Re-Joining the Discord

Hello. I was in the Discord for awhile (Angry Leprechaun) but my account got disabled for posting "misleading or harmful misinformation" and I'm trying to get back in but it says the link is expired.

Pretty sure the THC Discord server got banned entirely. I still have an account but can't see the THC server anymore.

seems many were outright banned
TheEngineer/Stranger on THC Discord.

Yeah I’m pretty much exclusively on the discord server and I can’t see the server anymore. I didn’t get any warnings personally so I’m pretty sure I wasn’t banned but yeah, does anyone know what’s going on? if the server did get shut down entirely that really sucks :/

Yeah, it's gone for me too. Looks like the Macroaggressions server (which I was never familiar with) got nuked at the same time from comments in another server.

Crap. That sucks.

Yes, same here no warnings but server gone.
Plus a site admin Silentpsi telegram account has been deleted.
Ok, so it gone. Is there a backup?
Who can set up another.?

Came here for this very reason - so it's not just me...that sucks!

@zunsine dude it's so good to see you I'm really blown the server is gone I'd love to add you on discord but I can't DM you here if you can dm me and you wanna bullshit sometime you were one of my favs to talk to
Hope you have been well man

I am currently undecided as to how to proceed.
I find the destruction of a community as was done to us to be akin to a kind of genocide (sounds overdramatic maybe)
I primarily want to maintain and reconnect the personal friendships created, and the platform is irrelevant. I'm not a fan of the forum format, but enduring it is an acceptable cost for the reward.
this part of my universe is all magic windows with text boxes of one kind or another, attached to one magic box or another to talk to all you imaginary aliens.
TheEngineer/Stranger on THC Discord.

The Grimerica folks set up a Mattermost server, perhaps that would work for us too?

Hello, I have not really participated in the forum here nor am I on Discord, but I've been a THC fan for a long time and a premium member. I think THC communities and the other communities that are going to be banned by big tech platforms really need to explore decentralized alternatives rather than "free speech" alternatives. ie Mastodon and Pleroma rather than Gitter or Gab. For Discord, Matrix is the decentralized alternative and Element is the app for using Matrix. Matrix can bridge to Telegram, Slack, and Discord: Meaning that you can have a room on any of those platforms and mirror it on Matrix. You can communicate from Matrix to Telegram rooms and vice versa. The difference between Telegram is that Matrix is open source and decentralized, so you could spin up a server and host your own instance of Matrix and no one can take it down off the internet. The same is true for Mastodon and Pleroma as alternatives to Twitter. Plus they are federated so they can communicate with other platforms that are also federated. Its cool to have this forum here on the website so it can't be easily taken down, but it would be cooler if you could create a chatroom here that communicated with people on discord, telegram, slack etc. That is what Matrix and Fediverse social media offer. for self hosting I would start with Pleroma before Mastodon or Matrix.
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