Help with Pocket Cast

I'm having trouble adding plus to Pocket Cast on android. I would really appreciate a walk through on how to do this. Thanks.

Hey, I had the same problem, and just solved. From the help section of the app:
Private and paid podcast feeds
Pocket Casts does not formally support password protected feeds. In some cases, you may be able to embed your username and password into the feed using this format:
Once you have formed the new URL, you can add it to Pocket Casts by pasting it in here: . Don’t worry your feed will be kept private and never appear in search results and other places. It’s just for you. You can use the short URL you get back to quickly add it to the app.
If your feed is a private Patreon feed, you can also paste it in here:
So, since this is a pain in the butt, just replace your username and pass here:
then paste the above on that web site. You will get another short URL, which you then paste on the search section of Pocket Casts.
Lots of copy / paste, but it works.

@brngrc, great walk-through! Thanks! This should be added to the FAQ. One question, is the username my email? That's what I use to log into plus, but it seems like it wouldn't work with the url syntax because of the @. If not, is there a way to look up my username?

fluxfirefive wrote: @brngrc, great walk-through! Thanks! This should be added to the FAQ. One question, is the username my email? That's what I use to log into plus, but it seems like it wouldn't work with the url syntax because of the @. If not, is there a way to look up my username?
Thanks, but it is mostly from the Help section of the app 🙂
But I agree it should be on the FAQ, it would have saved me almost an hour to find all this..
The username is your user for the THC site, the one you logon with, not the email. Password is also the login information from THC

Glad I could help!

@brngrc Thanks so much for this walkthrough, I had to move over to Podcast Addict as Pocket cast had stopped adding new episodes. Using your tips has got it back up and running....much appreciated

Is that still working from you? I've just downloaded Pocket Casts and found their help section, but I get an error when submitting the URL on their submission page 🤔

Turns out, the Pocket Cast submit page worked once I encoded my password in ` https://username:password@theUrl` with web compatible escaped characters.
Potential bug: It looks like the password in the URL did NOT update from the password account page. I updated my login password thinking that the browser might have trouble with some of the characters I was using in my password (`@` etc) but the new password throws an error with Pocket Cast while the old one still works (once I encode the special characters) 🤔
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