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Help with repeating number synchronicity?

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Posts: 13
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Is anyone else seeing very frequent multiples of 11's, 33's, and 1133's? For a while (years) it's been every day and it feels like there's a message that's trying to get through but I can't figure it out. It's those numbers specifically, along with my birth month and day every so often. It's always those numbers, and it happens so often that I can't explain it. Unconsciously, I seem to be in sync with these numbers. I wake up frequently, or somehow check my phone at the 33rd minute of the hour, or I'm going about my day and I'm almost always in view of 11:11, 10:01, 10:11, 11:01, without meaning to be. Even when I've been away from civilization for an extended period of time, as soon as I get back into society it's like it never stopped. I I could go on, but at this point I just want to know if anyone's had something similar and can shed some light on it? There's so many different websites that talk about "angel numbers," but I don't really trust any of their explanations. Intuition tells me they are misleading or missing the point. Maybe you are having the same experience. Thank you in advance.

Posted : May 2, 2021 9:01 PM
Posts: 232
Reputable Member

I don't know anything about this topic however I reckon if you can't find your answer in the physical world, maybe it would help to meditate on the answer

Posted : May 3, 2021 8:52 PM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

What do you know about synchronicity?

Theses number coincidences are drawing your attention to you unconscious and whats going on in there. when you see these numbers reflect upon what was going through your mind at the time or just before.

The actual numbers are not important, they grab your attention in the hope you can let go of the Ego mind and connect to your unconscious.

Once you grasp that - your unconscious will respond with more meaningful synchronicities and they can be very useful. for example a question pops into your mind and it gets answered in the exterior world, maybe with a advert your drive by or on the side of a bus - or words on a t shirt or a tv advert - it gets really spooky but the unconscious has no time so it can be aware of that upcoming word on a t shirt - a few seconds before your conscious mind actually reads them and then plants the right question in your head that the t shirt will answer.

and yes - some sort of meditation or even Thi chi can help you reflect upon your own unconscious rather than all the chatter of the Ego mind. it will also teach you to be able to distinguish between your thought and thoughts of the world at large and the people around you.

Posted : May 4, 2021 12:59 AM
Posts: 13
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Just wanted to say thanks for the response. Good suggestions. I guess time will tell, but it feels like I've been stuck in this holding pattern and I'm not sure what to do about it. Trying to use my time wisely before the next shoe drops, however, it feels impossible to really prepare for anything, physically at least. I'm doing all the spiritual/mental prep I can.

Posted : May 20, 2021 1:04 AM
Posts: 2
New Member

I've had the same thing happening for the past few years. Started as lots of 1s & 3s, then 2s, and now more 4s, 5s & 8s. When this begun for me, I dug into some sacred geometry, platonic solids, and numerological archetypes 1-9. Learning how the numbers correlate with/materialize in nature/physical reality helped me tie a loose meaning to them. Then coupled with nick's suggestion of consciousness awareness and becoming more aware of what thoughts or habits are happening when the numbers are noticed. I believe both sides of the synchronicity (self knowledge & number knowledge) are important in learning from the experience.

Hope that helps a little bit as well!

Posted : June 6, 2021 6:40 PM