Etsy Fly Fishing

I make and sell flies for fly fishing on Etsy. I guess it's not really a business but I love doing it and offer them at very fair prices.

Do you have a brochure?
I'll print a few up and leave them around town. I live in Soldotna, Alaska.
We're about to get a couple hundred thousand visitors. Most come to fish.

I don't have a brochure but any word you could put out would be awesome!

I don't fish, but I checked out your Etsy store because I appreciate hand made things. Looking at the close up photos, these are beautiful little works of art. My favorite:Size 8 Crystal Meth Sucker Spawn! The explanations you provide for each lure it apparent that you really know about nature and love your craft! I wish you as many customers as you can handle!

Thanks Stormesweet I truly appreciate the words of encouragement.

Nice flies, sir! I like your consistency and proportions, especially with the tiny midges. Do you mostly tie/fish wet flies? I've been tying for 2 years now, and the addiction has fully taken hold. It's amazing how much tying helps with the fishing part of the game. Tight lines

botnsould wrote: Nice flies, sir! I like your consistency and proportions, especially with the tiny midges. Do you mostly tie/fish wet flies? I've been tying for 2 years now, and the addiction has fully taken hold. It's amazing how much tying helps with the fishing part of the game. Tight lines
Thanks for the compliment! I do almost always fish wet flies but I enjoy tying wet and dry.

Some serious looking trout candy there. Makes me think I may buy my license this year. It's been a few. I always seem to just stay home too much and wind up not fishing, even when I have paid through the nose for the privilege. But then there this, the kid who just moved in next door has a nice boat.

nice man, good stuff! how did you come to sell your goods to Easy? if you don't mind my asking, just curious because that sounds like something I may be able to do as well perhaps, as they offer such a wide variety of products

cbear wrote: nice man, good stuff! how did you come to sell your goods to Easy? if you don't mind my asking, just curious because that sounds like something I may be able to do as well perhaps, as they offer such a wide variety of products
You just make an account with them, it's free, and you pay 20 cents every 3 months for each product you are trying to sell. It helps pay for my plus account on THC every year.

Great stuff,wwpalum! Reading your initial thread immediately threw me back into the 90's episode of Northern Exposure where Ruth Ann's banker son moves to Cicely to tie flies =D Thanks for the memory blast,dude. Good Luck with your biz.
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