Light Shapes Life

I am a THC newbie, have been listening for the past year since my dear cousin recommended it to me (she has been a Plus member for years). I was just gifted THC+ for Christmas and am SO excited to get the full interviews (there will be several I want to go back and get the last hour on!)
I am a bodyworker for horses and dogs and am currently working on an invention for a light therapy device to use on them. As I continue with the business I am sure I will need hope and contacts, however I wanted to offer another service to everyone....
All of us here all know that modern health care is sick care and we have been lied to for decades on what is good for your health. Even in our modern times with having more access to naturopaths and holistic healers who can help a lot; there is still something missing: LIGHT
Our genes, our skin, our eyes, our body all respond to light...we were made this way. You can either be surrounded by good light (sun, moon, stars, fire, candle) or by bad artificial light (LEDS, tech screens, fluorescents) and it affects your health negatively or positively. LIGHT is where your health begins, not FOOD or EXERCISE or SLEEP. Those things are important, but if youre not assessing your LIGHT life, you'll always be on a hamster wheel of symptoms and doctor visits.
I will soon be Quantum Health certified at the end of March and will be able to coach people on their light life and heplp you gain back your health, which ultimately gets your freedom back. In the meantime, follow me on Insta @Jolie_en_Sol or Facebook: Jackie Jolie. I make Light Shapes Life posts almost daily with information, science, and tips on what it means for Light to Shape your Life and how to fix your light life.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, Happy New Year! Its going to be a BRIGHT one! If you come to the light, you will heal. If you heal, we all heal. <3
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