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This Place is Pathetic!

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When I was a kid, polio crippled a lot of kids. My cousin was hit out of the blue. She had to wear the braces and spent her life in a wheelchair. But I just compare the people then to now. Everyone took the vaccine in sugar cubes and POLIO VANISHED FROM THE USA, whereas it was a much dreaded and feared childhood disease that could cripple you for life.

Now if you conspiracy folks had been around back then, you would have adamantly refused to take the vaccine and polio would still be with us 70 years after it was eradicated.

How can you believe this nonsense about the vaccine being full of nano tech when we have no proof such tech even exists outside science fiction? You listen to all this conspiracy lunacy and shut out reality, then proclaim that YOU are the "woke" person. It is incredible.

I know I will be bashed for this, told that I am ignorant (meaning I don't get all my information from right wing conspiracy nuts and right wing Donald Trump worshipping media). Yet you believe all this nonsense.

Today I cancelled my subscription. I will continue to listen to the shows until it runs out in late November. But you folks are really bonkers.

As my Scottish cousin said to me from Scottland, "If you Yanks had been around in World War 2 London when the Nazi bombing occurred, you would have refused to follow the Lights Out order because of your precious paranoia and "FREEDOM" crap." I agree. We once had a sense of community in the USA. Forces have worked a long time to destroy this, often working through the GOP which actually does not believe in the concept of community, just individual units of consciousness all competing with each other for resources. How lovely! In previous decades, this outlook was called the rat race.

Yes, bad people do bad things. But responding to a once in 100 year pandemic with disbelief and then refusing to do anything about it out of some false sense of pride? Pathetic. Even a simple mask at the supermarket was seen as a big infringement on your precious ego sense of freedom. The mask became the new Mark of the Beast. Once people here served others. Now you are concerned about having your precious face covered while you buy a 6 pack of beer. Amazing.

Covid could be wiped out, like polio, if everyone was immunized. But you prefer conspiracy lunatics to cold hard science. Fear sells. How did you become so alienated from reality?

And people like Greg give these loons a platform. So be it.

Buh bye.


Posted : June 4, 2021 11:49 PM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

someone doesn't like being free

Posted : June 5, 2021 12:59 AM
Posts: 2
New Member

hopefully dylan is cooler than his dad

Posted : June 5, 2021 2:43 AM
Posts: 44
Eminent Member

Oh, good, he didn't just reply to my post.

Also, you came to a conspiracy forum to rant against conspiracies... wut??? You clearly haven't listened to very many episodes of the show.

Posted : June 5, 2021 2:47 AM
Posts: 102
Estimable Member

If this vaccine actually prevented someone from contracting Covid, then maybe there is some heft to your argument. Instead you want me to get reoccurring shots for the rest of my life because your cousin was in a wheelchair?
Your not talking apples to apples man. Hell, I even agree with you that most of us are bonkers, but that doesn’t make what you just said anything more than the emotional appeal of someone who is very obviously terrified by this disease. In that I am truly sorry and I hope you find strength out there to deal with this. Just remember that Governments have been lying to their citizens to exert control and elicit compliance since the dawn of civilization. Pretending that they are suddenly fueled by altruism and a warm glow is about as realistic as believing they are filling syringes with nano tech.

Posted : June 5, 2021 1:47 PM
Posts: 13
Active Member

"Full of nano-tech" is a straw man argument. How about experimental and without long term safety studies on humans? What about the fact that the recovery rate from contracting COVID-19 is 99.9% for those under 50? Greg's position has always been where are the news stories about healthy habits to increase your chances of recovery instead of the quick fix vaccine. His guests may be presenting alternative view points but you're expected to use critical thinking when listening.

Posted : June 5, 2021 3:14 PM
Posts: 2
New Member

Don't forget all the wonderful experimental vaccine injury settlements & sterility issues of the past coming from the same companies rushing through emergency authorization to sign people up for multiple doses of brand spankin' new gene therapies (fresh off the CRSPR!) that killed more lab animals than it saved. Oh! And that one of said vaccine injury occurrences WAS the polio vaccination program leaving tens of thousands reported (and likely more) of children partially paralyzed & disabled for life at best. If not, killed by the same thing they were inocculated against

...I do concede to the THC cult argument though. The few people paying attention tend to look & act the craziest. Although Greg has nothing to do with that and in fact encourages only an open mind & willingness to consider. Imperfect allies, people!

Posted : June 5, 2021 4:51 PM
Posts: 8
Active Member

what goes in must come out (somehow...) and if by now giving big pharma more funding seems like a good idea, i assure you, it is not. what do you think was going on in the place where the supposed outbreak took place in the first place ??

Posted : June 5, 2021 9:07 PM
Posts: 152
Reputable Member

Okay, boomer.

Heil Hitler: jews did 9/11.

Posted : June 6, 2021 12:10 AM
Posts: 51
Trusted Member

Polio was never a're describing. At its peak in the US case rates were about 35/100,000. Yet somehow all you old bastards seem to remember that people were falling down with polio left and right. Not every case was paralytic of course so there were even less than 35/100,000 (0.035%) people afflicted with polio related paralysis. Its almost like a constant media narrative has distorted your generations memory. Or maybe the official statistics are wrong?

Posted : June 20, 2021 7:02 PM
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

personman wrote:
Polio was never a're describing. At its peak in the US case rates were about 35/100,000. Yet somehow all you old bastards seem to remember that people were falling down with polio left and right. Not every case was paralytic of course so there were even less than 35/100,000 (0.035%) people afflicted with polio related paralysis. Its almost like a constant media narrative has distorted your generations memory. Or maybe the official statistics are wrong?

