
in my early 20's a guy said im like that older guy with the sticking up hair from that movie. the doc. now in my early 30's im kinda am like him now. my hair sticks up and im all about the future.

1.2 Gigawatts!!!!

Btw, Is369 is also in Oregon.
Super Rad Magi, although, I haven't seen him around here in awhiiile.

i was listening to this and made me think what id really want to do is destroy a ghetto and build a geometry city . one less place where people are shooting each other. geometry gives off good energy. ive always wondered why sf, dc and ny are built around sacred geometry. you dont know by looking at a map but its pretty hidden. thats where theres a lot of shootings though. what hes saying in this video is everything is energy like money. sorta makes sense. that hidden sacred geometry is a energy thats working with money maybe.

since theres so many fires in cali now. get rid of a ghetto there and build something like from the new earth project up north. you can live there if your rich or poor.

This story is #real, although I had to forum-ize it up a bit so you'd understand my position.
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