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Talk to the Moderator(s)-Suggestions, contributions, Gripes, Questions, etc

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Hey THC'ers!

I'm making this sticky as a fast track to give me/us suggestions, ask me questions, give me crap about something I did or even give me a compliment and a pat on the back to let me know all of my hard work isn't going to waste.

If you have any suggestions for stickys, or better yet if you want to contribute content to be made into a sticky, then you can leave a comment here.
(A "sticky" is a thread that 'sticks' to the top of a list on a page like this one and won't get lost down the page due to lack of recent activity)

I'm going to post this as a super sticky (which means its going to be the first topic on all the pages) for now to try to get some feedback on what I have done so far, get suggestions on things you think I could do to help and make everyone aware that I have made this thread as a way to get ahold of me easier. Once it has been up for a while I will probably make it where its only under "Troubleshooting" or sumpthin' like that.

Thanks for reading and feel free to leave me a comment or ask me a question! 🙂

Posted : April 29, 2015 8:48 AM
Posts: 17
Active Member

Heya chromerhino and THC folks, I'm here now to help you and the rest of the Highersiders as best I can. Mainly I am here to enjoy the super vibes and be a part of a great community. Right now I am wandering around the site to get a feel for the place and soon I expect be here and at your service to lend a hand any place it is welcome.

I expect we are all here because The Higherside Chats is the very best radio cast on the net or anywhere that is covering the paranormal/conspiracies/hidden technology/alternative topics/magic and all the things that are happening around us that have been kept under a tight lid, behind the curtain, in the shadows, and behind locked doors and are now being brought out into the light of day right here before our very eyes and ears.

Happy chatting and I expect this forum will be the place to get a bit more dimension and share your take on the topics Greg and his great guests bring us. Best to you all and a happy hello from your new moderator and Higherside Chats aficionado, -EronGari

Posted : April 29, 2015 9:24 PM
Posts: 196
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Heya Eron 🙂 Glad to see your a Moderator now. Let me know what you think of the things I've done so far and any changes that could be made, new ideas you might have or any other constructive criticism you might have.

Posted : April 29, 2015 11:01 PM
Posts: 17
Active Member

Heya chromerhino, pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm just enjoying the scenery and having a good look-around right now. I am in the process of moving across town for the next couple weeks or so may not be at my best stride until I get settled again. I hope to do some more posting on all my favorite topics, which is just about everything that goes on in the Higherside realm. Maybe there is a hidden spot I haven't found yet where we can discuss the boring housekeeping stuff. I love this place, love The Higherside Chats, so I can't really think of a better place to just hang out and enjoy the vibes, so let's carry on and have some fun.

Posted : April 30, 2015 4:18 AM
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Any Russian listeners? If you guys have access to that info maybe we could start a "Russia" thread, because I'd like to talk to those guys outside of RT. Unless I missed it. It is a little tedious going through all of the US states. Maybe you could organise it by country first with subfields or something, even if you kept the US and the most recent activity at the top (most likely the US anyway). Not that I know anything about moderating forums. Just throwing some ideas around.

Posted : May 7, 2015 10:53 PM
Posts: 17
Active Member

Please feel free to start your own thread. Maybe "if you build it they will come."

I think the newer theads and more recent replies go to the top so it is likely to be seen and not buried right away. Not sure on that, still finding my way around, but worth a try.

Posted : May 7, 2015 11:08 PM
Posts: 196
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Hi syntholabo, I tried moving your comment/guest suggestion to the proper place but I only had the option to move it within "Troubleshooting." The proper place for your suggestions is here so you can make a post there or I can post it there quoting you and adding your name to it.

Posted : May 10, 2015 2:46 PM
Posts: 17
Active Member

Ha, my moving completed, settled in, new computer in place, good to go. Sorry for my relative absence here this past month and thanks for your patience. I hope to be doing some catching up now and get some happy chatting going now. See you all in The Higherside Chats.

Posted : June 1, 2015 3:00 AM
Posts: 196
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Good deal 🙂 We are happy to have you back. If you figure out how to move threads and topics from one category to another let me know! 😉 My Email is if you want to discuss stuff out of the forum.

Posted : June 6, 2015 7:17 PM
Posts: 73
Estimable Member

Since its a Topic you would like Greg to look into covering I would suggest putting it in "Guest/Topic Suggestions".

Posted : June 9, 2015 3:44 AM
Posts: 2
New Member

I'm having difficulty with my plus account using stitcher. not sure if my subscribtion lapsed or what. please let me know what the issue might be. Thanks.

Posted : June 14, 2015 8:29 PM
Posts: 349
Bossman Admin

Stitcher is down right now, but I'm trying to work with them. Sorry! All other methods work though!

Posted : June 21, 2015 6:11 AM