It's fascinating how much people of that era misremember polio as a devastating plague--when the numbers and the contemporary narrative just doesn't bare that out. Power of propaganda.

I mean, from the US CDC's own mouth:
"Most poliovirus infections are asymptomatic; about 25% cause minor illness with total recovery. However, about 0.5% of unvaccinated people may develop acute flaccid paralysis. Paralysis may affect 1 or several limbs, and in severe cases it may result in quadriplegia, respiratory failure, and rarely, death. Many people partially recover muscle function, and some recover completely, but worsening of weakness or paralysis may occur 20–30 years later (postpolio syndrome). Adults with poliovirus paralysis have more severe disease and a worse prognosis than children."

Posted : June 20, 2021 7:13 PM
Posts: 51
Trusted Member

jh1517 wrote:
It's fascinating how much people of that era misremember polio as a devastating plague--when the numbers and the contemporary narrative just doesn't bare that out. Power of propaganda.

I mean, from the US CDC's own mouth:
"Most poliovirus infections are asymptomatic; about 25% cause minor illness with total recovery. However, about 0.5% of unvaccinated people may develop acute flaccid paralysis. Paralysis may affect 1 or several limbs, and in severe cases it may result in quadriplegia, respiratory failure, and rarely, death. Many people partially recover muscle function, and some recover completely, but worsening of weakness or paralysis may occur 20–30 years later (postpolio syndrome). Adults with poliovirus paralysis have more severe disease and a worse prognosis than children."

Right! Those numbers tell us that.about 1.75 people out of 1 million experienced paralysis at the absolute height of the polio scourge. And yet every damn boomer has like 3 cousins and a sibling that is wheelchair bound from the plague.

Its wild to see it happening in real time right now. I can't count the number of times someone has called me all kinda names and gotten furious for posting links to the CDC IFR numbers for covid to help correct the myth that the fatality risk is north of 1% (CDC and WHO think its in the 0.25-0.33%). I guarantee these people will be telling their grandchildren about the terrible plague that killed 1.5% of the people who got it

Posted : June 20, 2021 7:43 PM
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

personman wrote:
Right! Those numbers tell us that.about 1.75 people out of 1 million experienced paralysis at the absolute height of the polio scourge. And yet every damn boomer has like 3 cousins and a sibling that is wheelchair bound from the plague.

Its wild to see it happening in real time right now. I can't count the number of times someone has called me all kinda names and gotten furious for posting links to the CDC IFR numbers for covid to help correct the myth that the fatality risk is north of 1% (CDC and WHO think its in the 0.25-0.33%). I guarantee these people will be telling their grandchildren about the terrible plague that killed 1.5% of the people who got it

Sadly, I even see medical journals continuing to push the 1% CFR with no mention that the appropriate metric for epidemiological purposes is IFR, sometimes even drawing epidemiological conclusions which are incoherent.

"It is estimated that until 60–70% of the population have immunity, COVID-19 is unlikely to be sufficiently well-controlled for normal human activities to resume. If immunity remains solely dependent on infection, even at a case fatality rate of 1%, more than 40 million people could succumb to COVID-19 globally."
[e.g. ]

Nature cites Science with numbers that don't match up with known surveillance and best estimates provided by WHO. "Science" publishing is a scam

Actual surveillance indicates that we had something along the line of 40%+ of the population infected by January, even taking every person who died in a motor cycle accident who happened to test positive as a covid death--you can barely break a 0.4% IFR -- and that's in a country full of fat people where a majority of the population has a chronic condition of some sort and counting motorcycle crashes as covid deaths.

Will those articles used to shill vaccines in Nature and Science be retracted?! (lol)

Posted : June 20, 2021 9:26 PM
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

personman wrote:
Right! Those numbers tell us that.about 1.75 people out of 1 million experienced paralysis at the absolute height of the polio scourge. And yet every damn boomer has like 3 cousins and a sibling that is wheelchair bound from the plague.

Its wild to see it happening in real time right now. I can't count the number of times someone has called me all kinda names and gotten furious for posting links to the CDC IFR numbers for covid to help correct the myth that the fatality risk is north of 1% (CDC and WHO think its in the 0.25-0.33%). I guarantee these people will be telling their grandchildren about the terrible plague that killed 1.5% of the people who got it

I vaguely remember them trying to do this when I was a kid with AIDS-- which somehow has managed to infect a fifth of the adult population under 50 of South Africa ( ) and yet with a country with such levels of devastating immunocompromization, high TB rates, and crazy COVID variants gone wild...they are pretty much in the same boat as every other country with regard to Covid. Makes you think.

Also, supposedly TB kills 435000 Indians a year ( ) But remember a few weeks ago when the "DELTA VARIANT!!!" was devastating the country by killing...half as many people as die from TB there every single year.

Posted : June 20, 2021 9:44 PM
Posts: 51
Trusted Member

jh1517 wrote:
you can barely break a 0.4% IFR -- and that's in a country full of fat people where a majority of the population has a chronic condition of some sort and counting motorcycle crashes as covid deaths.

Ya, the us CDC is estimating 0.3-0.33%. I saw a danish study (much healthier population) that estimated 0.08%.

Also, the CDC estimates that 65+ has an IFR of 9.8% so that skews the stats dramatically for the whole population

Posted : June 21, 2021 11:55 PM