidence or ability to double-check them do.

Posted : June 13, 2021 1:51 PM
Posts: 232
Reputable Member

I feel trapped, overwhelmingly trapped. Boris has extended the restrictions until July 19th, from June 21 but furlough support has been extended to autumn

One of my outlets used to be dub raves and I could cry for the fact I can't go.
I was planning to go to Spain in July for my birthday but with these increased restrictions and the fact I need to have a negative covid test to come back, its too risky and too much money

I try to pick myself up and pretend that I'm happy with how things are but I'm sad. Through some sad twists of fate I lost all my close relationships prior to this virus and the ganja I got the other day is not hitting the right spot

Posted : June 16, 2021 12:04 PM
Posts: 349
Bossman Admin

dylansdad wrote:
You people are too much. Granted, I just joined because I liked a few of Greg's shows on YOUTUBE. But the entirely separate cult mentality here is too much. You disbelieve just about every medical authority on this planet, and instead believe some conspiracy fear mongers instead. Wow.

When I was a kid, polio crippled a lot of kids. My cousin was hit out of the blue. She had to wear the braces and spent her life in a wheelchair. But I just compare the people then to now. Everyone took the vaccine in sugar cubes and POLIO VANISHED FROM THE USA, whereas it was a much dreaded and feared childhood disease that could cripple you for life.

Now if you conspiracy folks had been around back then, you would have adamantly refused to take the vaccine and polio would still be with us 70 years after it was eradicated.

How can you believe this nonsense about the vaccine being full of nano tech when we have no proof such tech even exists outside science fiction? You listen to all this conspiracy lunacy and shut out reality, then proclaim that YOU are the "woke" person. It is incredible.

I know I will be bashed for this, told that I am ignorant (meaning I don't get all my information from right wing conspiracy nuts and right wing Donald Trump worshipping media). Yet you believe all this nonsense.

Today I cancelled my subscription. I will continue to listen to the shows until it runs out in late November. But you folks are really bonkers.

As my Scottish cousin said to me from Scottland, "If you Yanks had been around in World War 2 London when the Nazi bombing occurred, you would have refused to follow the Lights Out order because of your precious paranoia and "FREEDOM" crap." I agree. We once had a sense of community in the USA. Forces have worked a long time to destroy this, often working through the GOP which actually does not believe in the concept of community, just individual units of consciousness all competing with each other for resources. How lovely!

Yes, bad people do bad things. But responding to a once in 100 year pandemic with disbelief and then refusing to do anything about it out of some false sense of pride? Pathetic.

Covid could be wiped out, like polio, if everyone was immunized. But you prefer conspiracy lunatics to cold hard science. And people like Greg give these loons a platform. So be it.

Buh bye.

It's been a very tough year and a half, and fear is one hell of a drug. I can tell by your tone and language that you're not your best self right now. I'm not going to argue too much with a person who's made up their mind, and probably won't see this post anyway, but I did want to point out just a couple of things to anyone else who shows up:

" You disbelieve just about every medical authority on this planet, and instead believe some conspiracy fear mongers instead."
-Actually, its the mainstream creating and pumping up fear. Most of the alternative community is pretty rational and logical about how dangerous it is out there. Also, how are *these* people for experts:

-A Discussion with Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, PHD & Peter McCullough, MD, MPH:
-FLCCC Alliance testifies to senate committee:
Former Pfizer VP and Virologist, Dr. Michael Yeadon, is one of the most credentialed medical professionals speaking out about the dangers of the #Covid19 vaccines, yet it has fallen on deaf ears.

More and more career medical experts are coming around to what THC guests have been saying for over a year. Not because we're smarter, but because regardless of a person's education, if you have blind faith in the system, you'll take a lot of lies for granted as truth.

I also think you should read a bit more about what Polio really was:

It's not uncommon for people to rant at me about one THC thread or another, and then later come back and offer an apology. Just so you know.
Good luck out there.

Posted : June 16, 2021 3:16 PM
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

TheCarlwood wrote:
More and more career medical experts are coming around to what THC guests have been saying for over a year. Not because we're smarter, but because regardless of a person's education, if you have blind faith in the system, you'll take a lot of lies for granted as truth.

I also think you should read a bit more about what Polio really was:

As a former "career medical expert" who came around to the truth about a year ago, the bolded above really hits the nail on the head.

"Medical experts" are humans, subject to the same bias and group think and psychological faults as anyone else, and the institutions built up around them--nominally to help protect against these factors--have been corrupted to reinforce them. Now they fail to prevent these faults from driving "consensus" or being manipulated by bad actors, and give society a misplaced sense of security in their authority--leading to things like the terrible, emotive overreaction we have witnessed this last year and the censorship of opposing views as "dangerous".

Posted : June 16, 2021 5:50 PM
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